Table of contents
- Introduction
- 1.Content of the Paper
- 1.1 Impact of Coal Industry Enterprises on the Environment
- 1.2 Industrial Use of Coal as Power Raw Material
- 1.3 General Data on the Investigation Object
- 2. Experimental Part
- 2.1 Qualitative Characteristics of Coal in the Investigated Bed
- 2.2 Ecological Consequences of Energy Use of Coal
- 3. Methods of Carrying Out Investigations
- 4. Investigation Results
- List of Literature
Relevance. Mineral coal is the first type of mineral fuel used by people. According to the world power society coal is fuel of future. The forecast coal resources in the Earth are now more than 14.8 trillion tons and the world industrial reserves of coal are above 1 trillion tons, which exceeds considerably the reserves and resources of other energy carriers.
The coal industry is one of the basic ones in the national economic complex of Ukraine. It plays an important role in the metallurgical and fuel-power balance of the country. The main problem of the industrial use of coals is their quality.
According to the data as of 01.01.06 the industrial reserves of the mine "Holodnaya Balka" were 50.012 million tons of coal and in the developed bed h10в, which is 0.8–1.00 m thick – 17.1 million tons. The mine extracts coal of T grade (thin), which is used mainly in electric power industry and utility sector.
Use of coals as fuel for heat and electric power production occupies today a leading place by consumption volumes. Almost all electric power of our region is produced by thermal power stations operating on local fuel. Despite this, our state had no strategic program of national power development for a long time, which had a negative impact on formation and implementation of both power and general economic policy. The national "Power strategy for the period till 2030" was accepted on March 15, 2006 for the purpose of state regulation of the power sector in the medium and long-term perspective. It provides for the growth of consumption of all fuel and power resources: natural gas by 18.8%, coal by 33.4%, oil by 11.2%, etc. That is why the problem of studying coal quality and environmental consequences of their use is urgent for our region and the country as a whole.
Development of coal mines with high values of minerals quality and further industrial use of such coals as power fuel will have a favorable impact on improvement of the environment condition. This will be promoted by reduction of a number of rock heaps at coal extraction, reduction of the surface and underground hydrosphere contamination with acid waters of settlement ponds of coal beneficiation plants, accumulation of less amount of ash-slag wastes from TPSs, reduction of dust-gas emission into the atmospheric air, etc.
Connection of the paper with scientific programs, topics, plans. The master’s paper is connected with the national "Power strategy for the period till 2030" accepted by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on March 15, 2006, "State Target Economic Program of Power Efficiency for 2010–2015" No. 243 dated March 01, 2010 and "Coal Industry Development Program for 2012–2015" developed by the Ministry of Power and Coal Industry of Ukraine.
The purpose of the paper is to assess the influence of coal quality in the bed h10в of the mine "Holodnaya Balka" on the environment as a result of its use as energy power.
Main targets of the investigation.
- Analyze the modern state of the coal quality problem according to the literature data and fund materials (geological and ecological reports, cartographical material).
- Study the main values of coal in the bed h10в of the mine "Holodnaya Balka".
- Determine the space regularities of distribution of coal qualitative characteristics.
- Find areas with increased ecological hazard of coals.
- Determine influence of power use of coal in the investigated bed on the environment.
- Calculate the quantity of emission of contaminants from thermal power stations operating on coal from the mine "Holodnaya Balka".
- Calculate the damage from the territory contamination within the TPS influence zone.
Object of the scientific investigation: coal of the layer h10в of the mine "Holodnaya Balka".
Subject of the investigation: regularities of coal qualitative characteristics’ change within the investigated territory.
Methods of investigations.
- System analysis of information.
- Methods of statistic processing of experimental data.
- Methods of space data analysis.
Scientific novelty of the paper lies in determination of complex characteristics of coal quality, their site distribution and detection of areas with increased ecological hazard of coals.
Practical value. The carried out investigations allow marking out the areas with the increased ecological hazard of coals. Development and industrial use of these coals has a negative impact on the environment condition within the influence zones of the coal extraction enterprise and thermal power stations using coal as power raw material.
Personal contribution of the author. Collection and processing of the data on the qualitative characteristics of coal in the coal bed h10в of the mine "Holodnaya Balka" was made. The maps of sulfur content distribution, ash content and metamorphism of investigated coals in the mine field area were made and analyzed. Based on the made calculations the regularities of coal metamorphism change and their calorific value within the investigated area were established. For preliminary assessment of coals in the depths from the position of possible harm, which can cause commodity products combustion normalization of the average sulfur content as to the coal calorific value was carried out. The areas with the increased ecological hazard of coal that are distinguished by high sulfur content and low calorific value were marked out. The power use of coals in these areas has a negative impact on the condition of the atmospheric air, hydrosphere, soil and environment as a whole.
