DonNTU   Masters' portal


Name Vladimir Ishchuk
Date of birth October 31, 1990
Place of birth Donetsk
Schools Donetsk specialized English school ¹2 (1996-2007)
University Donetsk National Technical University
Electrotechnical Faculty
Specialty Electrotechnical systems of electrical consumption (2011-2013 M.Eng.)
Specialty Electrotechnical systems of electrical consumption (2007-2011 BSc.)
Average score 4.89
Languages Russian, Ukrainian (mother tongues), English (Upper Intermediate), German (basic)
Personal achievements Repeated laureate of the local, regional, Ukrainian, international piano contests, and also as a member of ensemble
The second place of the Electrical Machines competition
Hobbies and interests Music, sports (football, swimming), books (detectives, novels, psychological, historical), foreign languages
Personal qualities Purposefulness, sociability, ability to work, responsibility, endeavour
Computer skills 1. OS Windows, MS Office, Excel, Power Point.
2. MathCad, ÊÎÌÏÀÑ, AutoCad.
3. Programming languages and development environments:Ñ++, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition
Additional courses Courses of foreign languages (English, from 2011)
Future plans To pass the M.Eng. work, to study the issues of electrical supply in different branches
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