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1. Introduction

One of the main directions of Ukraine's energy strategy – the ability of the economy efficiently use energy, to prevent wasteful expenditure on domestic energy supply and the scarcity of fuel and energy balances at the provincial, regional and municipal levels.

Relevance and special significance of these issues to ensure sustainable development of society as a whole, determine the need for their deep and detailed study on the methodological and practical levels. The dominant factor is the loss of unsustainable costs that inevitably arise at the stages of energy transport from supplier to consumer. The transformation of energy into an expensive item brings qualitatively new requirements for measuring and recording of this item.

Installation of (CP) is certainly a necessary means to improve the credibility of the account as a whole. However, metering devices, geographically dispersed, do not allow to monitor current performance while at the same time to control the work, to ensure the simultaneous removal of indications and to make processing of the data. At best, the only possible circumvention of the monthly account facilities with the performance of semi-automatic collection accumulated over the period of data, which requires unnecessary (and sometimes excessive) cost to the operating organization.

Therefore, the actual implementation of a system that would combine local accounting units to create a single measurement and information space for a one-time, continuous, automatic control of technological processes of generation, transmission and energy consumption, as well as the organization of commercial transactions between suppliers and consumers of resources.

use automated metering of electricity to minimize human involvement during the measurement, data collection and processing and provides a reliable, efficient and flexible, adapted to the different accounting systems, energy tariff.

2. Goals and Objectives

Purpose – study and analysis of existing automated systems based on commercial accounting Alpha counters as well as evaluation of their effectiveness in the implementation of SES and economic impact on the design of industrial plants.

3. Characteristic features of the automated system

The introduction of AMR allow for a range of activities that result will be:

  1. Improving the accuracy of accounting energy through the use of advanced smart meters.
  2. Receiving full and accurate information on the consumption and distribution of energy resources across the enterprise, shop, site.
  3. Improving management decisions and timely identification of cost overruns as a result of owning a complete picture of energy consumption.
  4. Calculation of real specific consumption rates, and planning costs for energy, in accordance with the plan of production.
  5. Analysis rationality of spending energy in different modes and conditions of work and evaluation of efficiency of the equipment.
  6. Saving time energosluzhb collection and delivery of accounting documents, etc., and note balances.
  7. Job shops consumption limits, monitoring exceedances of established norms and the alarm about excess.
  8. Control efficiency of primary energy metering[1].

4. Block diagram of AMR

Addressing energy accounting in the enterprise requires the creation of automated control systems and energy accounting (AMR), the structure of which can generally be divided into four levels:

Animatsiya: 21 kadr, 8 povtoreniy

Figure 1 – The overall block diagram of the automated systems

  • first level – primary instrumentation (PIP) with telemetry and digital outputs, carried out continuously or with a minimum interval of averaging the measurement of energy accounting users (power consumption, power, pressure, temperature, amount of energy source, the amount of heat from the energy source) on the points accounting (feeder, pipe, etc.);
  • second level – a device for collecting and preparing data (RTU), specialized measuring systems or multi-function programmable converters with built-in energy accounting software, performing in a given cycle of the averaging interval clock collecting measurement data from geographically distributed PIP, storage, processing and transmission of the data the upper levels;
  • third level – the personal computer (PC) or a server center for the collection and processing of data with specialized software metering, information is gathered from the RTU (RTU or group), the final processing of this information as a point of consideration, and in their groups – by office and business facilities, documentation and display of data records in a form convenient for analysis and decision making (management) operational staff service chief power and the leadership of the enterprise;
  • fourth level – the server center for the collection and processing of data with specialized software metering, information is gathered from the PC and / or a group of centers, data collection and processing of the third level, additional aggregation and structuring of information on groups of objects records, documentation and display of data records in a form convenient for analysis and decision-making personnel services of the main energy and direction of distributed medium and large enterprises, or power, maintenance contracts for the supply of energy and the formation of payments to pay for energy[2].

    For a more detailed rasmotreniya Let's consider an example of automated systems of electrical and structural patterns.

    Primer circuitry for implementing ASKUE

    Figure 2 – Example circuitry for implementing AMR

    Device included in the system:

  • 1 multiplexer: MPR-16-2M for internal accounting;
  • 1 USPD: RTU-325 for commercial accounts;
  • 4 A1800 ALPHA meter for internal accounting – Wh3, Wh4, Wh11, Wh12;
  • 4 A1800 ALPHA meter for custody – Wh5, Wh6, Wh9, Wh10;
  • 2 A1800 ALPHA meter 2 for their own needs – Wh7, Wh8;
  • 2 A1800 ALPHA meter 2 to account for the electricity to 110/10 kV – Wh1, Wh2;
  • For custody is necessary to put current transformers with accuracy class of no more than 0,5 S.

