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I, Asamoah – Kyeremeh Joshua, was born on 1986 September 25 at labour wall of Techiman holy family hospital. My father Mr. Peter Kingsly Asamoah and my mum Beatrice were very happy to see such a bouncing baby boy but most especially was my only sister Sarah who has always wanted to have a junior brother. At the age of three (3) my parents moved to Western part of Ghana precisely to city called Enchi because of work. As much as I can remember, from my childhood up till now, my parents have always being my heroes. Am always grateful that, they are my parents!

My childhood life

At the age of three years and six month, I was enrolled to kindergarten. As possible as my memory can recall, the first day was very bored because I missed the usual cartoon programme normally enjoy alone or with dad, above all was the parental care my kindergarten teacher couldn’t afford to satisfied me with. After couple of days, I made new friends and also got acquitted with the new environment. The only thing I didn’t like was the fact that the teacher stayed close to our house, so while other children can come late and also could be picked on time, mine was different, I was the first to attend the and the last to leave with the teacher.

Junior/senior high school

First day in Methodist Junior High School was unlike my first in kindergarten because almost half of the children I studied with were with me in the same class. My senior brother, Benjamin always helped me to do my home work and at times play with me; I really enjoyed the privilege of having a senior brother. Mathematics was my favourite subject. From class three (3) to the end of junior high school, I always came first in mathematics. I completed Junior high school with an excellent grade and started senior high school. I was elected as the class prefect due to the leadership qualities seen in me. I joined the school team from form two as goal keeper, I later became the number keeper for the school team but due to an injury my sport carrier prematurely ended nevertheless, interest for football is still at the peak with black stars of Ghana and Chelsea football club as my favourite teams. Though my educational journey has not been easy, hard work and determination has rewarded me tremendously.


From childhood, I had strong interest to become and engineer but which field specifically was not know until I got to senior high school, there my passion fell on electrical engineering. After senior high school, an opportunity came to make this dream a reality in Ukraine. With the help of my parents, I got my entire document ready and left the shores of Ghana on 21 September 2006. I arrived in Kiev the capital city of Ukraine. I was warmly welcome by the cold weather. After couple of days, I was told that electrical engineering is only in Russian medium therefore there was the need to study the language. I got myself enrolled at Donetsk national state medical university precisely preparatory faculty to study the Russian Language. On the first day, we were taught how to write and pronounce the Russian alphabets. I came home discouraged and frustrated because the alphabets were totally different from the one i knew; moreover all my group mates got good marks with the exception of me and one student from Jordan. I was encouraged by a good friend Dr Ekow Dadzie, he also took the responsibility to assist me on his free time, thank God at the end of our study in the preparatory faculty, and I came out the best student in my group. I completed with an excellent grade. Afterwards, I transferred to Donetsk national technical university. September 1, 2007 was my first day at the university. The memory of that day can never be erased from my mind. On that faithful day, I moved to and fro looking for the lecture hall, due to that I was ten minute late. With the help of a Good Samaritan, I finally find it. When I entered, almost all the students looked at me with amazement since most of them have never seen black before. Some started laughing which in few seconds became infectious. I majestically walked to the last seat in the hall. My weakness in the Russian language, couple with the atmosphere robbed me from all that was taught that day. All that I heard was ‘’next week, lectures is over’’. After the lectures, two guys came to me and that was the beginning of our friendship. First year was quite difficult due to the language barrier but after the first year, things took it normal form. Some teachers were very helpful to me, Inna Ivonovna, Elena Nikolaevna Demitriva, Korochenka Alexandra are the few I can mention now, also my group mates have been very wonderful people. I graduated from Bachelor degree in ‘’ Electrical Engineering and Electrical technology’’ now undertaken master degree in electrical systems and networking.

Future planes

I want to work hard to successfully finish my master degree programme meanwhile, am working on opening my own company to make the wasted solar energy useful to the Northern part of Ghana.