Speciality: Economy of fuel and energy complex
1. Development of cost management techniques for the reproduction capacity of a coal mine on which may reduce production costs.
2. Using playback optimization of production capacity through the use of network methods.
1. The role of the coal industry in shaping the energy sector of Ukraine;
2. Identify methods of reproduction capacity coal mine;
3. Analyze technological schemes play coal face;
4. Consider the mesh model as a form of reproduction capacity coal mine and its optimization.
5. Identify the risk of the project at a given time.
Characteristic features of modern industrial enterprises are large capacities, high intensity of production. Planned production is ensured rational use of production assets and investments in new production [1].
This fact causes the high demands of reproduction processes: they must be well coordinated in time and space. Especially acute problem of contemporary reproduction capacity for coal mining companies. Therefore the topic "Planning reproduction cost of coal face under uncertainty" is very important.
At the global level study of this topic are distinguished scholars engaged in:
• AA Esramus in his book, considered a graphic grid graphs;
• G. Hunt applied the analytical methods of some manufacturing operations. He developed methods for planning the sequence of manufacturing operations;
• Beer, S., E. Braverman, Krystofides N., Cook, D., Beizymy G., R. Wilson and others.
At the national level, this problem was considered following scientists: Grechko, AA, Kulikov VN, Volkov GT and many others.
At the local level are actively considered this subject, namely the study involved: Evdokimov, FI, Zborshchika M., Kucher, SA, Kucher VA Borodina, AA etc.
In the coal mine industry playing Fund is financed by capital expenditures by building new plants and rehabilitation of existing rates and with no increase in capacity utilization. Construction of new businesses a more dramatic increase of technological level mine stock and improvement of all technical and economic performance of enterprises.
For large coal enterprises play production capacity are usually simultaneously in several versions:
- Preparation of new ranks in return those tested in the current panels or blocks
- Preparation of new panels or blocks instead of those tested
- Preparing a new layer or layers adjacent scrolls;
- Preparation of a new horizon [1, p. 21].
Reproduction capacity of mines by contractors and commercial way. Construction of new and reconstruction of existing mines are being contractors only way. Work on the preparation of new standards and technical upgrading of mines performed as contracting and economic ways of playing the front clearing works on the section of mine fields that are working out - only economic way.
When contracting method to work with play facilities involved in the main organization for mine construction [2, page 13].
When playing power mining enterprises, characterized by a large number of links, not enough to establish the optimal speed of some roadway. To do so, and the decision of some complex issues that characterize the functions of production, the relationship of performers, resource allocation. Late assessment of terms and structure of individual objects workings may be difficult to identify the sources of potential delays that could eventually lead to failure to work as scheduled.
Methods of grid system planning and management - a set of methods for planning and management of the national economy, scientific research, design and technological works, developing new product type, construction and reconstruction of buildings, major repairs of fixed assets through the application of grid graphs [9].
To improve the reproduction of works of mine power efficient to use grid graphs that address the following objectives:
1. determine the optimum rate of mining within existing limitations in material, labor and financial resources;
2. site survey to identify in advance where possible disruptions scheduled deadlines and to take necessary measures to address them;
3. co-ordinate co-operation;
4. decide on planning in the absence of precise specifications;
5. assess the reliability namichuvanyh terms and possible rejection;
6. to organize high-speed methods of work in areas where it is necessary [5, p.66]
Net graph is called a full graphical display of network models on the plane [8].
We have developed methodological issues of practical application of grid power systems for reproduction mines. The essence of grid planning methods is the preliminary design grid proektuyemoho Graphics object that is used as a plan and management tool at all stages and phases of the project [6, p.111]. The model is formed as a network of events and activities. Events characterize the initial, intermediate or final results of works that represent the processes necessary for the accomplishment of all events online. Each work is characterized by some estimates, in accordance with selected criteria. The criterion can be taken time, cost, revenue and other economic indicators.
The development of power grid design playing a coal mine can be divided into the following stages:
• definition of a grid system planning and selection of type of network model, which establish basic tasks: the level of leadership, the relationship between individual objects in the system;
• implementation of the structural analysis of input in a network model works. This stage is this: is complete: the list of works and operations schedule, details on them and held for a period of grouping and technological compatibility. The degree of detail depends on many factors, most important of which is the frequency of updates, the level of leadership, and technological co-number sequence works. Structural analysis of the complex is performed, usually in the form of block diagram, on which construction is finite graph;
• construction of object grid graphs and merge them into a comprehensive network model;
• coding of events and work schedule, which is produced depending on the composition and nature of the project;
• calculation of parameters of network design and improvement of its structure [10, p.83].
Baseline data for optimization are:
• The normal duration of work;
• Accelerated duration;
• Costs for work in normal time;
• Costs for work in an accelerated time [7].
Thus, the current power play of mine - a process cycle of work in which the reproduced material form and functional properties of individual labor, industrial relations and processes, the individual phase circuit, power production facility. To improve the organization of work on power play of mine is an effective use of grid graphs.
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