Approbation of the results. In April 2012 the report on the topic “Ecological consequences of using coal in the bed h10в of the mine "Holodnaya Balka" as power fuel” was made at XXIІ All-Ukrainian scientific conference of postgraduates and students "Environment protection and use of natural resources" devoted to the Environment Day.
Publications. There are 4 publications on the topic of the master’s papers.
- Article on the topic "Влияние угледобывающих предприятий на состояние атмосферного воздуха Донецкой области" published in the collection of articles of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientist "Географічна освіта і національна самосвідомість: актуальні проблеми їх формування", Donetsk: DISO, 2011. – 284 p.
- Article "Влияние качества углей пласта h10в шахты "Холодная Балка" на эффективность и экологические последствия их энергетического использования" published in the collection of articles "Сучасні проблеми геології", Donetsk: DonNTU, 2011. – 81 p.
- Thesis "Оценка загрязнения атмосферного воздуха" published in the collection of scientific student papers "Проблемы управления производственно-экономической деятельностью субъектов хозяйствования" volume 1, Donetsk: DonNTU, 2011. – 186 p.
- Thesis on the topic "Экологические последствия использования угля пласта h10в шахты "Холодная Балка" published in the collection of reports "Охрана окружающей природной среды и рациональное использование природных ресурсов" volume 2, Donetsk: DonNTU, 2012. – 222 p.
1. Content of the Paper
1.1 Impact of the Coal Industry Enterprises on the Environment
The coal industry of Ukraine is one of the powerful sources of technogenic contamination of the environment. Activity of the coal extraction enterprises has a negative influence on all components of the environment: atmospheric air, surface and underground waters, soils.
The main directions of the negative impact by the branch enterprises are as follows:
- emissions of contaminants into the atmospheric air conditioned by operation of industrial and utility boiler houses, combustion of rock heaps, imperfection of treatment facilities;
- withdrawal from agricultural circulation of considerable land resources occupied for rock warehousing;
- contamination of soils with heavy metals and change of their acid-base balance;
- contamination of underground and surface water facilities with mine and domestic wastewaters of enterprises;
- disturbance of the hydrogeological mode of underground and surface waters;
- formation of numerous dispersion holes conditioned by water pumping out;
- settlement of earth surface over mined out mine fields;
- strengthening of processes of soil erosion and clough formation in the areas that are adjacent to mine workings;
- intensive oxidation of ore minerals and their desalinization caused by the processes of weathering in mine workings and rock heaps (migration of chemical elements).
The main contaminants formed by the coal extraction enterprises are methane (29.5%), carbonic oxide (29.0%), sulfur compounds (20.6%), dust (13.1%) and nitrogen compounds (5.6%) (Fig. 1.1).

Figure 1.1 – The main contaminants formed by the coal extraction enterprises
A considerable volume of industrial wastes formation, extremely low level of their use during many years led to the fact that a big amount of coal extraction wastes is stored within city territories. Accumulation of a big amount of industrial wastes in the territory is one of urgent problems in Donetsk Oblast. According to the official data about 1'257 rock heaps of coal mines and beneficiation plants are located in the region. Coal self-combustion processes are typical for 355 rock heaps. 314 t of sulfur dioxide, 3'144 t of carbonic oxide, 31.4 t of nitrogen oxide and 157 t of hydrogen sulphide per year are emitted into the air from the surface of 1 waste pile on an average.
In addition, waste piles contaminate the atmospheric air with dust, vapors and other harmful substances [9].
Thus, coal extraction disturbs almost all landscape elements on the earth surface and only in some cases this occurs temporarily. The earth form change often leads to discontinuity and loss of integrity of these landscapes. New structures, such as rock heaps appear at coal extraction. The vegetation cover is removed and reloaded or moved aside. Dust, vibrations, exhaust gases and diesel odors disturb sensitive abilities of a human organism.
1.2 Industrial Use of Coal as Energy Raw Material
Coal is one of the main primary energy carriers, which occupies the second position in their total world balance (24%) after oil (39%) and dominates in electric power generation (37–40 %). According to the data for 2011 the enterprises of the Ministry of Coal Industry delivered consumers about 10'608.1 thousand tons, including thermal power stations above 5'549 thousand tons, regional state administrations – 2.2 thousand tons, coke and chemical plants – 1'354.2 thousand tons, coal enterprises – 344.7 thousand tons, other consumers – 2'610.9 thousand tons, for export – 746.4 thousand tons (Fig. 1.2)

Figure 1.2 – The structure and volume of supplies of commodity products produced by enterprises of the Ministry of Coal Industry in 2011
The problem of coal use as an energy and heat source is rather urgent for our region and the country as a whole. This is conditioned by the fact that coal among the natural energy resources of Ukraine amounts to 98%, the remaining 2% are oil, gas, etc.
