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Belovodova Olga

Olga Belovodova 

Faculty: Management

Speciality "Quality, standardization and certification"

Theme of master's work:

Improving Personnel Problems of motivation in metallurgical enterprises

Scientific adviser: doctor of economics, professor Momot Alexander 


Date of Birth: 02/07/1989.

Place of Birth: Makeyevka.

School: 1996 to 2006. — Secondary school I-III stages ¹ 50.

University: Graduate: 2010 to 2011 . — Donetsk National Technical University (Donetsk National Technical University). Specialty «Quality, standardization and certification».

Baccalaureate: 2006 and 2010 . — Donetsk National Technical University . Specialty «Economy of the mining industry».

Average for the period of university study was 4.8.

Languages : Ukrainian, Russian (fluent), English (with dictionary).

Computer skills — Microsoft Office, Windows 2000/XP, Adobe PHOTOSHOP.

My hobbies akvaerobikoy, cinema, dance, love to travel, go to the gym, as well as basseyn.

Lichnye qualities: communication skills, sense of humor, optimism, and responsibility.

Experience: Sales Manager of plastic windows, the seller-konsultant.

Kontaktnaya information: email: