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Irina Sokol

Irina Sokol 

Faculty: Mining and Geology

Speciality "Technics and technology of investigation of deposits of minerals"

Substantiation of parameters and development of complex technological and auxiliary equipment for multitrip drilling a wells drillship "Diorite"

Scientific adviser: Professor Kalinichenko Oleg 


Summary of research and developments


      Multiple run hole boring has special place in technical system of marine drilling industry regarding to the specific weight, relevance and technological specifics. The abovementioned marine drilling industry is an important source of receiving geological and geotechnical information in offshore coastal areas. So far, a large proportion of boreholes with depth of 30-40 meters arepenetrated by units UMB -130 and UMB-130m, operated from unspecialized and ship drilling rigs. Despite sufficiently high efficiency of such units, during the performance of basic operations involving core drilling, the level of performance of auxiliary operations, foremost arrangement of submersible drilling assembly on ship’s deck, is still labor-intensive process.
      The technological system of drilling contemplates necessity of multiple change of submersible drilling assembly by increase and decrease of rate of injection into hydropercussion drilling assembly. So far, such operation is supported by standard control valve, using of which doesn’t make exact fixation in hydraulic system of rated consumption of liquid in order to put into service hydropercussion machine on the stage of core sampling, as well as operative increaseof consumption up to the fixed value for transfer of hydraulic hammer into blocked position with support of water jet washing of precipitations on the bottom hole. Considering that ship drilling rigs of “Diorit” type have limited working floor, thus, development and close-together arrangement of production equipment with support of the safety level and reduction of labor intensity of deck setup during the operation of unit UMB-130m are relevant. Purpose and tasks of research development: Purpose of work – identification of parameters, design engineering and development of close-together arrangement plan of auxiliary and control equipment, increase of safety level andworkability during the holes drilling by unit UMB-130m.
      Research tasks:
         1. Carry out an analysis of working operations in the cycle of hole construction by unit UMB-130m and found the necessary list of technological and auxiliary equipment in order to perform safety conditions, reduce labor intensity and increase operational characteristics of hole drilling from ship drilling rig "Diorit".

         2. Validate parameters and design the structure of universal control valve, which ensures fixed fluid supply into injection line of submersible drilling assembly drive.
         3. Design auxiliary equipment, plan of its close-together arrangement on the limited working floor of ship drilling rig "Diorit" and technology of application of engineering development during processing of submersible drilling assembly on the ship deck in the process of chute-lifting operations.
All operations connected with arrangement of submersible drilling assembly on the deck (figure Nr. 1) forcore drilling, disassembly and erection of elements of submersible drilling assembly do not meet requirements of safe works. Besides that, the process of drilling assembly is not producible after its trip in hole. Therefore, there was developed new complex of arrangement of technological and auxiliary equipment on the ship “Diorit”, which supported technical and economical safety level and reduction of labor intensity of deck setup during the operation of unit UMB-130m. Thereto, the ship "Diorit" provides new arrangement of auxiliary and technological equipment.
The primary elements are the following:
         1) Canting device secures safe manipulations with drilling assembly. It is possible to put horizontally drilling assembly along the board on the deck, transfer assembly from horizontal into vertical with further carrying assembly over the board.
         2) Holders are for safe arrangement and fixation of submersible drilling assembly in horizontal position along the board over the deck.
         3) Control valve (figure 7) is designated for operative change of fluid consumption of injection line of pump manifold. Valve is located in the working area of drill men on the rigid zone of injection line of pump manifold and connected to it by supply pipe with hose coupling.

Design features of developed equipment

     Canting device clamp (figure 2) is installed with possible shaft rotation in vertical plane, securing manipulations with long assembly within the limited space. Submersible drilling assembly is located horizontally on holders (figure 3) and secures movement of assembly into vertical position for carrying it over the board. If necessary, canting device may be removed from the ship board.
     Holder (figure 4) is a frame, which changes position depending on works performed. If the assembly is located horizontally, the holders take operating position. During the drilling it is not reasonable to use holders, therefore, they are brought down due to the turn of bolt 6 and take the most bottom position. It enables to expand pass for work people on deck. Bearing holders are located along the board over the deck. The package includes two holders. Submersible drilling assembly is supported by bearing holders; core equipment is connected to it. Cargo adapter is connected to submersible drilling assembly adapter. Erected drilling assembly is fixed in canting device clamp.
     Later, submersible drilling assembly with a help of draw works and standard cargo boom stands vertically and carried over the board and fixed in clamp.
     With a help of draw works submersible drilling assembly together with clamp is brought down freely along pooled on branches of guide rope with centration about axis of support pipe. In the event of ship transfer and with permissible tolerance of rope branched from vertical (up to 5-6), additional direction of drilling assembly to well bore, is provided by support inlet.
Upon contact with inlet the clamp is stopped, the assembly continues moving down to the bottom. Boring pump is turned on, and depending on the selected way of drilling, control valve sets necessary fluid supply into pressure pipeline. Then drilling is carried out.
     After hole making for the whole core run the drilling pump is switched off, and assembly together with clamp raises up. The clamp is fixed on extensible levers. Drilling assembly is released by opening of half-door, and with a help of cargo boom and draw works is moved to the working deck for core recovery.

Conditions of operating change of the way of rock breaking on the holes interval

Technological plan of drilling contemplates necessity of multiple change of submersible drilling assembly by increase and decrease of rate of injection into hydropercussion drilling assembly. In order to change rock breaking down the hole, control valve is proposed (figure 6), which allow operative and repeatedly change of fluid supply into submersible drilling assembly on the passable holes interval.

     Valve secures nominal fluid consumption in order to include into work hydropercussion machine on the stage of core sampling and operative inclusion of fluid consumption up to the fixed value with support of water jet washing of precipitations on the bottom hole.
     Regulation of supply into submersible drilling assembly is carried out by change of position of piston 1 with a help of screw 2 with screw pitch 8 mm. At that, piston 3 is previously fixedwith a help of screw 4 in specific position, wherein portion of fluid Q1 is poured out, which exceeds overall consumption of Q in value of rated fluid supply Q2 for operation of hydraulic hammer (figure 7,a).
In order to work in hydraulic washing-out mode, screw 2 is turned (1,5 - 2 turns). At that, piston 1blocks fluid access into drain channel, all fluid flows tosubmersible drilling assembly, securing activation of water treatment system and top water level. In such position of piston 1, the whole stream flows to the core tube interior and further to the borehole bottom, providing intensive water jet washing on the bottom, or securing washing of core cylinder formed in core tube.


     New arrangement of auxiliary equipment on the ship “Diorit” enables to increase ergonomic efficiency of unit UMB-130m by technical development, directed on reduction of labor intensity and increase of safety level and produceability of performance of operations on the deck.


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In presently time master's degree work is in the stage of development. After January 2011 the complete text of work can be got for an author or Scientific supervisor.
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