The contents
- Introduction
- 1. Urgency of a theme
- 2. By the key measures of optimization
- 3. Efficiency and economic account
- 4. Purpose and research problems planned results
- 5. Planned development
- 6. Adjustment and connection of the equipment
- Conclusions
- The list of sources
With increase of cost of the electric power in increasing frequency it is necessary to reflect above economy of the financial savings, that too in turn in the greater degree mentions educational establishments and various enterprises, as cost for the electric power is much more, than cost in apartments or private(individual) houses [1].
Energy–savings – realization of legal, technical, scientific, industrial and economic measures focused on high-grade and purposeful use of natural power resources with introduction in all spheres of manufacture and managing of the man energy-savings of technologies [2]. Technologies energy-savings are used with the purpose of preservation of natural resources, that in turn also saves money resources. Thus the basic purpose in realization of rational manufacture, is energoeffektivnost'. Therefore energoeffektivnost' and Energy-savings form the appropriate tendencies in all areas of manufacture connected to technologies, using sources of energy. The device for economy of the electric power is created with constant introduction in his structure innovative of technologies, which become more and more accomplished(more and more perfect), in basic and technical features. The economy of the electric power is extensive enough area of realization of rational intentions of the man. The economy of the electric power is the important task, which qualitative realization in many respects will render influence on a level of organization as a whole [3].
1. Urgency of a theme
The economy can be in a different kind. Not including light in general it is possible to reach economy in 100 %, but it is possible to name it as economy? Also it is possible to keep the electric power having unscrewed 1/2 quantities of bulbs, certainly, the given way will provide 50 % of economy annually, but this method keeps money resources in damage of the people taking place in the given premise. Therefore electric power needs to be used rationally, not to the detriment of health, and also not to the detriment of the finance.
There is a set of various ways and methods in economy of the electric power. The most important and conclusive method is inclusions of light in time, necessary for it, and also switching–off, when it is not necessary. Certainly, due to such way the enormous quantity of money resources and natural resources was saved, and in a near future the mankind will not refuse such method. But it is impossible to tell, that it effective. Us from the childhood accustomed to switch off behind itself light: at home, at school, at university, and also further at work. But there will be such cases, when light will burn without need. Such therefore is necessary to think up, that will help effectively to use the electric power taking into account all that before it was told [1]!
2. By the key measures of optimization
The technology energy–savings, except for introduction of the appropriate systems, is significant abbreviating consumption of power resources, means application of technological process, with use of the equipment having the greater productivity, in comparison with out–of–date analogues. One of the main directions of use of an electricity, is the illumination of a premise. For example, energy–savings of a lamp, WHICH efficiency does not concede to previous analogues, at economy of an electricity on 30 – 40 % [4].
For most effective energy consumptions the various circuits and means on economy of the electric power on illumination will be considered. The most effective circuits energy–savings will be offered for introduction in cases of educational institutions.
The most widespread way of economy of the electric power - optimization of a current consumption on illumination. Key measures of optimization of a current consumption on illumination are:[5]
– Maximal use of day time light (increase of a transparency and increase of the area of windows, additional windows);
– Increase of reflecting ability (white walls and ceiling);
– Optimum accommodation of light sources (local illumination directed illumination);
– Use of lighting devices only by necessity;
– Application of devices of management of illumination (gauges of movement and acoustic gauges, gauges of light exposure, timers, system of remote control);
– Introduction of the automated system of dispatching management of outside illumination;
– Installation of the intellectual distributed control systems of illumination.
3. Efficiency and economic account
At realization of measures energy-savingss and the increases to energoeffektivnosti distinguish:
– Initial investments (or increase, gain of the investments because of a choice of more effective equipment). For example, replacement of windows in the existing house.
– investment in energy-savings, and failure(refusal) of installation of usual fixtures for the benefit of ñâåòîäèîäíûõ in the builded house:
– Increase of the investments in energy-savings (in a share of excess of cost ñâåòîäèîäíûõ of fixtures above usual);
– Lumpsum expenses for purchase both installation of devices of the account and systems of the automatic control removed removal of the indications of devices of the account [3].
As a rule, the effects from measures energy-savingss expect:
– As cost of the saved power resources or share of cost from consumed power resources, including on a unit of production;
– As quantity(amount) of tons of conditional fuel The saved power resources or share from size of consumed power resources in ò.ó.ò.;
– In natural expression;
– As decrease of a share of power resources in ÂÂÏ in cost expression, or in physical units.
The systems energy-savingss should provide high EFFICIENCY of devices, on all operational stages of sources of energy. Due to the given measures it is possible to save the round sum of money, and also will bring the large contribution to an effective utilization of natural resources, that is the main task of each man.
4. Purpose and research problems planned results
The most important and necessary measure, is the replacement of lamps on more economic ýíåðãîñáåðåãàþùèå of a lamp. Certainly, majority of lamps are already replaced, but also still set of lamps remained former. Now also on sale have appeared and ñâåòîäèîäíûå of a lamp, which help to save even more means, than energy-savings, but unfortunately, cost is too great, that further is prospect áåäóþùåãî of illumination.
By the following source by increase to energoeffektivnosti this introduction of various gauges of illumination and gauges of presence. Most effective energy-savings by the device can consider intellectual relays, due to which it is possible to carry out the planned beforehand actions, which will be carried out without participation of the man long enough time.
Therefore account previously was carried out and is born in the table 1 for visual consideration of all offered measures. The initial stage was calculation of all lamps of each audience 4 floors of 8 educational cases. With the further account of replacement of all stayed lamps on energy–savings of a lamp by capacity 20Âò by light exposure = 100Âò, without what or changes of system of illumination.
Separate precomputation to energoeffektivnosti illumination with use of the intellectual relay Moeller also was carried out. On the basis of six–day time per week of the working diagram the duration of business hours per year of all lamps was counted up. For example, we shall expect illumination. The similar accounts will be carried out and for other audiences.

