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Erofeeva Katerina

Faculty of ecology and chemical technology
Department of Applied Ecology Environment
Speciality Ecological Safety Management
Ecological factors forming the qualitative compose of Seversky Donets in Donetsk region
Scientific advisor docent Kochina Yelena


Among the factors determining the formation of the chemical composition of natural waters, hydrochemistry identifies major, minor, direct and indirect ones.

Animation – Factors forming the qualitative compose of river waters(Animation: 119 KB, 8 frames, the delay of 1 s, repeated shots looped)

Human health and his vital needs in any form depend not only on individual chemicals contained in the surface waters, but on a complex of substances, which are simultaneously present in the water. Hereby, the assessment of surface water quality not only for individual pollutants, but also for their complexes is still essential.

Solving a problem of water quality management needs the development of its ecological status of prognosis based on objective methods for assessing water quality and adjacent areas exposed to high development pressure. The information is based on estimates of water quality on individual properties is not sufficiently comprehensive. The integrated assessments of water pollution which integrate all the necessary set of features, characterizing the water quality status, are necessary today. These estimates account the effect of simultaneous presence of different chemicals and influence of many other factors on the river water quality [1, 5].

Among the variety of methods for integrated assessment of water quality, there is the Bylinkina method. It is based on a generalization of a large amount of chemical, bacteriological, hydro biological and physical parameters. According to this method, water can be divided into six grades of quality (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 – Criteria of water quality assessment

Quality grades Oxygen saturated, % BOD, мг/м3 Cl-, мг/м3 Suspended solids, мг/м3 Oil products, мг/м3 рН
1 Extremely pure 95 1 0,0 1-3 0,00 6,5-8,0
2 Pure 80 2 0,0 4-10 0,1-0,2 6,5-8,5
3 Faintly polluted 70 2-3 1 11-19 0,3 6,0-9,0
4 Polluted 60 4-5 2-5 20-50 1 5,6-9,0
5 Dirty 30 6-10 6-10 50-100 2 5,6-10,0
6 Extremely dirty 0 10 10 100 5 2,4-11,0

The Yemelyanova method is elaborated for terms and results of water quality monitoring.

For measuring pollution stability, the recurrence of limit excess cases is necessary to define. As a result of preceding phases, we get generalized characteristics of water pollution.

Table 3.2 – Classification of river waters according to the recurrence of limit excess cases

Recurrence, % Pollution characteristic Assessed marks
Nominal Absolute
0-10 Solitary a 1
10-30 Unstable b 2
30-50 Stable c 3
50-100 Distinctive d 4

However, adequately definition of water quality needs taking into account the combined effect of all the factors, i.e. generalized assessment conduct – calculation of the combinatorial index of pollution (KIP) [6].

Water quality classification, based on KIZ, is demonstrated in table 3.3

Table 3.3 – The river water classification by the contamination level

Multiplicity limit excess, % Characteristics of the pollution level Assessed marks
Nominal Absolute
0-2 Low a 1
2-10 Middle b 2
10-50 High c 3
50-100 Extremely high d 4

The analysis was performed by using of water quality indicators from control points located in Raygorodok and Raystarodubovka (point № 1,2, respectively).

Calculations according to the Bylinnkina method

Water quality assessment was carried out on such indicators: saturated oxygen, BOD5, permanganate oxidation, ammonia nitrogen, particulate matter, opacity, oil products and pH. As a result, it was found that although there are no significant changes in water quality in both control stations over the period of 2008-2010, there is a slight tendency to deterioration – from pure and extremely pure to faintly polluted.

Calculations according to the Yemelyanova method

These calculations applied hydrochemical parameters of water quality: suspended solids, magnesium, phosphate, cobalt, sulfate ions, chloride ions, BOD5, ammonia nitrogen, Cr 3 + and Cr 6 +, total iron, permanganate oxidation, dry residue, oils, synthetic surfactants, phenols, copper, manganese, zinc, lead, nickel, cadmium, aluminum, thiocyanates, cyanides, arsenic.

For measuring pollution stability, the recurrence of limit excess cases was defined. The results over the period of 2008-2010, indicate a solitary pollution by all parameters at both control points, except suspended solids and magnesium – it’s unstable at both control points (Figures 1 and 2).

Figure 1 – Recurrence of limit excess cases (control point №1)

Figure 2 – Recurrence of limit excess cases (control point №2)

By generalizing all assessed marks, we came to such conclusions: KIP at control points №1 and 2 is equal 55,75-60,02 and 70,18-73,80% respectively. These results indicate an extremely high water pollution level at both control points. These results indicate the last (worst) category of quality.


  1. In order to stabilize the situation with excessive pollution of surface water, timely monitoring is extremely demanded.
  2. Human health and his vital needs in any form depend not only on individual chemicals contained in the surface waters, but on a complex of substances, which are simultaneously present in the water.
  3. The integrated assessments of water pollution which integrate all the necessary set of features, characterizing the water quality status, are necessary today.
  4. The elements’ presence in natural waters is caused not only by their total content in rocks and soils, but also by their migration ability.
  5. The elements’ migration ability to seriously depends on the hydroxides precipitation pH.
  6. Vital functions of plants and animals determine, from the one hand, biogenic metamorphism of natural waters, and from the other – enrich water with microcomponents.
  7. As a result of anthropogenic impact, natural water may be polluted as by ions, similar to those included in pure water (chlorides, sulfates, sodium, etc.), as by components, which are not occurred for natural waters (pesticides, synthetic surfactants, some heavy metals).
  8. The water chemicals compose in rivers and reservoirs of the Seversky Donets Basin varies significantly over time, depending on their dominance in the water balance of different genetic types.
  9. Channel waters, which are formed during high water in the basin territory, are characterized by a wide variety of mineralization and the ions ratio. The values of salinity and ionic compose varies according to the character.
  10. The high salinity of flood waters can be explained by the systematic dumping into rivers highly mineralized mine waters into rivers Kazenniy Toretz, Kryvyi Toretz, Bahmutka and Lugan.
  11. Wastes pollution of ducts causes an increase of oxidation and concentration of nitrogen compounds, phenols, and iron.
  12. Solving a problem of water quality management needs the development of its ecological status of prognosis based on objective methods for assessing water quality and adjacent areas exposed to high development pressure.
  13. Analysis of water resources monitoring system in Donetsk region demonstrates that every year there is a tendency to reduce the number of analyzed hydrochemical parameters.
  14. Although there are no significant changes in water quality in both control stations over the period of 2008-2010, there is a slight tendency to deterioration – from pure and extremely pure to faintly polluted.
  15. The results according to the Yemelyanova method over the period of 2008-2010, indicate a solitary pollution by all parameters at both control points, except suspended solids and magnesium – it’s unstable at both control points.
  16. The results of KIP calculation indicate an extremely high water pollution level at both control points. These results indicate the last (worst) category of quality


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