The main natural wealth of our region is black coal deposits. Its reserves are estimated in the amount of 25 billion tons only in Donetsk Oblast, which can satisfy the needs of Ukraine for several tens of years.
It should be noted that almost all electric power of our region is generated by thermal power stations (TPS) using local fuel. The biggest producers of electric power stations in our region are Uglegorskaya, Starobeshevskaya, Slavyanskaya, Kurakhovskaya, Zuyevskaya, Mironovskaya and Kramatorskaya TPSs. In tot total volume of production electric power production enterprises occupy the third place (17%) after enterprises of coal (30%) and metallurgical (23%) industries.
According to the last data electric power production in 2011 was 28.6 billion kW-h, which is 8.2% more than in the previous year. Electric power production in January – February 2012 was 5.7 billion kW-h in the region, which is 1.1% more than in January – February of 2011.
1.3 General Data on the Investigation Object
The investigated area of the Mine "Holodnaya Balka" is located in the area of Donetsk-Makeyevka geological and industrial area.
As to the administration division it is located in the territory of Shakhtersk and Yasinovataya Rayons of Donetsk Oblast and occupies the area about 76 km2. In the industrial and economic relation the areas resources belong to SE "Makeyevugol".
Territorially, the Mine "Holodnaya Balka" is located in the industrial zone of Gornyatskiy Rayon in Makeyevka City (Fig. 1.3), in its eastern part.

Figure 1.3 – Map of location the Mine "Holodnaya Balka"
The mine was commissioned in 1957. The production capacity of the enterprise established for 2006 is 450 thousand tons of coal. Development of the seam h10 of Smolyaninovskya suite started in 1984.
The coal beds g2 and in individual areas h10в are rather continuous.
Today, the mine develops the seam h10в, which industrial reserves are 17.7 million tons. The coal grade is thin (Т). Coals are used mainly in electric power industry and utility sector.
The Mine "Holodnaya Balka" is the main supplier of energy fuel to Slavyanskaya, Starobeshevskaya, Uglegorskaya and Uzlovskaya TPSs.
The Carbonic deposit of the suites С25, С24, С23 and upper part of the suite С22, represented by a set of sedimentary strata take part in the geological structure of the investigated area. Medium Carbonic deposits are represented by deposits of mainly sand-clay composition, with subordinate value of sandstones, limestone and coals. In their turn, they are covered almost everywhere by a cover of Quaternary deposits 0–30 m thick and in some places by Paleogene-Neogene deposits 10–30 m thick. The watered Paleogene-Neogene sands can serves as drifting sands.
2. Experimental Part
2.1 Qualitative Characteristics of Studies Coal Beds
Investigation of coal quality of the bed h10в of the Mine "Holodnaya Balka" was made according to the data obtained as a result of 106 core samples taken in the exploratory wells. The geological surveys within the area were carried out by ex Khanzhenkovo GRP, Shcheglovka, Artemovsk and Torez geological survey expeditions of the Trust "Artemgeologiya".
The available material allows characterizing coal quality in the bed with sufficient completeness.
The main qualitative characteristics of coal are ash content (Ad), average sulfur content (Sобс), moisture content (Wа) and volatile matter (Vr).
Ash content of coals – ash weight determined in the conditions established by the standard and referred to coal mass unit. It determines the value of coal products.
According to the generally accepted classification of coals by ash content the initial data can be divided into the following groups:
- coals with low ash content (ash content is less than 10%);
- coals with medium ash content (10–30%)
- coals with high ash content (ash content is more than 30%).
Coals with high ash content are not typical for the investigated bed.
СTaking into account the technological processing the division by sulfur content into 4 groups was accepted for black coals in Donbass:
- coals with low sulfur content (0.5–1.5%);
- coals with medium sulfur content (1.6–2.5%);
- sulfur coals (2.6–4.0%);
- coals with high sulfur content (more than 4.0%).
Among 106 of processes samples the min sulfur content was fixed in the samples of 4 wells and the max one in 14 wells. The group of coals with medium sulfur content includes the samples of 24 wells and sulfur coals – 64 wells.
Moisture content of coal is ballast that makes its transportation more expensive, storage at warehouses and release from warehouses and dosing more complex. Wet coals are sorted badly and dust-free, which leads to worsening of the washing mode.
