- 1. General characreristics of the work
- 2. Of studyng the role of man-made landscapes in the accumulation of matter deffentiation
- 3. Characteristicks of accumulative landscapes
- 3.1 Overview
- 3.2 Classifications
- 3.3 Factors and processes of migration of man-made substances in accumulative landscapes
- 4. Methodology of researches
- 4.1 Network substantiation of accumulative landscape objects testing
- 4.2 Laboratory researches of tests of soil and ground deposits
- 4.3 Methodology of data processing
- 5. Basic work results
- References
1. General characreristics of the work
The relevance of research.In the current accumulative landscapes are formed technogenic polluted sediments. In this sense, these landscapes are lannye battery man-made pollution. Moreover, this type of observations of the environment nearly fell out of the environmental monitoring system. The relevance of this work is to show that the efficiency of the overall assessment of the degree and extent of industrial pollution in urban areas in the study of modern man-made deposits, which include the bottom muds.
with the scientific programs, plans, themes.
This work was based on material obtained in the course of work on the
monitoring of soil and sediment valleys bars the city of Donetsk in
line with the programs of environmental activities of local importance
to the city of Donetsk, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 Work done in
collaboration with GWP Artemovskaya
hydrogeological party
city and Technopark DonNTU
the city of
Master's thesis meets the state
scientific program State
environmental programs conduct environmental
Also, the relevance of these
studies substantiated a number of regulatory documents: the Law of
Ukraine About protection of
the environment
on 25/06/91
(Article 22),
Laws of Ukraine On Wastes
and On Land Protection
the Cabinet of
Ministers of Ukraine from August 20 1993, № 661: The
situation of land
The purpose of the work.The purpose of this master's work is to determine the role of the accumulation of technogenic landscapes in the differentiation of matter in urban ecosystems.
Objectives of research:
- The study of the factors and processes of formation of the modern sediment accumulation landscapes;
- Identify the sources of man-made substances are localized in the modern sediments;
- Determination of the localization conditions of technogenic materials in accumulative landscapes (geochemical barrier);
- Selection of indicator pollutant elements and compounds, the study of the nature of their distribution;
- Defining the role of accumulative landscapes in urban ecosystems
The object of the study.The objects of study are accumulative landscapes of the city of Donetsk (river valley Kalmius, Bad and Rutchenkovskaya beams, beams with no name (Bahmutka), tributaries of the № 1 and № 3 Kalmius river).
Purpose of the study. The subject of the study are modern sedimentary formations accumulative landscapes.
- Field work (geological and ecological tours, sampling);
- Chemical analyzes of samples;
- The method of systematic analysis of available information;
- Methods of processing of experimental data using the apparatus of mathematical statistics;
- The method of spatial analysis;
- The method of graphical analysis.
Scientific novelty of the results:
- The factors and processes of formation of modern sediments in accumulative landscapes;
- In the bottom sediments is a significant and sustainable akoplenie toxic elements cadmium, mercury, lead, arsenic, molybdenum, zinc and some other soils compared to adjacent areas;
- Toksichnyhelementov accumulation in sediments is mainly hydrogen sulfide barrier, which is caused by anaerobic sulphate reduction;
- The sources of man-made substances in the sediments are the soils and other surface soils adjacent areas, flowing surface water, ground water wedging.
The practical significance of the work. According to the research of man-made rain can definitely make a general assessment of the cumulative and extent of industrial pollution in urban areas. Therefore, these results provide a new review priorities in the environmental monitoring system. As of today accumulative landscapes can judge the degree of man-made strain on the environment as a whole. According to the degree of contamination is easy to stand out the most technologically intensive areas requiring environmental solutions.
contribution of the author.
During 2009-2012 the author was involved in the monitoring of
soil and
sediment of river valleys and ravines of the city of Donetsk. In
particular, soil samples were taken. sediments, and laboratory data
processed participated in the drafting of research and production of
reports for GWP Artemovskaya
hydrogeological party
and of
Technopark DonSTU
The results were used in the preparation of production reports. It is
also used in the article Role
of haloes of technological substitution
in the ecosystems of the geological environment of urban areas of
, prepared for printing in
the book DonNTU.
2. Of studyng the role of man-made landscapes in the accumulation of matter deffentiation
The background landscape is
rooted in the work of the eminent German naturalist Alexander von
Humboldt (1769-1859). In his main work, Cosmos
develops the
idea of
unity and interconnection of natural phenomena on Earth. He emphasized
that the nature of the individual areas should be studied as part of
the whole, that is the Earth and even the universe. Humboldt also
belongs to the generalization of the principle of geographical zoning
in the distribution of vegetation on Earth.
