- 1. Work general characteristic
- 2. The analysis before the spent researche
- 3. Techique of researches
- 4.The basic results of works
- References
1. Work general characteristic
Urgency of researches
The territory of carrying out of researches, park zone of "Donbass-arena", has very difficult geological and tectonic structure. In this connection here it is observed ecological and structurally-dynamic dangerous zones which can negatively influence health and safety of people.
As the given object has great value for Ukraine in connection with Euro-2012 and as is a rest zone in Donetsk, studying of a condition of the geological environment and monitoring of its condition in time is especially important.
Communication of work with scientific programs, plans, themes.
The robot it is connected with research work of chair M and EG N8-07; The program of scientific and technical development of Donetsk area for the period till 2020; By the government having a special purpose ecological program of realization of monitoring of natural environment (resolution of Kab of netu Ministers of Ukrain is from 12/5/2007 #16761).
The work purpose
To establish features of distribution in space of geochemical indicators of waters, грунтов and soil air on the area of a park zone of stadium "Donbass-arena", to define ecologically dangerous sites.
Research problems
1. To investigate a condition of a level of scrutiny of a question.
2. To make cards of distribution of geochemical indicators of the first водоносного horizon, to define pollution sites.
3. To make cards of distribution of geochemical indicators soil, to define pollution sites
4. To conduct experimentally-field researches of properties грунтов, to reveal their current state and influence on formation of auras of pollution.
5. To make cards of distribution of geochemical indicators of soil air, to reveal ecologically adverse sites.
6. To spend a complex estimation of auras of pollution.
Object of research
The area of a park zone "Donbass-arena".
Article of research
The first horizon of underground waters, soil and soil air.
Methods of researches
Geochemical methods (litgeochemical, hydrogeochemical and atmogeochemical); Methods mathematical statisticianof data processing; geophysical methods researches.
Scientific novelty
According to cards of distribution of auras of pollution influence of breaks on the centers of pollution of components of the geological environment is established. For the first time it is planned to establish change of physical and chemical properties soils in a current of year: structure of soil air, electromagnetic properties soil. It is established that the maximum changes of indicators of components of environment are dated to geodynamic to active sites of bowels.
Practical value
Establishment Sites of development and the periods of activation of ecologically dangerous phenomena on the area of researches. Their account at territory arrangement.
The personal contribution of the author
Cards of distribution of anomalies in soil, underground waters are constructed, construction of cards of anomalies in soil air is planned. Carrying out of the field geophysical And atmogeochemical Researches, Revealing of anomalies; Establishment Communications of auras of pollution with existing geodynamic zones; Revealing of features of accumulation of chemical elements in water bearing horizon, soil, soil air Over zones of breaks; construction of ekogeochemical cards; Establishment of sites of pollution And factors of their formation.
Approbation of results
Results of researches were reported on ХXIІ all Ukraine scientific conference of post-graduate students and students «Preservation of the environment and rational use of natural resources» (DonNTU, 2012); At regional student's conference «Actual problems of geology and geoecology» (ChairsAnd M and EG DonNTU, 2012).
2. The analysis before the spent researches
Last decades anthropogenic pressure upon environment has sharply increased. In regions with intensively developed industry of the river become soiled sewage, there is an intensive pollution of soil and atmospheric air. Infringement and non-observance of laws and the rules of the nature operating irrespective of will of people, has led to that Ukraine and, especially, Donbass became regions where has developed rather strained, and places a catastrophic ecological situation [1].
Donetsk concerns the industrially most-developed cities of Ukraine. On the geological environment of a city there is a constant, intensive anthropogenic influence. In this connection studying of distribution of auras of pollution, the reason and law of their formation in a park zone «Donbass-Arena» is actual.
Alekseenko V. A. in the work «Ecological geochemistry» was engaged in studying of accumulation and distribution of chemical substances in components of the geological environment of city territories [2].
Modern environmental problems of regional and global scale are considered in work of Vronsky C.А. «Applied ecology» [3].
Condition of various inhabitancies (atmosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere, biothat), their basic characteristics and functioning principles, priority definitions of polluting substances is considered in work Krupsky L. Т. «inhabitancy Monitoring» [4].
Principles of ecological mapping in ecological geology and application of methods of ecological geology for the decision of nature protection problems are considered in Abalakova A. D. work «Ecological geology»[5].
.The general questions of ecology of Donetsk area are shined in Panova B. S. works with co-authors («Modern problems of ecology of Donetsk pool», «About technologic influence on the geological environment on an example of Donetsk pool»), etc. [1, 8].
Formation of areas of pollution near to burning pedigree sailings, the reasons and distribution of areas of pollution in soils of a city and area considered in the works of Wuborov S. G. [6].
.Influence of geological and landscape factors on pollution of soils of a field of Yuzhno-Donbasskaya mine of # 3 studied Kucherin E. Century and Alekhin V.I. [7].
.The given works undertook as an example, for the analysis of law of distribution of chemical substances in soils Donetsk.
Formation of auras of pollution can influence both technogenic, and natural factors.
Negative influence on components of the geological environment within the investigated area is rendered by the large industrial enterprises of a city. For example, Donetsk metal works mountain developments of mine of Kalinin.
The highways limiting territory of researches, the children's railway, the spontaneous dumps of household garbage which were settling down before reconstruction on the area of work as had negative influence on pollution soils and underground waters.
Among natural factors it is necessary to note such as a relief, lithology structure of bowels of territory, tectonic factors, etc.
