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Nechiporook Andrey

Nechiporook Andrey 

Mining and geology institute

Chair of mine and underground building

Speciality "Mine and underground building"

Ground of parameters of concrete support of vertical barrel at drivings in difficult hydrogeological and geotechnical terms in the stratified array

Scientific adviser: d.t.s., professor Borschevskiy Sergey


The abstract on a theme of final work



Theme urgency

Object of research


The conclusion

The literature

Introduction (Motivation)

The coal industry is one of leading branches of a national economy of Ukraine. Increase of economic efficiency of capital investments, reduction of terms of a construction of objects, improvement of quality and building depreciation in the industry are the major problems of the present. Modern development of the enterprises of the mining industry, and in particular collieries, is characterized by continuous increase of designed capacities and depths of working out, high kapitalo - and a capital intensity. The basic part of capital expenses at building and reconstruction of mines and mines is spent for a construction of mountain developments. These expenses make 50 … 60 % of the general estimate of capital investments. Growth of designed capacities, transition to building of mines with trunks depth 1000 … 1400 m have increased budget cost of the industrial enterprise to 170 … 200 million rbl. (in the prices 1984), volume of mountain developments – to 1 million m3 developments in light and directive terms of building from 6 till 8 years, duration of building and reconstruction of the coal enterprises in 1,5 … 2 times exceed standard terms that now is a principal cause of insufficient rates of development of Donetsk pool and growth of volumes of incomplete building [1-6].

Building of vertical trunks is one of the most difficult, long, expensive and labor-intensive processes in a complex of works on mine building. If to estimate dynamics of development of technical and economic indicators of building of vertical trunks in the former USSR and Ukraine, it is necessary to notice that within last 30 years of their substantial improvement it is not observed, despite separate indisputable practical, scientific and technical and design achievements.

Actual necessity of performance of the system analysis of development of building of vertical trunks for the former USSR follows from the told, research of structure of applied technologies, their key parameters, laws, their influence on the end results for the purpose of definition of the basic directions of perfection of technology of building.

Theme urgency

Basic researches of last years in sphere of mechanics of rocks and underground constructions allow to assert that search and working out of new decisions in fastening of mine trunks and increase in their rates should be carried out first of all not at the expense of increase of a material capacity and bearing ability fix, and mainly, at the expense of creation of the combined security designs of trunks which would provide operated influence by regulatory means for increase of bearing ability of breeds and fix, increased hydroprotection of trunks, would have suboptimum parameters and would reduce non-uniform asymmetric loadings on trunks [1-5].

The analysis of a condition of technics and technology in this plan shows that theoretical generalization and working out of geomechanical and hydro-geological bases of creation and technological decisions of use of the combined ways of fastening of vertical trunks of collieries which in structurally non-uniform pedigree files, are an actual scientific and technical problem. In connection with extremely big variety of mountain-geological and mining conditions the scientific base and level of study and the decision noted above questions rather aren't identical to different conditions. Insufficient development of the general conceptual representations about mechanisms of formation of the is intense-deformed condition a file and behavior of system "fastening-file" throughout all period of operation of mine trunks in the conditions of the raised water inflows which would allow to develop and use purposefully different ways and means of maintenance of their stability in difficult conditions is one of principal causes of an unsatisfactory state of affairs.

Thus, the researches directed on studying of mechanisms of formation and evolution of an is intense-deformed condition of a file and fastening of mine trunks which are loaded in time for their maintenance operation are an actual scientifically-practical problem which has important economic value. To the decision of this problem having important practical value, also this is devoted work.

Object of research

Object of research – vertical trunks of collieries in the conditions of the raised water inflows. Object of research – high-strength hydroproof concrete крепь vertical trunks of the collieries constructed in a non-uniform pedigree file. The idea of the given work consists in improvement of waterproofing properties concrete th fix a vertical trunk for reduction and increases in its terms operation.

The purpose and research problems. The purpose works is in working out of scientifically well-founded methods of designing and the organization vertical trunks of mines in the conditions of raised a pedigree file on the basis of an establishment of dependences of parameters of constant fastening taking into account complex under-course to an interaction question fix also a file rocks.

For achievement of the specified purpose in work are put and will be solved such for-summer residence:

1. To make the system analysis of development of technics and building of vertical trunks in the mining industry of the former USSR and on its basis to define influence of applied technologies and their structures on dynamics of development of the basic technical and economic indicators, presence of laws and correlation communications between them;

2. To develop a technique of research of laws and to define character of influence of technology on duration and specific cost of works;

3. To develop scientifically well-founded processing methods raising hydrofirmness concrete fix trunks and a file containing a trunk, to develop effective methods of water suppression with use of the new equipment and materials on local raw materials;

4. To investigate laws of interaction of system in vertical trunks of collieries taking into account water inflows, heterogeneity of a file of breeds, types fix.

