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Linenko Artem

Linenko Artem

Faculty: Economics

Speciality: Economics of an Enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Governance of economic security of enterprise

                                              Scientific adviser: Fishchenko Oksana 

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Full Name: Linenko Artem
Date of Birth: 2 of June, 1989
Place of Birth: Zaporozhye

Average mark in the period of study of a bachelor degree: 4.5.
Fluent in Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Hobbies: sports(football, martial arts), music, cinema, literature.
Personal qualities: knack of teamwork such as personal work, sociability, purposefulness, responsibility, exactness, punctuality, adaptability, managerial abilities.

Plans for the future — to get a job by specialty, subsequently to open my own business