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The name of student |
Ternovih Inna |
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Date of births |
June 25th 1988 |
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birthplace |
Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region |
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School (schools) |
Secondary school ¹6 1995-2003 years; ukrainian gimnosium 2003-2005 years. |
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High educational institution |
Doneckiy national tehcnical university (DonNTU) Magistracy 2010-2012; Bachelor 2006-2010 "Safety to labor activity. |
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Average rating |
4.87 |
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Languages |
Perfect russian, ukrainian; Basic English. |
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Hobbies |
Books(psychology), music(music fan), traveling(active rest), photography, swimming, makeup, verses. |
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Personal quality |
Responsiblity |
10 |
Possession by computer |
Windows XP; Turbo Pascal, HTML, Microsoft Word office, Excel, PowerPoint IRS Ventilation PLD (plan to liquidations to damages ) td>
11 |
Personal achievements |
Has passed a driving school. |
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Plans on future |
Prottection masters work perfectly well,emloyment in the speciality, I want to continue my education in medicine. I dream of a strong and united family, and have two children. |
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Contact information |
E-mail - inulka1111@mail.ru |