Faculty: Physicometallurgical
Speciality: Pressure Metals Processing
At present, the output rod in the world exceeds 50 million tonnes per year, representing about 10% of the total production of rolled products. Every year the production rod and its consumption is growing in large quantities. Large volume production of wire rod due to a broad range of made of her finished products - ropes, metal, springs, needles, string, fasteners, electrodes, etc.
Wire rod is produced on continuous wire mills, and small sections, wire rod and wire mills. Wire rod is made of carbon, low-and high-alloy steels, special and hard-alloys. The main share of wire rod produced and sent for processing in the steel wire and metal companies.
Recently, the development of mills has gone the way of combining the steelmaking and rolling redistribution in a complex, which began to call casting and rolling unit. The first ALP for steel wire rod was a prototype, which was enacted in 1963 ALP consisted of a radial continuous caster with the mold section 38x47 mm universal planetary mill and the finishing train for rolling wire rod with a diameter of 6 mm.
Conducted at this facility research and experience of its operation will create the ALP for the production of wire rod made of special steels and alloys, in which the world's first successfully implemented a direct combination of casting steel billets to rolling. This unit since 1978, operated at a metallurgical plant Elektrostal (Russia).
For a long time, ALP, acts on the JSC Elektrostal, was the only unit, which was organized by a direct combination of casting and rolling processes, and getting no steel billets and wire rod, that is, for the metallurgists of finished products.
The next venture, on which the ALP for the production of long products in special steels, began working in 2000 in Udine (Italy). He got the name «Luna». Creator ALP firm «Danieli».
Development of ALP for wire rod mills is an important problem, whose solution will significantly reduce energy and material costs.
Analysis performed to determine the main tendencies of development of mills for the production of wire rod:
Currently in Ukraine there is no production of high quality wire rod for steel cord and human ropes for several reasons. Chief among these is the low quality steel wire rod from it on most steel producers.
Harvesting for the production of steel is a rod that extends through the dies to the desired diameter.
At the moment, the main producers of steel in the former CIS countries are Moldova and the Belarusian metallurgical works. Most of this production goes to the Ukrainian market. High-quality wire rod can only be done on modern wire rod mills. One of the few such mills is a mill 150 Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant (MMP).
Therefore, we as a research object chosen mill 150 CSC MMP. This is facilitated by the fact that the processing of wire rod steel cord can be produced by JSC "Silur" in the immediate vicinity of the MMP CSC.
Most of the wire mills currently produce wire rod minimum diameter 5.5 mm. At the mill 150 Company MMP also rolled wire rod minimum diameter of 5.5 mm. Mastering the rolling rod 5 mm in diameter at the mill 150 would enhance its competitiveness.
In this regard, to the course project is to develop proposals for the organization of production have the required quality and production technology of wire rod with diameters of 5 mm with minimal energy consumption.
Currently JSC MMP has the domain and steel processing. Mill 150 provide the blank with casters Yenakiyevo Metallurgical Plant (EMZ). Posad billet in a heating furnace is made only in the cold.
This scheme of organization of production has the following disadvantages:
To fulfill these requirements are also striving to solve the problem at minimal cost, appropriate building steel-smelting complex in close proximity to the mill 150. Such a possibility exists in connection with the dismantling of open-hearth furnace and blooming.
The composition of kospleksa should include the following equipment:
Creating ALP will require the reconstruction of furnace section mill 150 is desirable because the entire volume of melted in the steel complex to produce steel in the furnace hot Posad. It is therefore necessary to provide for the possibility of a new furnace as a cold front landing billets and hot billets into special landing window located in the side wall of the furnace at 1 / 3 the length of the kiln sites of cold preparations.
Mill 150 Makeyevka Metallurgical Plant was commissioned in 1994. The main designer and manufacturer of the camp was a firm Scholten ".
The initial blank for the camp is a square cross-section 150x150 mm in length 8,3-10,6 m. At the camp rolled wire rod and round profiles 5,5-12 mm in diameter, as well as reinforcing profiles ¹ ¹ 6-12. Delivery of the finished product - in coils up to 2 tons of billets heated exercise in walking beam furnaces, side-loading and delivery of blanks.
Maximum design speed of rolling on the mill is 120 m / s, the maximum operating - up to 110 m / sec.
Abroad, are already producing wire rod diameter of 5 and 4.5 mm. At the camp 150 on the project provided rolling rod not less than 5,5 mm. Mastering the rolling rod of 5 mm will increase the mill assortment of 150 and significantly reduce energy costs for consumers.
In this regard, we calculated calibration rolls 150 for rolling wire rod 5 mm in diameter. As the basis adopted a system of gauges, which are currently available in the camp. The calculation is carried out counter-rolling for the last 10 calibers and gauges in front of them are used, intended for the rolling of wire rod diameter of 5.5 mm. This allows us to maintain the current calibration, which allows quickly make the transition from rolling one profile to another by replacing the finishing roll block.
From the above we can conclude that the only way to produce a considerable reduction of production costs is a fundamental simplification of the production cycle and a more compact placement of primary and secondary metallurgical equipment.
One solution to this problem is to create a casting-rolling units, as shown, can significantly reduce energy and material costs.
In line with global trends in the course project was proposed two new technical solutions: the creation of casting-rolling unit on the basis of the existing mill 150, and mastering it rolled wire rod 5 mm in diameter.
To create the ALP proposed construction of steel-smelting complex in the electric arc furnace and ladle treatment. This will allow to obtain high quality steel that meets the requirements of steel, designed for the production of steel and "human" ropes. Construction of the ALP enables us to derive the standard 150 at partial load it hot oven planted, which will reduce the energy used to produce wire rod.
Mastering the rolling rod 5 mm in diameter will expand the assortment of the mill 150 and bring it in range and the rolling speed of modern rod mill.