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Andriyko Vitaly

Faculty geology

Specialization «Geological survey, search and secret service»

Structural and geodynamic conditions of formation and geochemical characteristics of basic and ultrabasic breeds of Azov in connection with the prediction of mineralization

Scientific adviser: professor Alekhin Victor

Resume | Abstract

Pre-school years

     I am Vitaliy Alexandrovich Andriyko born on the 24th of September in 1989. I was brought up by the parents: my mother, Tamara Vladimirovna Andriyko, a teacher of Donetsk National Technical University and father, Alexander Ivanovich Andriyko, an engineer at the Donetsk Coke Chemical plant. In childhood I was mostly a quiet placid boy with an inquiring mind, but sometimes got superactive if it concerned my favourite occupation.

At the school desk

     At the age of 7 I went to school ¹118 in Donetsk. I was good at studying. The most interesting subject was The Word history. Having passed examinations after the ninth form I got Incomplete Secondary Education Certificate and entered Donetsk Technical lyceum attached to Don NTU.

University, the best years

     After finishing the lyceum in 2006 I decided to continue education in Donetsk National Technical University. Having got the required number of points at the interview I entered the mining geological faculty, speciality “Geological prospecting” In 2007 entered the Battle preparation department attached to Don NTU and finished it in 2010 having got a military rank of junior lieutenant in the reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The same year decided to get the second higher education on speciality “Organization Management”. At present I am working on the scientific theme: “Structure-geodynamic conditions of formation and geochemical peculiarities of basic and ultrabasic rocks of the Priazov Territory in connection with mineralisation forecasting (research supervisor is professor, doctor of geological science Alyokhin V.I.) This theme is very important for the science and useful for industry because its results can serve the expansion of mineral and raw-material base of Ukraine.


     I am going to take the post-graduate course on the main speciality and work at the Geology department pluralizing including the direction of the second speciality.

Resume | Abstract