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Dragun Nadezhda
Nadezhda Dragun

Faculty: economy
Speciality:  Enterprise economy
Scientific adviser: Irina Bondareva

About author

Working capital management on innovative enterprises

    Actuality of a theme.
Under modern conditions of development of a competitive market efficient management of such basic economic processes as the formation and utilization of current assets in operational activities helps solve a number of issues of strategic business development and enhances the effectiveness of the results of economic activity. Most domestic companies can not withstand stiff competition, do not reach a high level of profitability due to lack of working capital, slow-motion flow of working capital, so the problem of assessing the level of security companies working capital, the choice of their funding sources, determine the effectiveness of the use and good planning is very urgent , however, raises a number of difficulties with the position of making management decisions at each facility.

The purpose of master's work — to unite theoretical and methodological approaches, and develop practical recommendations to improve the management of current assets on an innovative enterprise based on scientific generalization of the theoretical foundations of current assets management, investigation of their status in the enterprises of Ukraine.

To achieve this objective in the Master's work and solved complex of theoretical, scientific, methodological and practical problems:
— Clarify the nature and specific features of the current assets of enterprises based on an analysis point of view of scientists;
— The influence of external and internal factors on the current assets of enterprises;
— A model of current assets management companies in general and their components, specified the conditions for their use;
— To develop recommendations for the use of mathematical modeling methods to improve working capital management in terms of innovative development.

Objects of study are processes current assets management companies, producing an innovative product.
Subject of research — scientific and methodological bases of the formation and utilization of current assets of the enterprise.

Research methods. The research was based on the use of the main provisions of the systems approach, the modern theory of finance, management, marketing, economic and mathematical and statistical methods of analysis. The basis of the theoretical part of this research is scientific methods of knowledge (dialectics, analysis, synthesis, system, analogy, historical). Methods of analysis and synthesis were used to justify the essence of current assets. Method of comparative analysis for consideration of existing models of current assets and in determining the appropriateness of their use, depending on changes in strength of influence factors on the components of current assets. The analytical part of the work to determine trends in the formation and utilization of current assets used methods of statistical comparison and grouping. Logic synthesis method used to draw conclusions.

Information base.
Theoretical and methodological basis of the research achievements of modern economic science, works of domestic and foreign scholars, legislative and other normative acts of Ukraine, help and didactic literature, periodic publications, thesis abstracts, information of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Financial Statements enterprises.


In the master's paper gives a theoretical synthesis and a new solution of scientific tasks to improve current assets management companies. The study allowed the following conclusions and substantiate such suggestions.

1. Established that the economic substance of current assets is advanced in the physical and financial assets of money funds, which are consumed or sold within one production cycle (or 12 months) under operating, financial and investment companies. Feature of the functioning of the current assets should be considered the feasibility of determining the optimum size of their components, which will minimize the need for sources of funding and increase efficiency. Efficient use of working capital facilitates the continuity of production and sales cycle, and also allows to maintain a sufficient level of liquidity and profitability, increases market value of the enterprise.

2. Established a permanent increase in the volume of current assets of enterprises of Ukraine for 2000-2010. The largest volumes of liquid assets recorded in industrial enterprises. The structure of the current assets of enterprises in Ukraine reflects the largest proportion of its receivables, but the positive is the reduction of its growth

3. In the process of formation and utilization of current assets of innovative companies must take into account the influence of factors on their size, structure and efficiency. Established that the determining influence on all components of current assets are the following factors: the legal framework of regulation, the state of the economy, the level of competition in the industry, professional level staff, the company's competitiveness, accounting policy, organizational culture. This suggests the need to consider these factors when choosing a policy of current assets management.

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