Communication of active tectonic infringements with formation of geochemical barriers in the work was marked by Alekseenko V. A [2].
Problems of influence of breaks on structure of soils were considered in M.V.Pristinsky, P.V.Kojnasha, V.I.Alekhin's works [12]; V.I.Alekhin, B.S.Panova [13]. By consideration of this point in question by authors it has been established that some geochemical anomalies in soils are supervised by explosive structures. Thus in soils of the area of researches ecologically dangerous anomalies of many chemical elements are found out: zinc, arsenic, cobalt, nickel and many other.
For revealing and an estimation of modern activity of tectonic structures methods structurally-geodynamic charting (SSGC) are used developed in 70th years of the twentieth century. Founders of methods are J.S.Rjaboshtan and E. P.Tahtamirov. Among a complex of the given methods it is possible to allocate – electromagnetic azimuthal. For studying power weight transfer researches by the given method have been spent by V.I.Alekhin[10, 11].
By it has been established that lengthways tectonic the fissile structures there is a drain of energy and deep substance, formation of deposits and deposits the endogenous genesis of various age is marked. Of what it is possible to make the assumption that in places of tectonic active structures probably formation not only deposits, but also auras of pollution of various chemical components.
Within Donetsk geophysical researches by a method SSGC are spent in insufficient volume. On the investigated area of a park zone "Donbass-arena" such researches were spent earlier on separate sites.
The literature review gives the chance to draw a conclusion that a lot of attention, but, despite all it is given to a problem of formation and distribution of auras of pollution of the geological environment, it remains insufficiently investigated. Questions of change of parameters of auras in time in connection with cyclic processes in the nature are especially a little studied.
Consideration of the data for the purpose of revealing of the reasons of formation of auras of pollution and their possible interrelation with tectonic processes is rather actual.
On a work platform, earlier organization UkrRI DCE "Donbasbuildresearches" spent geochemical works, in particular on selection litgeochemical tests and hydrogeochemical tests, their laboratory analysis, and as atmogeochemical.
Geophysical researches it is planned to spend to the spring-and-summer period on a site of a park zone near stadium "Donbas-arena" by means of a method structurally-geodynamic charting in the azimuthal way (SSGC).
3.1. Geochemical methods of researches
geochemical researches study the chemical substance disseminated in
environments and geochemical conditions of breeds, chemical and gas
of components of the geological environment. Such complex researches
allocating pollution auras with chemical substances. Lit
geochemical researches on the area of researches was carried out with
drilling superficial (till 30-40) chinks (on a core). Hydrogeochemical
researches were conducted at well-drilling. Tests on an analysis were
away by an experience pumping, after protracted pumping of water in
holes for her cleaning from admixtures. All
complex of analyses was spent according to established to state
standards. On
site of a park zone are planned atmogeochemical researches -
measurement of
carbonic gas and methane in soils. Works will be is spent with use mine
interferometer MI-10 and the gas analyzer of methane of the French
– МХ2100.
of the geochemical data was spent by means of software package SPSS.
Samples on
components of the geological environment were preliminary formed.
Further statistical
calculations of parameters of distribution and excess of admissible
concentration of chemical substances in soils and underground waters
carried out. Rationing of the maintenance of components is spent on
concentration limit and a regional background. For
construction of cards of distribution of auras of pollution in ground
the data received was used at calculation of an indicator of pollution.
pollution indicator expresses degree of danger of pollution
of underground waters and is defined for each of
elements on which maximum concentration limit excess in the selected
tests has been established. The
pollution indicator pays off under the formula: IP = C / MCL,
where C
concentration of an
element in test; MCL
permissible concentration of this element. Also
the total indicator of pollution of territory Zc has been calculated. Construction
of cards of auras of pollution was carried out on means of computer
SURFER, and as by means of such programs as MapInfo and Photoshop CS5.
Element cards in isogram, and also cards of geochemical
anomalies have
been constructed.
of geophysical researches
geophysical researches is planned to spend a method
structurally-geodynamic charting in the azimuthal way
(SSGC-A). The given method is intended for charting geodynamic zones
influence formation of auras of pollution. Structurally-geodynamic
charting has
passed check in the various countries, is an easy, operative and
economic method. Azimuthal
shooting will be is spent by means of device ECA – an
clamp of
anisotropy. ECA is horizontal installation with rigid fastening of
dipoles, the device is calculated on work in the mountain environment.
Installation concerns the category of display gauges. By
means of ECA operative definition of geodynamic zones on anisotropy
change electrical conductivity in
integumentary adjournment is carried out. Supervision are spent on
profiles on
the open areas in radius about 1,5 m. of the Hindrance at carrying out
of measurements create the objects possessing own strong
electromagnetic field (for
example, LET). Technogenic coverings (asphalt, concrete), and also
(ice, snow), do not interfere with work if their capacity does not
exceed 2 m
purpose of researches consists revealing and
registration of azimuthal heterogeneity of electric properties of rocks
superficial horizon on geophysical pickets. Shooting it is planned to
spend on
profiles which will be set proceeding from the analysis of a geological
structure of territory and according to geochemical researches in
places of
revealing of auras of pollution.
platform chosen for carrying out of researches, in the
administrative relation is in the Kiev district of the city of Donetsk,
it lies
within existing park of Lenin Komsomol, in 350м to the northeast from
street Cheljuskintsev
and Mira prospectus crossing, in free territory from building (fig.
4.1) [14].