The first geochemical laws and patterns have been discovered by Vernadsky (1863-1945), Fersman (1883-1945) are considered the founders of geochemistry. A special place belongs to the V.I. Vernadsky, a scientific genius and the organizers created a whole science (biogeochemistry, radiogeology, the teachings of the biosphere and the noosphere, etc.). His work laid the foundation for systematic study of the chemical composition of organisms.
In the 30-s begin to develop
the study of landscapes on the basis of geochemical Polynov, he
introduces the concept of geochemical
. Planted them close
to the geochemistry of landscape soil science, because the soil is the
relationship between animate and inanimate nature, nature, and a
detailed chemical study of soil processes have always constituted one
of the important problems of soil science. Research center, where these
ideas were developed Polynov, Soil Institute was named after V.V.
Dokuchaev, Moscow. Under the leadership of B.B. Polynov studies were
carried out as his students at the Academy of Sciences Kazhstana
(Glazovskaya M.) and the Institute of Geological Sciences of the USSR,
Moscow (A. Perelman).
Further development of the geochemistry of the landscape has been associated with problems of finding ore deposits, which are actively used geochemical methods. A.I Perelman was developed scheme of the review of landscape-geochemical zoning of the USSR. Began to develop a new direction – paleogeohimiya landscapes. A great contribution to the development of landscape geochemistry made Glazovskaya (she studied the geochemistry of man-made landscapes and more).
In recent decades, developed methods for studying the landscape effects of geographic information systems, satellite image interpretation. Using them is easier to monitor the environment of soil and landscape map.
3. Characteristicks of accumulative landscapes
3.1 Overview
Under the landscape refers to a specific area that is homogeneous in origin and history of having a single geological foundation, the same type of relief, the combination of uniform soil and vegetation, and different from other areas of the structure, the nature of the relationship and interaction between the individual components of this territory. By the definition of A.I. Perelman, the landscape – is a complex nonequilibrium system in which the interaction and interpenetration between the elements of rock, soil, water, air and living organisms [19].
3.2 Classifications
The basis of any classification are signs of the studied objects. The first step is to establish the taxonomic value of some geochemical features of the landscape. Since the geochemical characteristics of landscapes defined by migration of atoms, the basis of classification must put particular migration of chemical elements, as well as the notion of an elementary landscape, introduced to the science of B.B. Polynov in 1926.
According to B.B. Polynov, all elementary landscapes of the land under the terms of the migration of chemical elements can unite in three groups:
- Eluvial landscapes are placed on an elevated relief elements are characterized by good drainage and deep groundwater, the removal of material descending currents of water. M.A. Glazovskaya distinguishes four subtypes of eluvial landscapes: eluvial fact, transeluvial, transeluvial-accumulativ.
- Superaqueous (surface) landscapes – are confined to low-relief elements with shallow groundwater. Here there is a partial accumulation of chemical elements, introduced as the groundwater, and from the eluvial landscapes.
- Subaqueous (underwater) landscapes – are formed on the bottom of reservoirs and represent a zone of accumulation of substances.
3.3 Factors and processes of migration of man-made substances in accumulative landscapes
The migration of substances in accumulative landscapes made from adjacent areas by surface runoff and groundwater. Predominant role in the geochemical differantsiatsii play area waterways.
All the variety of man-made migration of matter in the landscape, in the form of movement can be summarized in the types of isolated Perelman (1979):
- mechanical (movement of chemical elements without changing their formspent);
- physico-chemical (including migration with concomitant chemical reactions (diffusion processes of radioactivedecay phenomena of isomorphism, sorption processes);
- biogenic (migration, associated with the life of animals and organisms);
- manmade (migration under the influence of human consciousness ).
V.A. Alekseenko (2000), focusing on finding a direct form of migratory elements include the division of the types of migration:
- The first type of migration – change in the shape of the element without significant movement (example: the transition elements of the mineral forms in the solution).
- The second type of migration – the movement of the element without changing the shape of its location (example: the movement of aerosols in the atmosphere, fragments of minerals in the surface water, etc.);
- the third type of migration – the movement of elements with changes in the forms of their presence (Fe3+ → Fe2+ transition in eluvialgley and migration to groundwater).
Geochemical barriers – areas of landscape areas in which there is a sharp decrease in the intensity of migration and concentration of chemical elements and compounds [1].
For the accumulation of man-made landscapes of cities characterized by sulphide (hydrogen sulphide) barrier. These barriers occur where oxygen and water gel encounter on their path of hydrogen sulfide environment. Of course, if the hydrogen sulfide hydrogen sulfide environment penetrate the water, there is no barrier does not occur. Barriers to the hydrogen sulfide most efficiently accumulate chalcophile elements (since they are directly associated with sulfur to form connections of sulfide), and partly – siderophile and lithophile the least extent.