5. To generalize results of researches and to establish the most rational and cheap directions of their realization.

Scientific novelty of work:

– For the first time on the basis of ordering and generalization of the information on technological geologo-geomechanical conditions and fastenings of vertical trunks of collieries in the water sated multilayered breeds the experimental substantiation and the practical decision of a complex of the questions necessary for working out and creation in specific conditions of process of a construction of vertical trunks of new technological schemes and technological models, a new estimation of quality of formation of structure of various technological schemes and degree of economic efficiency of an intensification of civil and erection works at the expense of technology improvement is executed.

– Laws and features of interaction of system « trunk – water – a pedigree file» which consider influence structural and прочностной heterogeneity of breeds are established, is mountain-technology factors that is used for creation of scientific and technical principles of the combined ways of fastening and a choice of the most rational combinations of the basic fastening of trunks and water isolating elements.

– Geomechanical and technological bases of a choice and a scientific substantiation of designs and parameters of monolithic concrete fastening of vertical trunks of collieries in structurally non-uniform breeds which are characterized raised ресурсосбережением, adaptability to manufacture and reliability are developed.

Validity and reliability of scientific positions, conclusions and work recommendations the confirmed: the basic conclusions and recommendations proves to be true in statistically significant volume of the analyzed information on an actual state проходки and reinforcings; Satisfactory convergence of results of the statistical analysis of considerable volume (results of inspection over 210 deep vertical trunks) the fact sheet (factors of correlation not less than 0,99), volume of laboratory and mine researches, a combination theoretical and experimental researches with use of the approved techniques and fundamental positions of mechanics of the continuous environment, the theory of probability, the mathematical statistics and the COMPUTER, satisfactory convergence of results of calculations and experimental is-followings (divergences don't exceed 20 %), positive results of check and introduction in manufacture of technical and technological decisions in the conditions of building new and reconstruction of operating mines, is constructive-technical actions for protection and support of mine trunks.

Scientific value of work consists in establishments of new laws of interaction of system, in use of laws of change of properties and conditions a file and fastening of a trunk from size of water inflows for a substantiation of technical decisions of increase of its stability and hydroprotection at the expense of management of a condition a file on the verge of a zone of not elastic deformations in time, reduction of its water saturation and management of properties concrete fix at the expense of the technologies of its erection based in components of a concrete mix:

– the structure of technology of building of vertical trunks, laws and interrelations of its key parameters and technical and economic indicators of building is established;

– it is defined physicomechanical essence of processes of aging of components of concrete weight in the course of its preparation and quantity indicators of formation by a high-strength hydrorack concrete are received fix;

– geomechanical bases of a substantiation and a choice of ways of fastening of trunks in structurally non-uniform water sated breeds are developed;

– new laws of interaction of various types trunks are established at various water inflows with сложноструктурными pedigree files at various kinds of operating influences on them;

Practical value of work: works consists in a substantiation and working out of the technological scheme of building of a trunk in the conditions of the raised water inflows with the maximum intensity of productions and their combination in time, working out of practical recommendations for choice key parameters of a work cycle and a trunk construction as complex and also in the following:

– in a substantiation and working out of the technological scheme of building of a trunk with the maximum intensity of productions and their combination in time, working out of practical recommendations for choice key parameters of technology in the conditions of the raised water inflows.

– in working out of a method of optimization of parameters of process with various structure of civil and erection works at проходке trunks. Methods of researches. A methodical basis is the complex approach including: the analysis and generalization of scientific and technical achievements on a problem; the is likelihood-statistical analysis; carrying out of laboratory and mine experiments; analytical researches with use of the COMPUTER and with application of positions of mechanics of the continuous environment and underground constructions; the technical and economic analysis. Work approbation. Substantive provisions, scientific and practical results of work were reported and discussed on international scientific and technical konferentsijah on mining including on «the Forum of miners - 2009, 2010» (Dnepropetrovsk); on about-blemam geomechanics and hydrogeomechanics in mining and building (Anthracite, Tula, 2009-2010); to fastening of vertical trunks of mines (Rostov-on-Don, Mines, Novocherkassk, 2009-2010); at scientific and technical meetings and schools on an exchange of the best practices of fastening of mountain developments. Publications. Results of researches of the author which are included in work, are stated in 4 printing robots, 1 of which – in leading specialized editions.


