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Summary on the final work



Pond near Donbas Arena
Fig. 1 Ponds of Donetsk

Problems of the natural use in both the past and today occupy prominent position in scientific researches and actual not only in connection with set (and in the last decades even growing) demand on natural resources but also from exhausting, exhaustion, degradation or contamination of the last.

Now attained contamination of environment level at which the substantial is his influence on a health of population, especially children. Already a few years in succession the amount of deaths is exceeded by the amount of births. It threatens an extinction and biologically-genetic degradation of people of Ukraine.

Donbass stands on the first place among regions on contamination of hydrosphere, that largely affected population of area. There is a problem of shortage of drinking-water per capita, water goes on a clock, that resulted in large inconveniences. Quality of water falls short of existent norms, from where enhanceable morbidity (especially for children) and death rate. Also people can not bath and rest at existent reservoirs, and outlay additional money funds on rest.

Annually one only mines are thrown down by about 500 million cubic meters muddy high mineralizaciya of mine waters with which the small rivers of Donbassa the about 1,5 million tons of different salts enter. Except for coal miners, fresh water is actively used by metallurgists and power engineering specialists, enterprises of communal and rural economy. Ot them back into the rivers of the Donetsk area this water goes, having in the composition nitrogen ammoniacal and nitrate, phenols and formaldehydes, nefteprodukty and sulfates, and other great deal. The concentration of these connections in sewages usually hesitates a from 5 to 15 mg/l, that in hundreds of one times exceeds possible indexes.[5]

Actuality of theme

As there is a problem of upcast of the off-grade cleared water, my work on the improvement of method of cleaning of mine waters is actual. Also an enterprise is economic advantageous to turn on the cleared water in the circulating cycle of production, but not to buy in it on high prices. There is the real possibility of sale of water other enterprises or population. Demand on the cleared mine water is assumed high, because this water probably below by a cost, what at enterprises on the sale of water.

Aims and research tasks, planned result

A purpose is development and ground of flowsheet on cleaning of mine waters for its repeated application


  • an analysis of situation on an enterprise, his influences on the whole on a natural environment;
  • an analysis of technologies of cleaning of mine waters;
  • research of high-quality composition of mine water in the set terms;
  • a choice of method of water treatment in the terms of enterprise;
  • an economic ground of the offered technology of cleaning of mine waters.

Planned result.

Receipt of water quality close to the norms.

High-quality composition of mine waters

The Rationed indexes are an amount of VZV, floating admixtures (objects), smells, tastes, colouring, temperature, acidity (value of rN), mineral composition, cut-in oxygen, biochemical requirement in oxygen, exciters of diseases, poisonous matters.[1]

Name of indexes Name of matters Ratified maximum possible concentration g/ h Upcast in a count on t/year (evaluation)
1 Self-weighted matters 6540,0 57,3
2 CIQ 6540,0 57,3
3 BIQ5 1471,5 12,89
4 Nitrogen ammoniacal 127,5 1,12
5 Nitrites 49,05 0,43
6 Nitrates 32,70 28,6
7 Chlorides 0,03 859,3
8 Iron (general) 65,4 0,57
9 Copper 3,27 0,029
10 Manganese 32,7 0,28
11 Cadmium 0,03 0,003
12 Lead 1,64 0,01
13 Nickel 3,27 0,03
14 Zinc 3,27 0,03
15 Chrome (+6) 0,32 0,003
16 Dry remain (mineralizaciya) 163500 4296,8
17 Sulfates 49500 1432,3
18 Phenols 0,32 0,003
19 Products of oil 32,7 0,3
20 Phosphates 1020,2 8,94

Table 1. Border possible upcast (PDK) of contaminents with sewages in a water object.[3]

Cleaning of mine waters on example of mine Oktabrskii Rudnik of SE DCPC

Mine the <q>Octyabrskii rudnik</q>
Fig. 2. Mine the Octyabrskii rudnik

A cage is a barrel of  mine the <q>Octyabrskii rudnik</q>
Fig. 3. A cage is a barrel of mine the Octyabrskii rudnik

On an enterprise water clears up by a mechanical method by the cascade of ponds of otstoynikov, and also disinfected a chlorine. The capacity of pruda-otstoynika makes 135 tis.m3. Cleaning of him it is complete in 2004. Taking into account that, - that the volume of stavka is large enough, time of stay of mine water which is taken from a mine the Octyabrskii rudnik, makes more than 20 days, that in 2-3 times more recommended for illumination of water of this type in him. The disinfestation of mine waters is conducted UPTPO and REEMULSIFICATION on an issue from pond №1 by chlorinating before an upcast in a pond . 2516,5 th.m3 of defecate mine water is taken in 2010.[4]

Chart of mine water treatment
Fig. 4 Chart of mine water treatment

Water consumption of mine

Water consumption

Water consumption of Water-supply of mine (city Donetsk) a drinking-water, a communal enterprise is carried out from plumbings networks the Donetsk city water channel . The account of fence of drinking-water, that acts from networks communal enterprise the Donetsk city water channel, is carried out for the measuring device of water of Mz-100.

