I was born in summer 1989 in Dokuchayevsk. This is small, green and very comfortable town. My parents Belotserkovich Anatoly and Belotserkovich Antonina were born and grew up in this city too.
I am the one and only child in my family. I was born in August, so I'm very love bright sunshine and warm summer sea. I was born under the sign of a lion and I have all features peculiar to this sign. I am warm, friendly, sympathetic, adventurous and very ambitios.My dad is a ham, so I was interested in technology from the childhood. A kitchen with cooking pies and tarts, didn’t interesting me at all, so I did not bring my mother any trouble.
I went to school when I was 7 seven. It was the secondary school ¹ 5 in Dokuchayevsk. At school I like the "exact" sciences like mathematics and chemistry, but since childhood I've always said that I would become an economist. In my spare time I went to the children youth centre, there I visited clubs of mugs beading, sewing toys and dances. I also liked to recite poetry, so I often participated in various matinees and school events.
I grade school in 2006 and I had a problem of choosing a future profession and higher education. I have to choose between the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU) and Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade after Tugan-Baranovsky (DonNUET). I passed my exams in both universitys, but my choos was the Donetsk National Technical University. Atmosphere at this university seemed me more welcoming and friendly.
In 2006 I became a student of Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Economics, specialization economy of the enterprise (marketing), economics - it's the child's dream, and marketing it’s new area in our country and a rapidly growing seems me very promising. During my studing at university, I realized that I was not mistaken with a choice of specialty. Most of all, as in school, I like more exact sciences. Higher mathematics, accounting, and economic subjects were really interesting for me.
My group and my teachers are best in the world. Since 1 year I am stewards of my group. Since I entered the magistracy I am a monitor. My supervisor – assistant professor of "Economics and marketing," Ph.D. in Economics Yarim-Agaev Alexander. We met on the my second year, he led us practice and he seemed me very strict and too demanding, but next term, after listening his lectures, I radically changed my mind and realized that I want to write my master's thesis under his leadership. He is not only well versed in his subject and has knowledge in many areas, but also knows how to present his knowledge that the whole audience listens with great interest and enjoy visiting his lecture. Theme of my master's work "Improvement of marketing activities on enterprises of basic industries".
Now I want to tell a little about my hobbies. I love to travel. In the spring, at my 4 year I was in my first hiking with a huge and heavy backpack. But fabulous beauty of the Crimea, with its perfumed air of juniper and spruce left unforgettable experience. We were in different places of the mountain Crimea, but mostly I remember the beauty of the Grand Canyon. On the fifth year after the winter session, I went to Carpathians and the fairy city Lviv. Ability to roller skate has helped me the first time to stand up on skis, there were small falls and injuries, but that's nothing compared with the winter mountain recreation and beauty of the winter Carpathians.
I also attend additional English language courses and take part in various competitions and conferences related to marketing, which are carried out by our department and other universities.
Here usually write that you want to protect the master's and find a good job, but it's all a matter of course. Besides, I dream a lot of traveling, seeing the world and to live each day with gusto. In the future, of course would love to realize myself as a competent specialist in economic and marceting, and to move up the career ladder. Well, of course, I want to become a beloved and loving wife, with cute kiddies.