The problem of maintenance of long stability of deep vertical trunks and file of containing rocks for increase of their operational reliability throughout many years is a subject of numerous discussions and searches. The considerable contribution to the decision of noted problem was made by scientists and leading experts of scientific research institutes, higher educational institutions and project institutes of Ukraine and the CIS countries, UKRNIMI of Ukraine, of M.M.Fedorova, DonNTU, NSU, Dondiproshaht, Dniprogiproshaht, Orgtehshahtostroj etc. the Considerable payment in the decision of noted problem was brought by Baklashov I.V., Liberman J.M., Ruppenejt K.V., Kozel A.N., Krupennikov G. O, Protosenja A.G., Bulichev N.S., Usachenko. М, Vinogradov of century В, Maxims of island П,Shashenko A.N., Roenko A.N., Litvinsky Г, Novikova L.V. Sdvizhkova O. A, the Levynite of Century В, Nazimko V. V, Dolzhikov of item М, to Petrenko V. D, Sadovenko I.O., Driban V. O, Andreev B. N, Polozov J.A., Druzhko E.B.spen basic researches ИГТМ of M.S.Poljakova and DonFTI of Ukraine, UkrNIMI, DonUGI, LISTEN, TulGU, National mountains ths academy of Ukraine, Krivorozhsky, Donetsk and Kiev technical universities, project institutes ("Dneprogiproshaht", "Dongiproshaht", "Juzhgiproshaht") [6-11] is created appropriate scientific and technical base which has provided real progress in designing, a construction and operation of mine trunks. But problems of increase of completeness and reliability of the data about litolo-gostrukturnoj and heterogeneity of breeds, an estimation of their influence on qualitative and quantity indicators of mountain pressure, display thus asymmetries of loadings on trunks remain key in disclosing of the mechanism of interaction of system «trunk – a pedigree file» and a substantiation of is constructive-technological decisions of increase of their stability. Development of the world and domestic coal industry is characterized by increase of competitiveness of coal which needs building new and modernizations of operating collieries. The construction of vertical trunks [12-15] is one of the most difficult cost processes in a complex of works concerning building and reconstruction of mines.

At crossing of water-bearing breeds, water gets to adjacent layers with a water emphasis that leads their to the subsequent. The whole complex of researches which has allowed to receive dependences of decrease testimonials from breeds (fig. 1, tab. 1) has been spent.

Results of definition of physicomechanical properties of the breeds containing surveyed trunks of Donbass

Animated drawing «Dependence of strength of breeds on humidity»: 1 – sandstones; 2 – sandy slates; 3 – clay slates. (24 shots; time between shots of 50 milliseconds; it is made in the GIF-animator)

Fig. 2. Dependence of size of volume of inrush on residual water inflow breed inrush

As a result of processing and generalization of the received experimental data the following is established. 1. At crossing by a trunk of water-bearing horizon in to a file zone the geoactive zone with raised the water saturation which depth reaches 1,5.1,8м is formed, and negative influence is shown in raised concrete corrosion. 3. Distribution of a zone of water saturation from border of water-bearing horizon towards a waterproof layer makes 1,0.1,5 m. 4. The approached water-bearing horizons which are divided by a waterproof layer not-big capacities, behave as unique water-bearing horizon. 5. A contour of a zone of the broken and water sated breeds in a horizontal plane will extend in a direction of a line of "falling-raising" of a layer. Results of laboratory and mine researches are taken as a principle computer modeling of a condition of a loose trunk and interaction of the water sated breeds with concrete fastening [16,17]. At research of the is intense-deformed condition trunk in most cases the task dared in flat statement that didn't allow to consider all features of deformation on-sort on a loose site of a face of a trunk, and also influence of the shown rings from hardening concrete against each other at action on a trunk of the surrounding water sated file therefore the volume model which considered results of the mine experiments which calculation is possible by means of the approached numerical methods in a program complex Lyre – 9.0 method of final elements has been developed for research of a condition of a pedigree file and fastening. As a result of calculation were defined pressure on contact of fastening and breed which were put to external cylinder sides of external volume final elements of fastening of a trunk. Influence of lamination of a surrounding file in formation of the VAT of fastening of a trunk and a file has been considered by the developed model of a trunk taking into account system interaction «fastenings – a file». The trunk model is constructed on the basis of the real geometrical sizes, results of laboratory researches and application of settlement professional complex Structure CAD for Windows, version 7.29 R.3 (SCAD) [18]. The model is based on volume final elements (31892 knots, 28116 final elements) and more full displays static work of a trunk with a containing file. After creation of spatial model to it gave the deformation characteristics received in vitro (the module of elasticity, deformation, factor of Puassona). It is in aggregate established that change of speed doesn't render essential influence on a parity between pressure and deformations at achievement of static balance in system «concrete – the water sated pedigree file» which at high speed проходки attacks distance from a trunk face. As intensive loading of fastening at early age can break process natural concrete, lead to infringement of its structure, development in it that will entail decrease in bearing ability and water resistance fix, reduction of its durability, it is expedient to carry out its report with backlog from a face of not less than 4 diameters of a trunk [20,21]. The received results have allowed to develop recommendations concerning increase in stability of vertical trunks in the conditions of raised on-native a file and to develop production schedules. Besides, production schedules on the organization of water inflows on a trunk.

The conclusion

As a result of the analysis of references a definite purpose and problems given works. The dependences are established, allowing to improve monolithic concrete крепь in the conditions of the raised water inflows. The received dependences and results of computer modeling of geomechanical processes in a vicinity layers of a vertical trunk have allowed to formulate recommendations for choice a hydrorack high-strength fix at a construction of a vertical trunk in difficult mountain-hydro-geological conditions.

The literature

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The note

At a writing of the given abstract masters work is not finished yet. Definitive end: December, 2011. Full text works and materials on a theme can be received after the named date.
