Purpose, idea and tasks of master's degree work
Summary of the results of master's work
The purposeof master's degree work is an improvement of facilities of guard of the hollow making behind lava pedigree bars, taking into account fiziko-mechanical properties of the blasted mountain breeds.
The ideaof master's degree work is considered development of facilities of guard of the mountain making on the basis of the set conformities to law of influence of basic fiziko-mechanical descriptions of pedigree array on bearing strength of guard building from an ordinary breed.
The followings decide in this work tasks:
1. Analysis of methods and facilities of guard of making.
2. Анализ средств охраны горных выработок, учитывающих применение рядовой породы.
3. Analysis of fiziko-mechanical properties of the blasted pedigree array and establishment of degree of their influence on bearing strength of the blasted pedigree array.
4. Development of facilities of guard of the mountain making on the basis of the set conformities to law of influence of basic fiziko-mechanical descriptions of pedigree array on bearing strength of guard building from an ordinary breed.
One of terms of providing of competition ability of coal, as one of basic power sources of Ukraine, there is the production cost on his booty, basic part of which is made by expenses on a leadthrough and maintenance of the preparatory making, cutting. With the purpose of decline of expenses on gornopodgotovitel'nye works some mines passed to the systems of development with the repeated use of making. Thus an economic effect on one sheth makes 4-5 million Uah.
Maintenance of making from the side of mine-out space on these mines is carried out by the cast bar the cost of which on a 1 mcode of making makes 1200-1400 Uah However for many mines, workings off layers by power 0,7-1,2 mcodes(at day's loading to 1000 t), this method of guard is economic inadvisable. In such terms on mines the traditional methods of guard – rubble bar, nakatnye fires, stands of BZHB are used. Cost of such guard buildings, though below in 2-4 times as compared to the cast bar, but is very considerable.
To date guard buildings, consisting of structural elements, which are a breed, prisoner in a shell, are offered. The results of alpha and mine tests of these pedigree entablatures testify to their high gruzonesuschey ability. At the same time, question about the mechanism of forming of gruzonesuschey ability of guard buildings from a breed, placed in a shell, and influence on it of konstuktivnykh parameters of supporting elements ( size of element, durability of material of his shell, factious composition of breed) remains unstudied.
Thus, establishment of mechanism of forming of gruzonesuschey ability of elements of entablature, consisting of breed, to the prisoner in a shell, and influences of structural parameters of supporting elements on loading-deformation description of guard buildings is an actual nauchno-prakticheskoy task, having an important value.
At the moment in the master's work are made improvement of the protection of all excavating the workings behind the lava pedigree racks, with the physico-mechanical properties of rocks, is considered the first and the second stage of structural modeling.