Volatile matter – content of volatile combustibles in percent as to dry-and-ash-free fuel. It is an index of quality of solid inflammable minerals, which is taken into account when determining their rational industrial use. Volatiles are gaseous and vaporous products emitted at heating inflammable minerals in the standard conditions at t=850±100С.
2.2 Ecological Consequences of Energy Use of Coal
Coal combustion at a TPS has a considerable negative impact on the environment condition because it is accompanied by a big amount of wastes discarded into the environment (Fig. 2.1).

2.1 – The scheme of the impact of TPS on the environment
1 – oxygen; 2 – fuel; 3 – the
4 – the hydrosphere; 5 – a capacitor; 6 –
generator; 7 – turbine; 8 – H2O;
9 – CO2;
10 – SO2;
11 – NOx;
12 – ash not captured by filters; 13 – ash; 14
– slag; 15 – precipitation; 16 –
wastewater; 17 – the steam generator; 18 – electric
filter; 19
– the heat; 20 – particulate matter; 21 –
At fuel combustion all its mass transforms into solid, liquid and gaseous wastes: fly ash, particles of unburnt dusty fuel, sulfur trioxide and sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, gaseous products of incomplete combustion. There are also aluminum and silicium oxides in emissions of coal fuel fired TPS.
A coal-fired power plant with the capacity of 1,000 MW, subject to neutralization of 80% of sulfur dioxide, emits annually 36 billion m3 of off gases, 5,000 t of SO2, 10,000 t of NOx, 3,000 t of dust-fume particles, 100 million m3 of vapor, 360 thousand t of ash and 5 million m3 of wastewaters with admixture content of 0.2 to 2 g/l. On an average, about 150 kg of contaminants per 1 t of conditional fuel are emitted in the fuel thermal-power industry. Thermal power sources in the world emit about 700 million t of contaminants of different hazard classes in total, including about 400 million t of air pollutants [10].
The anthropogenic contamination of the environment with sulfur is two times more than the natural one. SO2 oxides into SO3in the presence of oxygen. When bonded with water, these oxides form sulfurous and sulphuric acids, which settle on the ground in the form of acid rains. Acid rain has a negative impact on ponds increasing their acidity to such a level, at which flora and fauna die. The increased water acidity promotes higher solubility of such hazardous metals as cadmium, mercury and lead from bed silt and soils. These toxic metals endanger a human health.
There is a lack of qualitative fuel for the TPS and the majority of stations are forced operating on fuel of lower quality; at such fuel combustion a big amount of harmful substances come into the air with fume, in addition, harmful substances come into soil with ash.
As a result of the coal TPSs operation a considerable amount of ash-slag wastes is formed, occupying vast land plots. They are sources of heavy metals accumulations and possess increased radioactivity.
In addition, the TPSs contaminate ponds discharging warm water to them, as a result of which the chain reaction takes place: ponds are overgrown with algae, oxygen balance disturbance takes place in them, which in its turn endangers the life of all their dwellers.
It should be also noted that lands bear the reservoirs that are adjacent immediately to the thermal power stations are subjected to constant submergence conditioned by the increase of underground waters level, as a result of which bogging up of considerable territory areas takes place.
3. 3. Methods of Carrying Out Investigations
In order to determine the regularities of qualitative values of coals in the bed h10в of the mine "Holodnaya Balka" the data on 106 core samples taken in the exploratory wells, occurred across the rock strike within the investigated area were used.
Statistic processing of the experimental data was made with the help of SPSS program. As a result, such descriptive statistics as average, standard deviation, fashion, dispersion, minimum and maximum value of the index were received.
Based on the made calculations the variation ratio was calculated, according to which all investigated qualitative characteristics of coal in the bed h10в of the mine "Holodnaya Balka" refer to the group with homogenous distribution.
The space analysis of the investigated data was made with the help of Surfer program.
For the purpose of definition of metamorphism changeability direction within the investigated area a trend-analysis by volatile matter was made. In order to reach the set purpose the Polynomial Regression method was used. This method allows marking out the main trends and structures, but it is not interpolation because the generated surface does not pass the experimental points [11].
4. Investigation Results
As a result of the carried out investigations for the purpose of determining space regularities of coal qualitative characteristics distribution, maps of ash content in the investigated coal bed were made. According to the data on volatile matter a trend analysis was made. When building the trend surface they used polynominal of first degree, which described the tendency being common for the whole investigated area to increase (decrease) of the investigated sign in the definite direction [12]. Based on the made calculations the regularities of coal metamorphism change within the investigated area were established. The comparison of the protection hazard of coals in different beds that are distinguished by high sulfur content and low calorific value was made. The final result of the paper is calculation of emissions of contaminants from the TPSs using coals from the mine "Holodnaya Balka" In their industrial cycle.
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