I was born on August 17, 1989 in Donetsk hospital named after Kalinin. I was a weak girl at first, but a month later I should become stronger. Our family lives in Torez, 67 km from Donetsk on the east. Also I have 2 years older brother Anatoliy.
When I was 3, I went to kindergarten, I was very active and communicative child. The most cheerful, carefree and happy days were there. Also I made a lot of new friends.School
I went to school ¹ 27 to the 1st form on September 1, 1996 in Torez. I studied very well, took part in various competitions and school life. In 10th form, I interested in English. My efforts were marked with prizes at the foreign languages city Olympiad. Additionally I studied math. I graduated school in 2006 with a "gold" medal. After school, my further selection was made in favor of Donetsk National Technical University and Enterprise Economy with major specialization in fuel and energy complex Economy. This university attracted me by its history, prestige, teaching personnel and quality of receiving knowledge. The choice of a specialty is explained by extensive development of the mining industry in Donetsk region.
In 2006 I entered Donetsk National Technical University on "Enterprise Economy" specialty with specialization in fuel and energy complex Economy. The first course wàs jolly and cheerful, I made many new friends and got interesting experiences, but at the same time, it was difficult to be in a complex learning process. Pairs were interesting and exciting. Particularly, such subjects as: enterprise economy, labor economics and socio-labor relations, economic analysis, investment, business planning, industrial marketing. At the end of the fourth course complex state exam was successfully passed and I got a bachelor degree. Then I continued my studding to get master degree. The head of the research work was chosen Kucher Anatoliy, who is Ph.D., assistant professor, master of his craft and just a good person. Theme of master's work is "Development of organizational and economical actions reducing production self-costs of mining enterprises” which is very topical now because Donbass has always been famous for its rich coal-fields.
Plans for the future
The first thing to do is to defend my master's work successfully. Later, I will seek such as job, which will help me to apply professional knowledge and skills, which I have received in DonNTU, but at the same time, to provide decent wages and career growth. After all, as Victor Hugo said: "Nothing such encourages future creation, as wild dreams. Utopia today, tomorrow-reality". Remember, dreams come true!