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Student of DonNTU Ievgen Gogolenko Biography

Ievgen Gogolenko

Department of Radio Engineering and Specialized Training

Chair of Radio Engineering and Information Protection

Speciality: Radioelectronical devices, systems and complexes

Theme of master's work:

Research of a possibility of using photonic antennas (PhAIAs) in communication systems

Scientific adviser: Volodymyr Paslen

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract

About Me (autobiography):


My name is Ievgen Gogolenko. I was born in the late eighties of the twentieth century in the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union. And in 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, I became the citizen of Ukraine.

My childhood has been extremely sated and is various. Appreciably it was promoted by set of historical events, such as the final stage of the “Perestroika”; declaration of independence of Ukraine; economic and political crises, ets. However there was many nice moments which I worried with the parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and friends.

I was very inquisitive and the lively child. I very much liked to assort hours. My mother and my father seldom forbade me something to do, for what I am grateful to them. In the summer we often went to the grandmothers and grandfathers. They had agriculture and lived far from us, it was pleasant to me, as I like to travel and be on the nature.


I had many schools. Study was not pleasant to me and I considered that school is most boring place.

I went to the school, when I was six. There I learned the multiplication table. The most remembered from that period is that I ceased to be engaged in ballroom dancing and became interested in athletics.

Later I entered in lyceum, and have studied there exactly two years. And after that I received the certificate on base general secondary education. Here I taken part in the competition on geography. I very much liked physics, algebra and plotting. And my favourite teacher Gladikov V. has imparted to me like to the electrical engineer.

After the termination of the ninth class I entered in lyceum under DonNU in a class with profound studying of physics. It was the finest school which I could present myself. Here I pursued science for the first time, took part in various conferences and competitions. During studying here I have won the second place in regional scientific conference on physics for schoolboys, was the prize-winner of superiority of Ukraine on ARDF, and have received the first category on run on 100 meters. I have thanks to my teachers and to all graduates of physical class for created by them the atmosphere of friendship.


The choice of a speciality was very simple for me. I always liked radio engineering, and by the time of receipt in university I accurately knew, than I want to do.

The choice of university was faster casual, than planned. I entered in DonNTU.

While studying at university I had to study and work with set of interesting things. I worked with FPGA matrixes, microcontrollers, information-measuring systems and antennas became especially interesting to me.

During studying I had many successes and achievements, such as: participation in the competitions on radio engineering, metrology and measurement technology there I received the diploma; received degree with honors about base higher education and qualification of the bachelor on radio engineering.

It is especially necessary to note following teachers: Paslen V.V., Alaev A.N., Sorochan A.G., Ovodenko A.V. and Vlasenko A.Y.

After bachelor's degree reception, I arrived in the magistracy.

Theme of mine master's works is “Research of a possibility of using photonic antennas (PhAIAs) in communication systems” , and Paslen Volodymyr V. is the scientific adviser of my work.


I plan to become a useful member of a society.
Immediate objectives:
  – be engaged soon interesting and moderately in creative work;
  – learning the history of the majority of sights of the world and visit them;
  – take part in assistance to support of social and economic development of the country.


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