ДонНТУ Портал магистров ДонНТУ

Магистр ДонНТУ Нестругина Ольга Владимировна

     Nestrugina Olga

        Physical and Metallurgical Faculty

        Department of industrial heat-and-power engineering

        Speciality: Energy management

      Theme of master's work:

     Rationale for the possibilities of using pipes made of polymeric materials to increase energy efficiency of heating networks

Supervisor: docent, c.t.s. Gridin S.V.

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author |Curriculum vitae

       Abstract on the Topic of Master's Work:

       Relevance of the Work

     The question of energy savings is very actual on the present time, it applies to hot water, too. The pipes used for hot water supply in Ukraine at present, contribute to loss a lot of heat on the way to the consumer (13%).
     The use of pipes made of polymeric materials is widespread, both in Europe and in Ukraine, and has an impressive growth. These materials have indisputable advantages to metal pipes - no insulation, corrosion phenomena, large bandwidth, light weight, sound insulation, lack of overgrowing microbial, resistance to corrosive substances durability, ease of installation, etc. In the water supply they also increasingly use tubes made of polymers as an alternative pipes of metal, not differing durability.
     The possible materials for the replacement of existing pipes, options isolated are regarded in the work and the best way justified on the basis of calculations is selected.

       Aims and Objectives of the Research

     The purpose of this study is to find and research options for replacing heat pipes networks of polymeric materials, as well as improving energy efficiency of heating systems.
     To achieve this objective the following tasks and solved:

  1. investigation and calculation of currently used metal pipes;
  2. investigation and calculation of the existing alternatives, but under-utilized at present in Ukraine;
  3. study of mathematical models of the production of pipes made ??of polymeric materials;
  4. development of a complex of guidelines and practical suggestions for the design of thermal circuits for the conditions of Ukraine.

     Subject of study - a system of criteria, conditions and indicators, a methodology allowing to determine the efficiency of heating systems and develop recommendations to improve them by using different variants of pipes, to increase the reliability and safety of heat supply, environmental improvement, etc.
     Methods of research include the creation of mathematical models, comparative analysis, numerical methods, economic analysis.

       The Scientific Novelty

     The scientific novelty of the recent and planned research work is expected to:

  1. detailed study of polymeric materials to replace the pipes of heating systems;
  2. improve energy efficiency of thermal networks through the use of pipes of new alternative materials;
  3. development of a complex of guidelines and practical suggestions for the design of thermal circuits for the conditions of Ukraine.

     Solving these problems is a real contribution to solving the problems of energy conservation and savings of energy resources in power engineering, industry and utilities in Ukraine.

       Description of the Results

     Currently, the hot water pipes use the following options:

     When comparing the pipes of polymeric materials we can identify following:

     Consider the advantages and disadvantages of modern pipes for heating and water supply are considered below.
     Fiberglass pipes are plastic pipes, with the base of their walls made of fiberglass and filler of GRP pipe is epoxy or polyester resin. The advantages of GRP pipes:

     Pipes made ??of glass have also a number of drawbacks, most significant among which are hygroscopic and water absorption, which significantly reduces their efficiency and lack of resistance to abrasion fiberglass, which causes wear and tear inner layer of resin, the appearance of bare glass. The substances harmful to health may come into the stream of water (under pressure).
     Трубы из полиэтилена имеют все достоинства труб на основе полимеров:

     The material is included in the list with positive environmental characteristics. No toxic emissions. Has international environmental certification ISO 14001. Applies even at pharmaceutical industry.
     Disadvantage: the working temperature range of pipes are environmentally friendly, but when the temperatures are above the melting point of polyethylenebut carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, acetic acid, aldehyde allocation is possible; when silane method of production a saturated solution of silane in contact with tin alloys produces methanol. Methanol is a poison that effects the nervous and circulatory systems, has the ability to accumulate in the body. Maximum allowable concentration of methanol in the air is 5 mg/m3. The most mild form of poisoning is characterized by headaches, general weakness, malaise, chills, nausea, vomiting. Therefore, dangerous to life, either methanol or liquids that contain this poison, even in relatively small quantities are dangerous to life.
     Polypropylene pipes have a large number of advantages:

     Disadvantage: in case of fire almost doesn't burn , but it emits toxic fumes, although it is much safer than polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride.
     PVC pipes are environmentally friendly, but can not withstand the requirements for resistance to the possible emergency and fire, because it is a flammable material which, when combustion emits toxic fumes oxides and dioxides. Polyvinyl chloride is the cheapest form of plastic, but also the least environmentally friendly. It consists of chlorine, and when heated can release phosgene gas, a substance that has a suffocating effect. Lethal concentration of 0,01 - 0,03 mg / l.

Comparative characteristics of different pipe variants
The Pipe Properties Pipe variants
Maximum operating temperature,°С 450-550 1300-1350 95 160
Density, kg/m3 7700-7900 1800-2000 910-960 40-70
Thermal conductivity, W/m K 64 0,75 0,36-0,43 0,03
Cost, UAH/m 159 796 170,64 15,26
Lifetime, years 10-25 >50 50 25-30

     For clarity and ease of comparison between the material shows histograms for all types of pipe characteristics are shown (Picture 1a-d):

Picture 1а Picture 1b
Picture 1c Picture 1d
Picture - Histograms of the tubes' properties

     The payback period for one running meter:

     where C - the cost of the event, UAH; T - tariff for hot water, in Donetsk is 17.58 grn/m3; E - energy savings,%.
     Steel pipes:





     We can conclude that the best material for replacement - GRP, it is environmentally safe, has the highest operating temperature, the longest service life, though, it is the most expensive material having the greatest payback.

       Important Note

    The Master's work is not completed yet. Final Completion: December 2011. A full text of the work and materials on the subject can be received from the author or his superviser after that date.

© Olga Nestrugina, 2011