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Ukraintsev Artyom 

Mining - geology department
Chair tehnologіya that tehnіka rozvіdki rodovisch korisnih copaline
Speciality "Drilling"

Development of a hydraulic packer for use in downhole submersible hydraulic pump

Scientific adviser: Pilipec Viktor 


Theme of master's work:

Development of  packer for use in downhole submersible hydraulic pump

1. Relevance of the topic.
2. Objectiv.
3. The idea of work.
4. Objectives of work.
5. Object and subject of development.
6. The novelty of the work.
7. Introduction.
8. Description of advanced design packer.
9. Technology application and terms of use.
10. Literature

Relevance of the topic

The lack of reliable techniques for pumping from wells, resulting in significant costs that are associated with the production of liquid minerals from great depths. Currently applied in construction-tion packers are designed primarily for the oil industry, but in geological exploration industry is also a problem with the rise of a liquid with a high of depth so you need to develop a device that should allow the extraction of liquids from great depths with relatively small diameters break -turbing the device.


To develop a packer, which should:
1. reliably cover the wellbore;
2. without significant hydraulic resistance to pass through itself out attracts fluid;
3. uncouple operation to uncover and retain in the open position the sealing element in the work of the hydraulic pump;
4. ensure the reliable installation of submersible pump in the packer.

The idea of work

 Improvement of the technical ways to pump fluid from a depth of 1500 m and the technology of pumping.

Objectives of work

1. Analysis of existing technical facilities for pumping from wells-Jin.
2. Development of the device to be appropriate for the prob-Cham work;
3. The choice of design parameters of parts;
4. Calculation of the operating parameters of the installation;
5. Analysis of the results, the development of the technology of pumping.

Object and subject of development

 The object of development can be regarded as guide-ravlichesky packer to be used with the installation of a submersible pump in it. The stated problem will be solved by developing a new device, based on already existing and used in the oil industry.

The novelty of the work

  is to develop compact and reliable packers to divide the well, and for pumping from wells at a considerable depth with a submersible hydraulic pump.


   In conducting pumping liquid submersible pumps (gidroporshnevymi or ejector) used different schemes of their installation in the borehole, depending on the desired operating conditions [1].
The analysis of different schemes showed that the most frequently used schemes with lifting pipes at the lower end of which is established a special saddle, in which tightly set shank submersible pump. Sometimes it can use an scheme in which as the lifting pipe is used to Lonna-casing, which is well secured [2]. For the separation reservoir from the rest of the casing, which is used as a lift-emnoy apply mechanical packer, which open when pushed to tail-vet
Using such schemes allows to lower steel well, since the well to a greater depth is not drop down one or even several co-lonn pipes, and this ultimately results in reducing the cost of pumping [3].   Scheme without the metal of the riser pipe is not advisable to use only liquid extraction of natural resources (water or oil) from a depth of 1,000 meters or more, and with hydrogeological studies and in wells, such as the exploration of coal-GOVERNMENTAL deposits.

   However, the use of such a scheme is difficult because of the lack of reliable packet-ers, which will be triggered without stop liner in bottom hole.
   The analysis used structural packers showed that the oil-term industry uses a wide variety of packers: mechanical, hydraulic and hydro, which devepoled in various organizations-tions for different operating conditions. Of particular interest are the construction of the packers, who disclosed the pressure force of the liquid. They are more reliably cover the wellbore.
However, most designs of such packers are designed for cementing operations in a borehole or fracturing producing formations, and are unable, without changing the design used in conducting pumping liquid from the wells with submersible pumps, since the packer must be disclosed to the same force-liquid curve, which is used to drive gidroporshnevyh pumps. It is therefore necessary to divide an operation to uncover the packer and the hydraulic retention of its cage in the open position when working gidroporshnevogo pump. Besides channels packer should be free, without a large hydraulic resistance transmittance Cach extracted and driving force fluid.

Description of advanced design packer

   Taking into account the identified strengths and weaknesses of existing designs packers developed an improved scheme of the packer shown in Figure 2.

Pic. 1—scheme of the packer

   Hydraulic packer is lowered into the hole on the pillar of power tubes.
   When you place your pump runs into the upper adapter (1) body packer (Figure not shown) and at the same spool (13) covers the outlet force fluid into the hole, and slide the spring packer (12), overcoming the pressure of the liquid column, holds spool in the upper position and opens the channels for the passage of the power fluid in the packer.
After lowering the packer and a pump to the required depth ground drive pump on power tubes served a certain amount of fluid power, co-Thoraya, passing through the hydraulic pump does not include it in the job and enters the cavity packer and decompresses the rubber element (15), which tightly pressed against the walls of the borehole.
   Then the hydraulic pump (6) falls to the installation of its shank in a special saddle (7). The emphasis (3) moves the spool packer down, closes the hole for the passage of the power fluid in the packer and keeps the packer in the open position.
After expansion packer ground driven pump to force the pipes are given an increased amount of fluid power required for inclusion in the work-that of hydraulic submersible pump and begins the process of evacuation.
   After the end of pumping water pump is lifted, the emphasis Free gold-nick, which is under the influence of the spring moves into the top position. The fluid pressure on the rubber packer element is reduced and it is returned to its original position.
In carrying out scientific work chosen method of calculating the working parameters of the improved packer. Selected design and calculated work-being parameters packer. Completed assembly drawing developed by the packer. Figure 3 shows an animated diagram of a packer in the borehole. Are shown cycles of the descent into the well packer, the disclosure under the cuff of fluid power, lifting fluid from a well, transporting the packer to the surface.