    Primer block diagram ASKUE

    Figure 3 - Example block diagram of AMR

    The system provides flexible configuration and advanced diagnostics to output data to a web server and the monitor. RTU collects data from digital and pulse counter, processing and storage, the transfer of accumulated data on the upper level. It is also possible to measure the magnitudes of currents, voltages, frequencies and monitoring of power consumption.

    Survey data is carried out both through a cascade of USPD, and on the telephone channels. Possible transmission of data over leased lines and dial-up connection, as well as using different modem connections using GSM-modems, radio modems, satellite modems, fiber optic RRL. Ethernet-connection counters are performed through the Ethernet-server TCP / IP-COM[3].

    5. The composition of AMR and LOSOD

    Accounting system consists of several main components: power meters, controllers, or as they call them - a device for collecting and transferring data (RTU), modems, cables and other devices for communication, computers with special software on them.

    1. Multifunction microprocessor A1800 ALPHA meter transformer connection is designed for active and reactive energy and power in the three-phase networks peremennogotoka mode multi-rate, storing the measured data in its memory, and transferring them to digital and pulse channels for control room monitoring, accounting and distribution of electricity.

      Elektroschetchik Alpha A1800

      Figure 4 – Electricity Alpha A1800

      A1800 ALPHA meter designed for installation on power flows, generation, high-voltage substation, distribution networks and industrial plants.

      Features A1800 ALPHA meter:

      1. Measurement of active and reactive energy and power with class-accuracy 0.2S, 0.5S mode multi-rate.
      2. Measurement of power with normalized errors.
      3. Fixing the maximum power load with a given average.
      4. Fixing date and time of maximum active and reactive power for each tariff band.
      5. Recording and storing data load schedule and the network settings in the memory of the meter.
      6. Transfer measurements in digital and pulse channels.
      7. Automatic control and alarm load on the output of the network settings for the specified limits.
      8. Calculating losses in power transformer and power lines.

      A1800 ALPHA meter has increased memory, which allows him to keep a record of three independent sets of load profile of energy and capacity at different intervals of averaging (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30 and 60 min.) A and up to 32 different schedules of network parameters with two different intervals of

    2. Information from the counters to collect. To counter this it is necessary to connect or link with the computer. From the counter can just go the phone cord to the computer, if it's close. But the pull cord a few hundred meters or a kilometer from each counter are very expensive. Therefore, if a few meters are installed in one place, they are connected to a single cable using a multiplexer. By the multiplexer can connect up to 16 meters[5].

      If counters are on the remote station (a few kilometers or more), then use a modem. Meters at the substation connected to a multiplexer, and the one closest to the modem and the telephone. The computer is also connected to the modem, and with the help of a special program as it calls on the counter and connects to it. Phone is busy only in those few seconds when the information is downloaded from the meter. The program can call itself the night and morning, you will already be on your computer ready data for all counters

      Multipleksor MPR-16-2M

      Figure 5 – Universal Multiplexer noise-free extender


      16-channel multiplexer MPR16 metering system is designed to create by combining a series of ALPHA electricity meters and converting signal levels of different interfaces and can be mounted on utility and industrial facilities.


      1. connection to the general buses up to 16 meters on the interface ALPHA IRPS.
      2. Connect up to 31 external devices to interface RS-422/RS485.
      3. PC connectivity via modem or RS-232 interface.
      4. Per-channel switching in the presence of high noise level, which provides connectivity to shared buses only interviewee multiplexer counter.
    3. Devices and data collection – is the same computer, but in a special industrial design for accounting systems. It is designed not only to collect data from meters, but the self-processing and transmission to the upper level. It is used in more complex systems. For example, if you want to receive data from the meters several times a day, and every 3 minutes to observe the schedule of load. RTU will allow the system to combine the tasks of both commercial and technical accounting.

      Addition to the RTU can be connected to digital counters and induction meters with pulse output, which gives you the opportunity to reduce the cost of the system and not change everything at once counters. In addition, the RTU must exit the FOREM. In this case, all data remains on the level of the enterprise, and give themselves up only the necessary information on energy consumption[1]

      RTU can transfer data at a much slower rate, which reduces the requirements for data transmission channels. You can try to use those channels that you already have. RTU also simplifies the task of combining the system with the metering system of enterprise management, through the use of different communication protocols.

      Alpha Smart metering works only with specialized USPD Series RTU-300. RTU-300 is mainly divided into three types:

      1. RTU-314, for a level of power stations and major substations;
      2. RTU-325, for a level of power substations or industrial enterprise;
      3. RTU-327 is used as intermediate points.

