![]() Bieloumtseva Daria
1 | Student’s name | Bieloumtseva Daria |
2 | Date of birth | 20th of September 1989 year |
3 | Birthplace | Donetsk, Ukraine |
4 | School (schools) | 1996-2000 years – Naushki secondary school, uts. Naushki, Russian Federation 2000-2006 years – Secondary school ¹103, Donetsk, Ukraine |
5 | Higher education | 2006-2010 years – Donetsk National Technical University, Bachelor’s degree in "Labour protection in mining industry"
2010-2012 years – Donetsk National Technical University, magistracy "Labour protection in mining industry" 2011-2012 years – AGH University of Science and Technology, magistracy "Underground exploitation" |
6 | Average rating | 4,78 |
7 | Languages | Russian, Ukrainian - native; Polish - perfect; English - Basic. |
8 | Personal achievements | Excellent studying in Ukraine and abroad |
8 | Hobbies | Playing piano, weaving beads, badminton |
9 | Skills and abilities | Responsibility, punctuality |
11 | Computer possession | MS Office, HTML, Mathcad, CorelDRAW, IRS Ventilation LEAP (Location Emergency Action Plan) |
12 | Personal achievements | Polish language courses, a scholarship in Poland, an international conference in the Czech Republic |
13 | Employment history | 3 months of production practices at mine "Trudovskaya" - head of the shift of labor protection, occupational safety engineers. |
13 | Plans for future | Great career, good family |
14 | Contact information |
daria_beloumtseva@ukr.net http://www.vkontakte.ru/id33124962 |