Pic. 2—an animated diagram of the packer ( 81 kb, gif, 7 repetition, 4 frame ).

Technology application and terms of use

   Designed hydraulic packer universal and therefore we can use both when used as a lifting of the column of metal pipes, and in case of use as a lifting pipe stem inde-well casing.
Thus, a submersible pump can be used without the descent into the hole of the riser pipe (Figure 4 a), with the lifting pipes, but with the exclusion of productive the horizon from the overlying water-oil-bearing horizons (Figure 4 b), the isolation of my-recoverable from the productive horizon fluid from the power fluid designed for hydraulic drive submersible pump (Figure 4).

Pic. 3—methods for installing a packer in the well

   When using any of the proposed scheme packer is lowered into the well on a column of power tubes (drill pipe diameter 42 or 50mm) at the same time in gruzhnym gidroporshnevym pump.
The design of the packer to divide an operation to uncover the packer and the hydraulic retention of its cage in the open position when working hydraulic piston pump [4].
For assembly and disassembly of the packer does not require special tools and with-sposobleniya. Assembly and disassembly by using a standard set of repair and plumbing tools.
   When repairs, maintenance, transportation and storage is no a Special requirements and restrictions.
   Before operating the unit holds disassembly mechanism with a follow-grease all threaded connections to prevent their further conclude, smoothing, and lubrication of spools [5].
It is also necessary to monitor the wear of sealing elements and the ball valve and, if necessary, to fulfill their replacement.
After performing all the operations enumerated packer is going to bringing it into the transport position.
   The order of operation is as follows: the device is placed on the receiving bridge, then at the top of the packer, an adapter, which sliced the castle-hand thread W-50, screwed coupler lock drilling and packer up elevator and lowered into the borehole. 
   After lowering the packer to the desired depth is fed power fluid and na-ker disclosed, clinging to the walls of the well or riser pipe (in dependence eh scheme used) [6]. Then the power tubes are omitted, shifts the spool hydraulic pump liner, which overlaps the opening in the packer. Ground drive pump on the power tubes is fed hydraulic fluid and a packer. Included hydro-electric motor and starts the process of evacuation. The emphasis holds spool in the lower position therein.
When operating the hydraulic pump fluid from the well is sucked through the check valve and channels in the packer.
   After the end of pumping water pump is lifted, the emphasis Free gold-nick, which is under the influence of the spring moves into the top position. Pressure of the fluid on the rubber packer element is reduced and it is set in of the initial position.
After the operation the device should be washed from the particles of the solution, OC-tavshegosya it after use, and then dried and stored in a dry place, protected from rain (snow) place. To service the device only two men drill team, machine-grained and assistant driver's rig.
When operating the proposed device should be guided by generally-accepted rules of safety work in production. No spe-cial rules and procedures of safe operation by the mechanism is not required.
   When the mechanism is excluded the possibility of negative impact the field device to the environment, nor does it require any special measures for the protec-tion.
In assembling the seal all gaps between the cuffs should be eliminated. In this case, the gap nedolzhen be more than 15 mm. This gap is adjusted by adjusting the cuffs.
After graduating frills packer to check tightness of thread-O compounds by means of a hydraulic test pressure of 7 MPa
Operation of the packer must be made in compliance with current geo-logorazvedke safety rules.    Before starting work staff should be well studied construc-struction packer and the manual. During descent, inserting and removing a packer of hoisting equipment at the well shall be equipped with an indicator weight.
   Transportation, loading and unloading of the packer must be in accordance with the rules of transportation, loading and unloading long items. During the ferry-ki packer must be fixed so as not moving [7].
   When you place the packer is strictly prohibited to exceed the speed of 0,5 m / s (1 tube for 15-20s), as in the case of sudden cardiac packer, block and tackle arrangement abruptly unloading-zhaetsya and poses a danger to workers [8].
   When breaks in tripping the annulus and pipe should be closed to avoid getting foreign objects. Into the hole.
   Pumping units used in the packer must be set-Ny at least 10 m from the wellhead and delivered so that the cabin had not been addressed to the wellhead.
   No repair work at the well under the pressure of steam. Before con-deniem repairs on wellhead supply lines must be hermetically sealed, partially closed and pressure is reduced (to zero).
Threaded connections packer pipe string, wellhead should be lubricated with heat-resistant sealant lubricant (graphite-based).

   Presently master's degree work is in the stage of development. After December, 2011 the complete text of work can be got for an author or scientific supervisor.


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