      USPD RTU-325

      Figure 6 – RTU RTU-325


      RTU RTU-325 are designed for collecting, processing, storage, data collected from the electricity meters and transmit them to the upper level. The devices are designed to build digital, spatially distributed, composable design, hierarchical, mixed-use automated systems for the commercial accounting of electricity and power (AMR) with distributed processing and storage. Designed for use in bezoperatornom mode[1].

      Works with counters of different manufacturers. The ability to measure current, voltage, frequency and power monitoring included in the basic package.

    4. Software AlphaSmart-C is used to configure the RTU-300 RTU, data collection, display and processing of information gathered from the RTU. Configuration is reduced to filling in a number of tables.

      To configure the system AlphaSmart-C should be:

      1. Describe Park counters;
      2. Ask calendar (every day should belong to a particular type of days);
      3. Create tariff grid;
      4. Generate points and group accounts;
      5. Create a table RTU port.

    6. Cost-effectiveness of AMR

    Meaning creation and use of AMR is a permanent energy savings and finance companies with a minimum initial expense. The value of economic benefits from the use of metering businesses to reach an average of 15-30% of annual consumption energoresurcov, as payback for the creation of metering occurs within 2-3 quarters. To date, the company AMR is an essential tool without which it is impossible to solve the problems of civilized settlements for their energy suppliers, energy savings and a continuous decline in the share of energy consumption in the cost of enterprise.

    As process automation businesses, reduce the degree of human involvement in the production and improve the organization of metering can be introduced into the reverse power control loop is not a power-manager or supervisor, and a corresponding control unit-load regulators. As long as technology dominates man and his occasional strong-willed decisions, AMR will continue as an automated system that allows, first of all, to detect any loss of energy. The level of energy companies is made up of two components: the basic organizational and technical. The base component is determined by the energy intensity of manufacturing equipment installed. Organizational and technical component (OTC) is determined by the modes of operation of the equipment, which are determined by plant personnel, from the work and personal interests and needs. Change the first part of the basic energy needs replacing old energy-intensive equipment and process technology with more modern and less energy intensive, which is associated with the modernization of production and attraction of large investments, in terms of our economy is problematic. It is therefore necessary to pay attention to the possibility of minimizing the level of OTC energy business, which does not require large cash expenditures, but the implementation gives a quick practical effect. Note that minimizing the relevance of this component remains after reducing the base energy consumption as a result of modernization[11].

    OTC energy consumption enterprises, in turn, has at least six major parts:

  • negotiated, a dummy component associated with the calculations for the energy suppliers are not on the actual values of power, but by the treaty and, as a rule, greatly inflated values, which leads consumers to financial loss. This component losses are minimized (or even to zero) at the organization of AMR metering;
  • tariff component associated with the calculations for the energy supplier to the actual values of energy consumption, but not the most favorable rate for the consumer because of the lack of consideration that can best implement this tariff. This component of the loss is reduced to zero at the organization of AMR metering, capable of monitoring any existing and future rates;
  • regime-tariff component associated with the ability to change modes of operation of the equipment on time and magnitude of energy consumption in specified areas of day (peak areas) in order to minimize the tariff charges within the same tariff. This component losses are minimized in the organization of technical and commercial metering account with the elements of forecasting and analysis of loads;
  • technology component associated with the violation of the technology cycle and the inefficient use of equipment. This component losses are minimized in the organization of AMR deep (up to the level of departments, sections and large power plants) to the technical account in the conduct of cost accounting for energy resources between divisions or business units of energy consumption norms of the enterprise;
  • personal component associated with the personnel of production equipment for personal purposes. This component losses are minimized in the organization of AMR-depth technical accounting with the calculation of the actual specific rules on the issue of unit;
  • ownerless component associated with disinterest and indifference of staff in the workplace to the energy loss of different types. This component is reduced to a minimum in the organization of technical accounting AMR with the introduction of internal cost accounting for energy companies or divisions between the norms of energy consumption units of the company financial incentives for employees to save for the testimony of AMR energoresurcov. At various industrial components of these energy losses have a different weight in the OTC, but in general can reach 15-30 per cent or more of total energy consumption of the enterprise. Accounting, control and minimization of these components is possible only if the automation and energy accounting is one of the main goals of the metering system at the plant and its facilities.
  • 7. Conclusion

    Future industrial production seems marked by constantly rising in price of energy resources and the need for their strict control, limit and reduce their share of the cost of production. Solving these problems will be related to energy conservation and introduction of new energy-efficient "green" technologies. But first and most essential step in this direction, which needs to be done today - is an automated Energouchet. Each company will implement an extensive system of the future energy accounting and control in all its structural hierarchy of control with bringing up each workstation for all energy sources. Due to this will be minimized unproductive spending all energy consumption and the process will be harmonized as much as possible with the process of production and distribution of energy. All disputes between the supplier and consumer of energy resources will be decided not by will power, legislative measures and objectively on the basis of dispassionate reporting engine


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