- Introduction
- 1. Relevance of the topic
- 2. The purpose and objectives of the study
- 3. Methods of preparation of stained glass. Their advantages and disadvantages
- 4. Triplex Technology
- 5. Directions of improvement of stained glass
- Conclusions
- The list of references
The term stained-glass
comes from the French word vitre
(window glass). Stained-glass is designed to fill the window
decorative ornamental or thematic composition, made of pieces of
colored glass, often painted colors, which are fixed on the glass by
firing [1].

Image 1 – Sample of stained glass for church
At the moment, stained-glass windows – this is not just a pane of glass, but a whole variety of self-applied arts, aimed at decorating the interior and exterior of our homes, offices and churches and cathedrals.
1. Relevance of the topic
Artistic stained-glass windows are not lost its relevance today. On the contrary, if before they decorated temples and houses only the wealthy, the modern decor of stained glass made quite affordable [3].
Extensive use of stained-glass today and in the interiors of houses. It's not just windows and doors, and interior walls, niches and panels, light fixtures and even furniture.
The modern era of diversity and technology of making stained-glass. It is constantly being improved, the master continues to experiment with new materials and tools, and production of stained-glass art is growing [3] .
2. The purpose and objectives of the study
The aim of this study is to obtain safe stained-glass for triplex technology.
Objectives: to reduce the complexity of stained-glass production technology, improve their mechanical strength, easy cleaning of architectural elements.
3. Methods of preparation of stained–glass. Their advantages and disadvantages
Today there are many types of stained-glass, as intended, and by the method of their manufacture.
Scope of the stained-glass is constantly growing thanks to the translucent architectural fashion design, new materials and technologies, and accordingly, the new artistic possibilities of decorative glass.
By appointment the following types of stained-glass:
- stained-glass windows;
- ceiling glass windows;
- floor stained-glass (in which case they are covered by an additional layer of glass);
- stained-glass doors, facades of furniture;
- stained walls;
- the use of technology in the stained-glass souvenir products, lighting fixtures;
- the use of stained-glass in the outdoor advertising.
There are also lots of ways of making stained-glass. Today, stained-glass referred to as welded together pieces of colored glass in the form of pictures or ornaments (inlaid classic Tiffany stained-glass and stained-glass), and matte paintings, and the contours of the glass (sandblasting engraving, chemical etching, laser treatment). All these types of stained-glass that appeared thanks to modern technology [4].
4. Triplex Technology
Triplex – a laminated glass consisting of two or more glasses, connected to each other using a special laminating film or liquid.

Image 2 – Triplex
Triplex is used for safety glazing facades, entrances, and all-glass structures [15] .
Filler is made by gluing laminated glass plates with one another across the surface of a special bonding liquid, which then completely polymerized under UV irradiation. The advantage of this method is that you can connect the different thickness of glass as well as in color and texture.
The production of laminated glass for pouring technology includes the following steps: preparation and cleaning of glass, causing double-sided tape, mounting a second glass; prepressing resulting structure, filling the space between glass; curing resin.
Film laminated glass is manufactured by bonding under heat and pressure of the finished polymer film such as polyvinyl butyral.
The advantage of this technology is that the laminated glass produced by this technology, has the best optical performance.
The advantage of bezavtoklavnoy film technology that produced laminated glass using a special class of films by technical parameters may exceed not only the liquid triplexes, but the classic film laminated on the basis of polyvinyl butyral film.
The disadvantage of making a film is laminated over the high cost of production compared with the filler technology [16].
The technological process includes the following steps: preparation and cleaning of glass, making a combined package of glass and film, creating a vacuum, controlled heating in a convection cell in a vacuum, an excerpt, cooled under vacuum to room temperature and unloading of the finished product.
Triplex-glass has the following characteristics: excellent sound quality, greater flexibility, protecting the premises from the effects of UV rays, impact resistance (triplex able to withstand multiple impacts), resistance to punching. [16].
5. Areas of improvement of stained glass
Preparation of stained-glass with improved mechanical properties. The desire to ensure that the products were cumbersome in operation, had an opportunity to be used in mobile designs, the elements of composition were easily replaceable. It is essential that the manufacturing process was time consuming and possibly safer, does not require the availability of expensive equipment. Stained-glass windows have to be resistant to the corrosive environment and simplified in order to facilitate the manufacture of decontamination. The most important thing – the high artistic and decorative and optical performance, lack of defects of elements of glass.
Research in the manufacture of stained-glass to laminated glass technology needed to produce products with improved strength characteristics. We conducted pilot studies on the choice of optimal time-temperature characteristics of the technology for production of laminated glass-stained windows.
In writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after that date.
List of references
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