The topicality.
Corporate culture - is an interdisciplinary field of research, which is located at the intersection of several fields of knowledge such as management, organizational behavior, sociology, psychology, cultural studies. Multidisciplinarity of studied object creates some cognitive complexity of character - on the one hand, and on the other - make it possible to correctly and effectively manage the enterprise.
The issue of organizational culture is relatively new and little investigated in this country and abroad. In the U.S. study in this direction began to engage only in 80-90-ies, and in Ukraine, only the last 10 years. Therefore, it is time to seriously address the research of the organization from the perspective of organizational culture. The interest in this issue indicates requests of managers and professionals, as well as real orders organizations to perform research projects.
Culture of the company is not a synonym for “climate”. Culture itself presupposes the climate, values, style, relationships within the organization. Its concept includes: some constantly recurring characteristics of human behavior, such as: rituals, forms of deference, demeanor, rules of industrial groups, a philosophy that defines the policy of the organization in relation to workers or customers, “rules” that must be observed to succeed in the organization. [1, 35]
Ukrainian companies and enterprises have not yet sufficiently clear to realize that the problems of the present and future can no longer be solved by recipes of the past. Ideas about the values started to move. Our entrepreneursdon’t clearly understand that previous generally accepted values such as discipline, obedience, hierarchy, power replaceby modern: participation, self-determination, collective, and the disclosure of individual creativity.
Many occidental entrepreneurshave come to the conclusion that firm flourishes, if thestrong team createdwith broken hierarchical partitioningand everyone has a stake in the overall success, because it affects their well-being. Fastest rising and that the firm develops, the team which has a well developed corporate culture.
Currently, enormous theoretical and practical experience gained in forming, maintaining, transforming the corporate culture in organizationsfrom overseas. Such classics management as Meskon M., Albert M., F. Hedouri made visible contribution to the research questions corporate culture. There are many theoretical studies devoted to the question of formation of organizational culture in Russia. Authors such as Sukhorukov A., Veselkov A., Shihirev P., OrlovaT., Kucherov A. They have made a considerable contribution to the theory of organizational culture, so in particular, they studied the elements of corporate culture, the role of corporate culture in the development of the organization, the interdependence of organizational culture and organizational change. [2, 135]
In the process of preparation of this work studied some 100 sources, selected in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the study. The bulk of information is the material of the periodical press of business media and the Internet from 2003 to 2011.
As a research subject advocates influence the development of corporate culture on the yield growth, profitability, stability of the company's Ukrainian retail market.
The object of research supports the chainstore–“Trading House AmstorLtd.” Amstor - one of the leaders of retail in Ukraine. Amstor deservedly called a promising and dynamically developing enterprise in the market of modern retail. The pace and scale of construction of new shopping centers of Amstor increased so much that it claims to be the leader in number and size of the area is being built among retailers of a similar formatin Ukrainian.
Company GT Partners Ukraine public its new rating of food chains in Ukraine in terms of total number of outlets. Current rating includes 50 retailers that had the largest number of stores up to 2010. Trading house Amstor takes 17 place among the largest retail chains in Ukraine, includes in its membership 25 supermarkets in the following cities: Donetsk, Mariupol, Yenakiyevo, Gorlovka, Kramatorsk, Severodonetsk, Zaporozhye, Kremenchug, Melitopol, Nikolaev.
First Amstor was opened in 2003 in Donetsk. It was the largest supermarket in the east of Ukraine. Range of products in Amstor is incredibly wide - more than 35,000 items of food and nonfood products. They all gathered under one roof, which greatly facilitates the acquisition of purchases and save time for buyers to buy immediately all necessary. Amstor is a supermarket of mixed type - has everything for families and businesses. It offers a variety of products: from basic commodities to exotic fruits year round, and various delicacies from almost all over the world. A wide range of consumer goods will satisfy any customers' requirements. Products for children of all ages, fashionable and comfortable clothing and shoes, glassware, pottery and porcelain, a variety of household utensils, appliances, books and stationery, indoor plants, goods for recreation, tourism and sports, and much more can be found in a single trading floor . By law Amstor can be considered the first supermarket in the eastern part of Ukraine. [1, 35]
The primary objective of the Trading House Amstor is providing Ukrainian people with modern and spacious shopping malls, where theywith comfort can buy a wide range of quality goods at affordable prices. Experience and knowledge of the world market to assist the State in the transition to a qualitatively new level in the service sector and create your own, stable retail market.
