Curriculum Vitae


     I was born on February 13th, 1989 in Donetsk in unknown to me the hospital. In a family of engineers


     The first class went in 1996 studied at school № 119 of Donetsk in the "B" class. Much time to playing football and tennis. Reading literature is not afforded me much pleasure in their spare time so I dedicate it for computer games and later reading the forums about "what is computer".  In 2004, he enrolled at the school, which at that time called "Donetsk lyceum. In 2004 I was a sociable young man, and easily joined the new team. In college, thanks to a wonderful teacher I loved physics and mathematics, computer science was given by itself .  Had a part in the olympiad in geography.

     Remembering my school years, I can say that they are swept quickly and carelessly, leaving a lot of positive emotions in my memory, thanks largely to my friends that still maintain relationships.


     When it came time to choose a future profession there are certain difficulties in connection with the opinions of relatives, who urged to act on the economic profession is not for the obvious reason for me. Given his love of physics and mathematics, as well as interest in computer science, I decided to enroll at the Radio Engineering Department of rating tests ...

     In the beginning, of course, it was hard to get into a rhythm that required from teachers. Collegiate load was school, but not comparable with the load at the university. This was the main difficulty for me. And if the first few sessions, I passed, quite frankly, not good, then the follow-up assessments were normalized. But not high results in some subjects left their imprint on my GPA.

     According to the results of the fourth year I had a GPA of 4.1. I was able to continue their education at master's DonNTU. The theme of master's thesis, I chose the study of interactive methods of identification in TZI "under the leadership of PV Stefanenko This theme struck me as interesting and relevant.

Plans for the future.

     The initial task is to protect the master's thesis and getting a master's degree. In the future I want to find a job that will bring me both moral and material satisfaction.