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Ekaterina Kozlova

Ekaterina Kozlova  

Teaching and Research Institute, Graduate School of Economy and Management

Faculty of economics

Speciality: Economy of the enterprise (Marketing)

Theme of master's work:

Forming an effective mechanism for pricing utilities

Scientific adviser: Amelnitskaya Elena  

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Date of birth: May 12, 1989

Birth-place: Kramatorsk

School: ¹ 17, Kramatorsk (1996 - 2006)

Uneversity: Donetsk national technical university, 2006 – 2010, bachelor

Donetsk national technical university, 2010 – 2011, master's degree

The average score for the period of study: 4,71

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (Intermediate)

Skills (user):

means of Microsoft Office: Access, Excel, Word, PowerPoint

work with graphics: Adobe Photoshop

statistical processing of data: SPSS

Personal qualities: responsibility, sociability, optimism, ability to analyze, ability to work in a team

Hobbies: tennis, books, photographs, hand-made