Scientific novelty this paper is that:
- Developed a questionnaire to determine the initial level of the corporate culture of commercial enterprise.
- The main tendencies of development of the corporate culture of trading business.
- Summarizes the major components of culture and prepared a questionnaire that determines the existence of the corporate culture at the company.
- On the basis of the material studied, an attempt to create a more efficient corporate culture to “Trading House Amstor Ltd”for strengthening the positions in the retail market.
The purpose of this study supports study of the formation of corporate culture in the organization. In the study, were formulated and addressed the following objectives:
- Analysis of major elements, the essence of corporate culture.
- Assessment of current state of corporate culture in economically developed countries, the analysis of technologies creating a culture
- Improvement of corporate culture in the organization, as an example “Trading House” Amstor”.
Theoretical and methodological basis of research were the works of foreign and domestic experts in the field of personnel management, analysis of the contemporary practice of forming organizational culture. The analysis used the dialectical method, a systematic approach, methods, comparisons, generalizations and analogies, content analysis.
Empirical base of the materials are periodicals and the Internet, data published in articles, monographs, publications, analyzed and summarized in the paper.
The practical significance of the study. In using the data obtained may be interested scientists, teachers, graduate students engaged in research of the corporate culture at Ukrainian enterprises.
Contained in the thesis work and findings can be used:
- in the research of theoretical foundations of corporate culture;
- when preparing lectures, conducting seminars on the history of the culture of the organization;
- in the preparation of special courses on problems associated with the study of the functioning of the corporate culture at a particular enterprise;
Structure of the thesis. The purpose and objectives of the study determined the structure of the thesis. It consists of an introduction, three chapters, which include four sections, conclusions, list of sources.
Global level.
Research in organizational culture have a rather long history. Professor at Cornell University (USA) Harrison Trice inclined to believe the first attempt to study the activities of corporations in the cultural aspect of the work of a group of American scientists, headed by E. Mayo in the early 30's during the famous experiment in Houtornskogo digging Western Electric in Chicago. This experiment was conducted in 4 phases over five years (1927-1932) and aimed to clarify the effect on productivity selected for the study of company employees a variety of factors. The results of the first two phases have raised the question of the insolvency of certain parcels of “classical” theory of management, and “blame” in this case were not previously assessed, “hidden” psychological and social factors.
To confirm his hypothesis, E. Mayo and his closest colleague W. Warner developed the third phase of a broad program which required detailed observations and conduct about 20 000 interviews in order to ascertain the relationship of people to work, their shared principles and convictions, morale, etc . n. Thus, a group of scientists E. Mayo can be considered a sort of “pioneers” of research in the field of organizational culture (although this concept and the concept came much later). Conclusions Mayo on the need for “a meaningful life for the individual in the company of “development” a sense of group ownership” on the basis of shared group values were the original impetus for further attempts to study the needs and behavior of employees in terms of culture of their organization.
In the 50 years of famous American sociologist M. Dalton conducted research in dozens of large and medium firms in the USA and Canada to explore the natural occurrence of cultures and subcultures, based on the different needs of employees, and summarized his findings in his book “The man who runs”.
Almost simultaneously with Dalton (and independently) a group of British sociologists of the Tavistock Institute conducted a fairly detailed study of organizations as cultural systems, to publish the results in several papers.
In 1969, the United States, a book written by a team of researchers from Cornell University, headed by H. Trice and dedicated to the various manufacturing traditions and rites.
At the turn of 80-90 years the phenomenon of organizational culture was the focus of a large circle of researchers. In the early 80's were issued well-known best-selling books: “Theory Z”, writtenbyJapanese Ouchi,taught in the U.S., and “In search of effective management” (Peters and Waterman). They among others were present and the idea that organizational culture is an important factor in the cost-effectiveness of firm, as well as its adaptation to the environment.
