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Krivolapov Eugene

Krivolapov Eugene 

Faculty: of economic

Speciality: Economic of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Management the labour productivity on an enterprise

Scientific adviser: Shilova Larisa 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Average bal: 4.42

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English (with dictionary). 

Hobbies: psychology, sports, books (A.Conan Doyle, D.Carnegie, D.J.Chase, S.King), music (rap, classic), magic tricks, riddles and logic puzzles, Virtonomics, writing verses, work with sound.

Personal qualities: breeding, logical thinking, interpersonal skills, creative approach to work, purposefulness, reliability, sense of humour.

Computer skills: knowledge of the programs Word, Excel, Adobe Audition, Nvu, Photoshop.

Experience:educational practice in planning and economic department of the mine "Shahterskaya-Glubokaya", an organization of parties in nightclubs of Donetsk (Garage, Opera, Fort Knox, RedLine).

Future plans: to get a master's degree, to get a prestigious job to become successful but with this to remain human.