where h – duration of hours of a lamp per day from 7.00 in a corridor ÷. (for audiences h=3÷ light is included on first and on last pair); d – quantity(amount) of days in month of work of lamps, in view of holidays; m – quantity(amount) of months in year of work of lamps.
For real power consumption 50 % from settlement capacity of all included lamps was taken, as not all lamps in working order and not all lamps are necessary for partial illumination of an audience.
The total sum of capacities of lamps illumination makes 1520 Âò. The real illumination will make 760 Âò. On available it is simple to the them to count up the charges for the electric power per year of all educational case.

where Q – cost of the electric power for January 2012e. T – quantity of business hours of lamps per one year; I – total capacity of lamps.
The given account is made on one floor.
By the most important source of economy of the electric power as it is visible from the table 1 is the corridor. For improvement was introduced by the relay Moeller. By the plans of a design of the program the given relay should work at the certain o'clock. Namely from 7.05; 9.20 – 10.05; 11.10 – 11.55; 13.00 – 13.45; 14.50 – 15.25. In that time when, light in a corridor will be switched off, for small illumination some lamps movements, included on the gauge will work.
Let's make new account, already in view of the established relay.

In given cases we receive very good economy for the electric power. Per one year for the electric power is saved from one floor 793,44grn. From all case we receive economy for the electric power at a rate of 6347,52grn.
The table 1. Precomputations of economic benefit 4 floors of 8 educational cases.

