- Introduction
- 1. Object, aims and tasks of the research
- 2. Comparative analysis of the harmful substances emission in accordance with Ukrainian and European legislation
- 3. Analysis of the impact of vehicle emissions on the particular environment components
- 3.1 Results of researches of snow in some city areas
- Conclusions
- References
Quality of modern society’s life is conditioned by many factors: work, dwelling, nourishment and communications, mobile forms of transport are the most crucial.
Taking into consideration, that since the mid-twentieth-century, urbanization’s rates have been getting menacing , nowadays time is a life limiting factor for everyone. On an average, 80-85 % of the world's population are living in cities, where transport, especially automobile, is one key element of any functioning city from one hand, a source of the environmental pollution – from the other.
Therefore, in modern cities against air pollution emissions from industrial enterprises, the share of emissions from mobile modes, depending on the type and level of industrial capacity, varies in the range 20-80 %. As an essential component of social and economic development of any settlements, transport consumes any amount of natural resources (oil, gas, metals, etc.). Thus has a direct and an indirect effect on the environment as emissions, waste, which pollute all the city natural subsystem components, including creating an environmental risk to humans.
However, the types of transport services and their volumes are constantly rising, freight and passenger traffic are increasing too. The new modes of transport are coming to replace the outdated ones. The firsts require high speed and good equipped highways [1].
Considering that in a group of mobile type of transport, car reaches 85-90 %, almost every citizen has a personal vehicle. Furthermore, about 50 % of the oil is consumed by this group, which outstrips the population growth. That’s why the study of the vehicles’ impact is an essential condition of citizens’ ecological safety.
Emissions from motor vehicles in major cities create a significant effect on all the environment components pollution. Aerosol and dust particles are deposited on plant surfaces, are absorbed by the upper layers of soil, are washed out with rain, melted snow and drain torrents. In addition, a large number of toxic substances, which are released into the atmosphere, spreads on the level of human respiratory organs, causing various diseases.
1. Object, aims and tasks of the research
The aim of the research is to measure the absorption of certain contaminants in the vehicles’ emissions by some particular environment components on the example of Donetsk. The second aim is the comparative analysis of the exhaust gases risks according to the regulatory requirements in Ukraine and Europe.
The selected objects are atmospheric air, soil and drainage water. It’s planned to perform the following tasks:
- analysis of the ecological state of Donetsk on the basis of areas with different traffic intensities selection;
- determination of the vehicles’ number at selected areas;
- calculation of pollutants emissions into the air;
- comparative analysis of the vehicles emissions’ harm according to the regulatory requirements in Ukraine and Europe;
- chemical analysis of snow, soil and drain water samples;
- mathematical processing of the data;
- development of measures reducing the vehicles pollution.
2. Comparative analysis of the harmful substances emission in accordance with Ukrainian and European legislation
In connection with the growth of emissions from mobile transports development, inculcation and further tightening of standards for the content of pollutants in vehicle waste gases are actual. Therefore, in Ukraine it is expedient to introduce more stringent standards, for the Euro-3, for example. The work keeps a comparative analysis of emissions from road transport in Ukraine and Europe.
The section of the motorway along the avenue between the Bogdan Khmelnitsky Chelyuskintsev and Artem streets was selected as the object of research. Length of this section is 350 m approximately (figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 – The cartographical position of the highway test section
The selected section is located between two crossroads, what allows to average the data on emissions during the run, braking and equal car traffic. Thus, their composition will depend only on traveled distance.
The study was carried out by web camera observation of the selected road during a week. The camera recorded the number of cars, depending on time of day. The results processing was carried out every day, number of data recorded in the car for an hour was averaged for calculations.
The obtained data allowed to calculate the amount of major pollutants emissions [2]. For comparison, the total hourly emissions (THE) of pollutants are presented in Figure 2.2.

Figure 2.2 – Results of calculations of the total average hourly emissions on test section
Since the greatest contribution to the sum of emissions is made by cars, the calculations of emissions according to the Euro-3 requirements, are executed for this category for the transport and for indicated pollution components.
Quantitative comparison of the emissions, according to Ukrainian and European standard, counts for much. A comparison is carried out for nitrogen dioxide, as its share in total emissions is much larger than the other components (figure 2.3).

Figure 2.3 – Comparative estimates of the daily nitrogen dioxide dynamics from automobiles
As the graphs visualize, nitrogen dioxide has a significant contribution to the vehicles emissions, so the comparative calculations were made for this particular pollutant (figure 2.3).
The calculated data of daily emissions dynamics show that, according to Ukrainian method of calculating, emissions is almost ten times higher than European standards.
3. Analysis of the impact of vehicle emissions on the particular environment components
The purpose of this part of the work is to measure the absorption of the vehicle emissions by the individual natural environment components, specifically soil and sediments in the form of snow and rain.
3.1 Results of researches of snow in some city areas
As the research sections, were selected the Artem, Shchorsa streets, Ilyich Avenue, Donetsk highway and the crossroad near Central Market. All objects are in different parts of the city and suburbs are characterized by relatively high traffic volume. Ares for trial are open air territories (undeveloped and without green plantations).
The analysis of samples of snow collected at 30-50 meters from the motorway was partially carried out. Some samples are conserved in the work. The starting point in all cases was the roadside. Subsequent samples were taken in increments of 3 m, sample was taken by cutting the top layer of snow, an area of 1 dm2 and a depth of 3 cm. The remnants of vegetation and soil were removed from snow. Each sample was placed in the snow a separate container to prevent the ingress of foreign matter in it.
In parallel with the process of sampling was the cars counting carried out.
As part of the vehicle emissions are nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, soot, unburned hydrocarbons, the work with the snow samples determined by the concentration of nitrates and sulfates (under definition), as products of reactions of exhaust gases. The analysis is carried out in accordance with relevant procedures. Also pH and suspended solids were determined in the melt water. Chemical composition of snow makes it possible to trace the dynamics of diffusion of gas emissions.
The experimental data for the analysis of nitrate show that their distribution in the snowpack is uneven. The highest concentration is observed at a distance of 5-10 m from the road. Subsequent removal of the road leads to a decrease in the content of 2-4 times. This distribution is explained by the peculiarities and characteristics of the exhaust gases emission, high temperature, the height of release, the linear nature of the emission source and the general meteorological conditions of the sampling period.
The content of suspended solids and pH of the melt water is highest at the roadside. At this point, the pH has a value of 8-8.5 and decreases with distance up to pH=7, which does not correspond to published data.
Masterwork keeps a literary analysis of the impact of vehicles on the natural systems components. Internal combustion engine was examined as a source of emissions. The resulting video data allow to calculate emissions of pollutants (nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons). Executed comparative analysis of emissions, according to the Euro and Ukraine standards, showed the need for tighter regulations on Ukrainian ecological vehicles. Chemical analysis showed the heterogeneity of the snow melt water at different distances from the road. The maximum nitrate content observed at 10 m from the road, due to the nature of the dispersion of exhaust gases.
For the moment of essay writing, master's work is not finished yet. The final conclusion is expected for December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the subject may be granted by the author or his supervisor after the specified date.