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Purposes and problems of the student work
Conclusions and future research
The purpose of master's thesis is to explore the possibility of using hydroblast in the development of burst-layer l4 in the Mine named after A. Zasyadko. In line with the work you can put the following tasks:
May 24, 1999 — the explosion killed 50 people and injured 40 people.
August 19, 2001 — an explosion of gas-air mixture in combination with coal dust killed 55 people. There were 34 people injured, missing 10 people.
July 31, 2002 — the explosion killed 20 people, injured two people.
As a result of three bombings in November-December 2007, killing 106 people, 156 more miners were injured - this is the biggest accident in the history of Ukraine the number of victims: November 18, 2007 on the horizon in 1078 meters there was an explosion of methane-air mixture. According to the MOE, at the time of the accident there were 456 underground miners, including emergency stations - 186. The explosion killed 101 miners.
December 1, 2007 — as a result of the second explosion injured 52 miners, state 35 people - moderate, 9 - heavy.
December 2, 2007 — rescuers killed 5, injured another 66 were hospitalized. [2]
With increasing depth the development of the threat of sudden coal and gas is significantly increased. It concerns the formation and l4, which is a mark of 400 m began to be threatened by sudden outbursts. Besides the need for coal are continuously increasing, which increases the load on the shaft.
Currently, the task of developing and implementing robust and technological means to prevent emission of preparatory workings in the most dangerous stretches of lava - and the niches in the field of geological disturbances — is particularly relevant.
The solution to this problem can be achieved not only through the development of fundamentally new ways to prevent local emissions but also by improving the methods of the above privacy, torpedo, which is used to mine them. AF Zasyadko.
Mine them. AF Zasyadko (former "Deep-branch") was put into operation in 1958 with a design capacity of 1,200 tons of coal per year. By 1968, according to the reconstruction project of the Institute "Dongiproshaht" mine them. AF Zasyadko and number 2 F. Cohn was shot down by two parallel cross-heading to bed to bed m2 k8 and merged into a single production unit — mine office to them. AF Zasyadko. Along strike to the west it is bordered by existing mines, "Panfilov", "October mine" in the east — from mine. KI Pochenkova, "Red Guard" in the fall - with a plot Kalmiussky mine.
The dimensions of a mine field along the strike — 6200m., By the drop — 4500m.
Estimation of reserves of coal was carried out on layers of m3, l4, l1 and k8 within the mining lease the mine to them. AF Zasyadko.
Currently being developed seams m3, l1, l4 and k8.
Layer lies directly above the mudstone is dark gray, horizontally—layered, with lots of layers and lenses of cherty siderite. Direct soil consists mainly of siltstone and south-east — mudstone.
Direct soil is represented by siltstone, mudstone, and at two points — sandstone. Siltstone in the field is characterized by low capacity, dark gray, in contact with the layer of lumpy, lower — the coarse. Dark gray mudstone, homogeneous, lumpy in contact with the seam up to 0.50 m, a weak grip. Sandstone gray, medium-grained, lumpy texture, with lots of prints of vegetation [3].
The objective of this thesis is to estimate parameters for use in AP hydroblast "mine them. AF Zasyadko. " In this regard, the lecture will be presented some theoretical information needed to solve the problem of the thesis.
Coal seam was considered as an elastic homogeneous isotropic, and the function of detonation pressure in the well — as a superposition of explosive pulses consistent set of elementary spherical charges (Fig. 1).
The figure shows: 1 — the free surface layer, 2 — well, 3 — direction to initiate a charge, 4 — spherical elementary charge, σx(x), σy(x), σz(x) — diagrams of the main static stress, Lc i ηo — therefore the length of holes and tamping; η— current coordinate of the elementary charge; Po — pressure inside a spherical cavity of radius; γ— unit weight of the overlying rocks H — the depth of the earth's surface.
Assessing the impact of various factors on the size of the fracture was achieved by changing the numerical values of Lc,Po,γH,δm,ρ,ηo (Fig. 3, d, e, f, g, h). The resulting solution at this stage can be represented implicitly in the following form:
The figure shows:a) without the influence of free surface and the stress state of the reservoir, Lc i Ro — the length and radius of destruction; Lýô — the effective length of the well, corresponding to the radius of the effective impact Rýô= 1.5 m; Lo — the depth of the spall zone at a distance from the axis of hole; 8500, 150 — the value of specific impulse, Pa.
Given the nature of the formation of the discharge zone developed computational scheme (Fig. 3) and the method of determining the effective length of the hole. [1] The basis for determining the effective length of the well laid condition of safe coal mining within the treated area burst formation.
An important result of the analysis presented in [4] is to establish a close relation of the effective length well, the actual length of the well and the magnitude of the discharge zone. This dependence can be described by an empirical expression:
Figure 4 shows the plots of the effective length of the hole from the overall length by varying the length of the discharge zone, constructed from the expression given above. It is seen that for each value of the quantity of safe unloading zone, there is some limit the length of the well, the output of which does not lead to a substantial increase in its effective length.
Thus in this work was presented general characteristics of the mine, as well as a generalized theoretical information needed to calculate the parameters of hydroblastin in the "mine named after AF Zasyadko. "Practical calculations on the thesis may be obtained from the head after graduation.