5. Planned development
Illumination êîðèäîðíûõ of sites and ladder halls with participation of the relay Moeller and week timer.
With the help “EASY” it is necessary to us to divide illumination into three sections and to include illumination of a ladder site, and two sections êîðèäîðíîãî of a site.
On the basis of the given relay the ñóòî÷íî-week timer with function of the relay of a pressure will be developed.
The ñóòî÷íî–week timer with function of the control of mains voltage, is the microprocessor electronic device combining in functions of the relay of a pressure and the photo-relay, relay of real time.
Is intended for:
Inclusions of /switching–off of loading, agrees of the times, established by the user, of inclusion / switching-off;
Switching–off household and industrial 1f of loading 220 In / 50 Ãö at inadmissible fluctuations of a pressure(voltage) in a network with the subsequent automatic inclusion after restoration of parameters of a network;
Inclusions of /switching-off of loading agrees, established by the user to levels of light exposure [6].
The main feature of the given program, is the inclusion and deenergizing of illumination automatically without participation of the man, and also opportunity of manual management of light at any time of day. For this purpose the key S1 – carrying out choice of a mode was stipulated. At a manual mode there is no restriction of time. At an automatic mode of illumination the week timer a site is stipulated. The section 3 of a ladder site works through the gauge of illumination, which is connected to our relay and works in dark time, since 7.00 till 20.00 since before closing university the ladder passes should be shined completely on the termination siren signalling to complete switching–off of illumination at 19.30 sounds [7].
6. Adjustment and connection of the equipment
1. Entrance signals:
I1 – Switch S1
I2 – switch S2 (section H1)
I3 – switch S3 (section H2)
I4 – switch S4 (section H3)
I5 – switch S5 (section H1-Í2-Í3)
Â1 – analog input of measurement of force of light
2. Target signals:
Q1 – illumination Í1 (Section 1)
Q2 – illumination Í2 (Section 2)
Q3 – illumination Í3 (Section 3)
Q4 – siren E1
3. Parameters:
Ò1 – time of a pulse of a signal of a siren
1 time of illumination of section 1+2
2 times of illumination of section 3
3 times of inclusion of a siren E1
Figure 1. A fragment of the program (analog input of measurement of force of light)

Figure 2. The circuit of connection of the programmed relay Moeller

On precomputations the given way will allow to save very many money, you see the quantity of the consumed electric power per one year will decrease on 44 %. The level of light exposure of the educational case is carried out by machine, and it in turn as all of us already for a long time know, that it is better than man, the programmed machine can execute only beforehand. The introduction of the given source of economy of the electric power requires the certain sum of money, but on preliminary calculations was designed, that the given equipment will pay back itself in 2,5-3 months [7].
Unique lack of the existing device are small currents of loadings. It is possible to compensate the given lack due to intermediate relays. Cost of such devices is not great, and the currents of loadings can reach of the sizes. Due to this the relay Moeller has no borders.
The list of sources
- Âèøíåâñêèé Ä.Ò. Ýíåðãîñáåðåæåíèå ó÷åáíûõ êîðïóñîâ ñ ïîìîùüþ èíòåëëåêòóàëüíûõ ðåëå Moeller. Âñåóêðàèíñêàÿ íàó÷íî - òåõíè÷åñêàÿ êîíôåðåíöèÿ ñòóäåíòîâ:
Ýëåêòðîòåõíèêà, ýëåêòðîíèêà è ìèêðîïðîöåññîðíàÿ òåõíèêà.
— Äîíåöüê, ÄîíÍÒÓ — 2012. - Ñàéò ïîñâÿùåí íîâûì, èíòåðåñíûì, ýêîíîìíûì òåõíîëîãèÿì ýíåðãîñáåðåæåíèÿ. — Access mode: ymniydom.at.ua.
- Ìàòåðèàë èç Âèêèïåäèè — ñâîáîäíàÿ ýíöèêëîïåäèÿ. — Access mode: ru.wikipedia.org
- Ýíåðãîñáåðåæåíèå è ýíåðãîýôôåêòèâíîñòü: ýêîíîìèÿ ýëåêòðîýíåðãèè. — Access mode: techno-solar.com.ua
- Îñíîâíûå íàïðàâëåíèÿ è ñïîñîáû ýíåðãîñáåðåæåíèÿ. — Access mode: fodinoks.com
- Ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûé ìàãàçèí ýëåêòðîîáîðóäîâàíèÿ è ñâåòîòåõíèêè. — Access mode: masterelektro.lg.ua
- Âèøíåâñêèé Ä.Ò. Êîðèäîðíîå îñâåùåíèå ñ èñïîëüçîâàíèåì ðåëå âðåìåíè. ÕII ìåæäóíàðîäíóþ íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêóþ êîíôåðåíöèþ
Àâòîìàòèçàöèÿ òåõíîëîãè÷åñêèõ îáúåêòîâ è ïðîöåññîâ. Ïîèñê ìîëîäûõ
— Äîíåöüê, ÄîíÍÒÓ — 2012.