In 1982 book, written by expertsof Boston Consulting Group Deal and Kennedy, “Corporate Culture”, saw the light and immediately became popular. Only in the period from March 1983 to October 1984 in Canada and Europe were conducted five major conferences on organizational culture, organizational folklore and symbolism.
As noted earlier, with more or less the same context, the term “corporate culture”, by various authors had a substantial discrepancy in definitions and comments of this phenomenon.
According to German researcher L. Rosenstiel, the concept of “corporate culture” largely reflects the lessons rules that govern the behavior of employees of the firm. But American economists, and E. R. Peskeyl Ethos is meant by this “higher purpose” and “spiritual values”, which in Japan, for example, have roots going back to Zen Buddhism.Nisei William Ouchi in the image of the famous theory “X” and “Y”, developed by McGregor, has created a “theory of “Z”. For Ouchi culture consists of a collection of symbols, ceremonies and myths that inform the members of the organization of important ideas about the values ??and beliefs. M. Mead anthropologist describes a culture, including corporate, as the foundation of a learned behavior that a group of people with a common past, are transferred to new team members [4].
Nevertheless, most of the authors calls the main elements of corporate culture: the human factor, employee loyalty to the company, a set of traditions, designed to strengthen the internal structure of the organization.
National level (enterprise level).
At the beginning of a project to create a corporate culture of the company in question, was a stable and profitable business. But the leadership was concerned that due to the rapid growth of the company may face serious difficulties in handling company in the future, as the business technologies that were used in the company, did not correspond with its size and position in the market. The company needs a transformation. The main task of the changes in the company were assigned to the service personnel, in which a number of new divisions, including department of ideology. The primary objective of this department was to carry out activities to clarify the position of the company's management as it relates to changes in the firm, “rocking” of staff to ensure that employees themselves took an active part in the project to reform the company. The ultimate goal of the project in the context of the ideology was to create a corporate culture that would ensure the company's leading position in the market.
Forming corporate culture is a lengthy and complicated process. The main (first) steps of this process should be: the definition of the organization's mission, identifying key core values. And already the basis of core values, formulated standards of conduct for members of the organization, traditions and symbols. Practical work on the creation, maintenance and development of corporate culture carried out by two categories. Firstis business leaders - they are the main carriers, creators of culture, their personal example, enthusiasm and the daily activities of most cultures and kept. Apart from these, the work associated with the introduction of corporate culture carried out by experts, professionals - managers in the field of personnel management.
Getting started with the practical aspects of corporate culture, above all, it is necessary to assess its real status in the organization.
From 24 to 26 March 2010 poll was conducted across the Amstor among employees. 3,633 people participated in this survey. Aim of the poll is exploring the views of staff about the level of prices and product range, determining the level of commitment to their company.So,level of corporate culture has been defined.
There were 5 questionsasked.
- Where do you usually make a purchase?
- Rate product range in Amstor?
- Which brands would you like to see in Amstor?
- The assortment of goods which, in your opinion, should be expanded?
- Which product groups, in your opinion, the prices in Amstor higher than in other stores?

This is the first stage of the formation and understanding of corporate culture in relation to the trading company. We found the opinion of staff on various aspects of their company this year, before writing the final version of the master plan to re-survey of staff TH Amstor, compare various performance indicators of the enterprise with the previous period and on the basis of the data to offer their activities to improve efficiency of corporate culture.
In the process of preparation of this work studied some 100 sources, selected in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the study. The information compiled on the basis of allocation of the most practically important elements of corporate culture, is provided with examples from the Ukrainian and foreign companies, supported by the views of leading experts. On the basis of the material studied was determined how much of the corporate culture TH Amstor.
All practitioners emphasize the high importance of corporate culture as an effective tool for managing the company, the researchers problems, both theorists and practices, notes the enduring relationship between successful companies and the degree of development of their corporate cultures.
Of the variety of phenomena of corporate culture, practitioners pay particular attention to its basic elements, on the basis of the theoretical data, was developed by the organizational culture TH Amstor. Elements of culture, and technology of its formation set forth in Chapter 3 of this diploma studies.
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