A drinking-water is outlaid on the economic-drinkable and production needs of mine, namely:

  • use of drinking-water on shower-baths, washable of linen, cleanings up of apartments, uses of drinking-water, in rest rooms and washstands;
  • use of drinking-water on production necessities: boiler room, compressor with a cooler, vacuum-pump.

Influx of mine waters in the mountain making of mine in 2010 made the Octyabrskii rudnik in obedience to the report of 2WE (Water economy) - 2540,7 th.m3. It is necessary to mark that in connection with closing of mine of Panfilovskoy", mine waters of this mine on currents act on a mine the Octyabrskii rudnik. Amount of mine water of m. "Panfilovskoy" will make 117 m3/ hour. Accordingly, the Octyabrskii rudnik will make the general amount of mine water of mine 327,0 m3/ hour.

Water taking

There are the systems of the sewage system on an enterprise, namely:

  • economic domestic;
  • production.

Economic domestic flows of mine located in Donetsk, by system of the sewage system of economic domestic flow waters, passed on cleansing buildings of communal enterprise the Donetsk city water channel.

Pumping out of mine waters is carried out a step pumping complex, which consists of the 5 pumpings settings, equipped on horizons 1123 m, 995 m, 741 m and 547 m.

Delivery of mine water on a surface is carried out the pumping setting of the main pumping on horizon 547 m. Farther mine water on a collector acts for cleaning in pond by volume of 135 th.m3 . In there is the mechanical cleaning of mine waters a pond by defending. Farther defecate mine water on a beam is Verbovaya through the cascade of ponds thrown down in the river Vodyanaya, river basin Wolchya.

Name of indexes Water consumption
Normatively-calculation Actual (2010 year)
м3/day thousand.м3/year м3/day thousand.м3/year
1. Fence of water all 8478,4 3094,6 4673,72 2651,2
from superficial sources - - - -
from underground sources 7848,0 2864,5 6960,8 2540,7
mine water 7848,0 2864,5 6960,8 2540,7
drinkable 630,4 230,1 302,7 110,5
Communal Enterprise is a City Water Channel 630,4 230,1 302,7 110,5
2. Use of water on own necessities 630,4 230,1 302,7 110,5
on economic-drinkable necessities 622,7 227,3 36,7 13,4
production necessities 7,7 2,8 266,0 97,1
3. Water is passed to other uses water - - - -
4. Charges of water are in the circulating water systems 146,8 53,6 146,8 53,6
5. Charges of water are in the circulating water systems - - - -
6. Losses of water in the water systems on main vodogonakh - - - -

Table. 2 Loud Speakers of water consumption and water taking after 2008-2011 years.

Balance chart of water consumption
Fig. 5. Balance chart of water consumption and water taking for 2010 (in th.m3/year)

Affecting of mine water objects

As a result of the technogenic loading, receipt of s r. Vodyanaya considerable volume of muddy circulating waters, the Vodyanaya lost assimilatory ability. Quality of water in the small river on most indexes, in particular, on mineralizacii falls short of requirements, that is produced to the reservoirs of not only fish economic but also communal domestic water consumption.[4]


Analysing foregoing material, it is possible to draw conclusion, that the thrown down waters of this mine violate natural balance of reservoirs substantially. It is necessary from here, that cleaning chart, existing on an enterprise effective not enough, it is therefore needed to perfect or replace it fully.

List of Sources

  1. Матлак Е.С., Малеев В.Б. Снижение загрязнения шахтных вод в подземных условиях – Киев: Техника, 1991. – 134 с.
  2. Гориков В.А. Очистка и использование сточных вод предприятий угольной промышленности – М., Недра, 1981 – 269 с.
  3. Постанова КМУ від 09.11.96 р. № 1100 Про порядок розробки та затвердження нормативів гранично-допустимого скиду забруднюючих речовин та переліку забруднюючих речовин, скид яких нормується.
  4. Дозвіл на користування і нормативи гранично-допустимих скидів (ГДС) забруднюючих речовин із зворотними водами для підприємства ш. Октябрьский рудник ДП ДВЕК.
  5. Ураинформ Донбасс [электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: ura.dn.ua