study features the
introduction of resource saving technologies of excavation workings,
which involves the use of common rocks and enclosing elements in the
mine named after E.T. Abakumov DP 'DVEK'
Sergei, Ph.D., associate professor
The coal industry, in all periods of development
of Ukraine, is the
flagship of the economy and government policy. Coal today is
practically the main energy source of the country, whose share of all
energy reserves is 95.4%.
Purpose: Development of technological solutions to increase
the carrying capacity of rubble strips.
information about the mine
Brief information about the
Mine is named ET Abakumov, located in the Kirov district of Donetsk.
Administratively subordinated to the State Enterprise "Donetsk Coal
Energy Company".
Adjacent mines are mine "Lidievka" - in the north, "Kuibyshev" - to the
east and mine "Chelyuskintsev" - to the west.
The dimensions of a mine field:
- The strike - 7000 - 9000 m;
- Dip - 1200-3700 m.
The lower bound on all technical layers - contour line minus 700.
The boundaries of the mine fields are:
- To the rise in reservoir m5 - contour line plus 136 to layers m3 and
m2, l1n8 - Mushketovsky thrust;
- Dip-contour line minus 700;
- The west - the technical limits of a mine field mine
- In the east - the technical limits of a mine field mine "Kuibyshev".
Put into operation after restoration in 1945 (1st phase of construction
was 204 m).
The second phase of construction (H 5b1 m) commissioned in 1959
The design capacity of the mine in 1500 - tons per year.
Production capacity of the mine from 1.1.1962, the 1200 tons
Industrial stocks on 1.01.2000g. amounted to 84712.5 thousand tons
1.01.2008g. - 81 987 tons of residual life of the mine about 50 years.
Image 1.
Schematic representation of the mine named after E.T.
The problem of stability of mine workings in the mines of
Donbass every year becomes more urgent, as the depth increases of work,
resulting in production must keep the weak and unstable rocks side.
Thus, we can conclude that with increasing depth of the work will be
more common schemes mining excavation sites in the conduct and
maintenance of the workings behind the working face.
Therefore necessary to develop measures to preserve stability of the
excavation workings behind the stope.
Sustaining excavation workings of these conditions is largely dependent
on the correct choice of method, because, as experience shows, that
this is the most effective way to reduce the cost of mounting and
maintaining the workings.
Development of technological solutions to increase the
carrying capacity of rubble strips at the expense of the bounding
The object of research is the stability of excavation excavations in
the area behind the bearing pressure of lava.
The subject of the study are protective structures of ordinary rocks.
- Analysis methods of excavation workings;
- Conduct mine of experimental observations of the state
excavation workings m3 reservoir mine them. ET Abakumov;
- Conduct laboratory studies to determine the parameters
rubble strips, which increase its carrying capacity;
- Justification of technological solutions to increase the carrying
capacity of rubble strips in mine them. ET Abakumov;
The validity and reliability of scientific statements
The results are confirmed by laboratory tests and the results of
calculations in accordance with statutory procedures.
Modeling - a reproduction characteristics of an object on another
object (the model), specially created for their study between the model
and the object of interest to the researcher, there must be a necessary
and sufficient similarity.
Animation 1. Results of
studies (volume - 119 kb, the size - 224 x 168, consists of four
frames, the number of cycles of repetition - 5)
Modeling as a method of scientific
investigation of objects of knowledge are widely used in various
branches of science, including in mining. In some cases, simulation
techniques are effective, and sometimes only possible in the study of
natural objects, inaccessible to direct experiment, similarity between
the model and nature is determined by the similarity of functions
carried out by the model and the original system and the similarity of
physical characteristics of the model and the simulated object, or the
identity of the mathematical description of the behavior of the
original system and its model. In each case, the model can fulfill its
role only sluchae.Takoe correspondence determines the similarity
theory. Similarity theory determines the necessary relations of
similarity (similarity constant), under which the real simulation of a
natural object is replaced by its model.
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