4. Methodology of researches
4.1 Network substantiation of accumulative landscape objects testing
Tests were picked from beams Durnaya and Rutchenkovskaya, beams without the name (Bachmutka), Kalmius, inflows № 1 and № 3 Kalmius. Selection grounds are placed linear on certain distance (100-200m.) and form control range along the beams which are being studied from their source to the mouth. The ground deposits of ponds and beams were picked in some cases so the First municipal pond was explored in detail this way.
During picking up of testing grounds placing different regional and local man-triggered factors were taken into consideration. The emissions of great industrial concerns of city, emissions of cars and other technique are counted to the regional factors. Influence of vehicles most intensively shows up in close proximity of highways and railway roads which surround and cross the valleys of beams.
The local factors of direct influence within the limits of the exploring and adjoining territory, limited of the watersheds, are presented in variations:
- by the industrial areas of enterprises;
- by large and small solid dumps;
- by canalization collectors organized along beams;
- by the numerous unauthorized dumps of various garbage.
4.2 Laboratory researches of tests of soil and ground deposits
Chemical-analytical researches
of soils and ground deposits are conducted by the laboratory of LTD.
Complex laboratory Standard
Artemivsk of Donetsk reg.
The list of the determined ingredients was grounded proceeding from possible character of influence of determined sources of soil contamination and existent experience of soils monitoring of Donetsk. The concentrations of dangerous toxic elements in municipal soils were determined in all tests by quantitative methods. The list of the controlled ingredients and methodology of their determination are listed in the table.4.1.
Table. 4.1.
п/п |
Ingredient which is specified |
methodology |
content of total |
1 |
Cadmium |
155-х |
2 |
155-х |
3 |
Mercury |
333-х |
4 |
Lead |
155-х |
5 |
Zinc |
155-х |
6 |
155-х |
7 |
Manganese |
155-х |
8 |
Arsenic |
245-х |
9 |
Chrome |
450-с |
10 |
Cobalt |
155-х |
11 |
Vanadium |
17-х |
12 |
Molybdenum |
119-х |
13 |
рН |
Standard 26423-85. Soils. Methods of
determining the electrical conductivity, pH, and the solid residue of
the aqueous extract |
14 |
ion |
Standard 264426-85. Soils. Method of
determination of sulfate ion in the aqueous extract |
15 |
ion |
Standard 264425-85. Soils. Method of
determination of chloride ion in the aqueous extract |
16 |
Hydrogen-ion |
Standard 264424-85. Soils. Method of
determination of carbonate and bicarbonate in aqueous extract |
7 |
ion |
Standard 264427-85. Soils. Method of
determination of sodium and potassium in the aqueous extract |
18 |
Sodium-ion |
Standard 264427-85. Soils. Method of
determination of sodium and potassium in the aqueous extract |
19 |
Calcium-ion |
Standard 264428-85. Soils. Method of
determination of calcium and magnesium in the water extract |
20 |
ion |
Standard 264428-85. Soils. Method of
determination of calcium and magnesium in the water extract |
21 |
dry residue |
Standard 264423-85. Soils. Method of
determination electrical conductivity, pH, and the solid residue of the
aqueous extract |
4.3 Methodology of data processing
Recommendations and normative documents [10,11,12,13,14] are established in basis of processing and generalization methods of received data.
For description of contamination degree of soils and ground deposits of the territory which is being studied the coefficients of concentration (CC) of components were calculated in relation to regional base-line concentrations.
The territory which is being
studied is timed to western part of the Donetsk-Makiivka geological and
industrial district. So for the estimation of total contamination level
the base-line concentrations of elements in soils (table. 4.2) were
used, which were calculated for two relatively clean areas during
realization of the special geological and environmental operations in
this district by
GGP Donbassgeology
Табл. 4.2 The base-line concentrations of elements in soils.
element |
mg/kg |
Mercury |
0,035 |
Cadmium |
1 |
Lead |
20 |
Zinc |
70 |
Copper |
30 |
Nickel |
50 |
Cobalt |
18 |
Chrome |
100 |
Manganese |
700 |
Molybdenum |
1,23 |
Vanadium |
99,6 |
Arsenic |
1,9 |
For the estimation of soil contamination degree hazard for every test the total index of chemical contamination was calculated – Zс.On analyses processing results were calculated values of Zс which reflect the combined contamination in every test. Depending on this index, soils are subdivided into categories listed in the table. 4.3 on the degree of contamination hazard.
Table. 4.3. Approximate scale of soils contamination by chemicals and degree of contamination hazard.
Contamination of soil by the method of
USSR Ministry of Geology |
The degree of risk by the method of the
Ministry of Health. |
Category |
indicators of pollution |
degree of danger |
contaminated |
0-10 |
<16 |
Permitted |
contaminated |
окт.20 |
contaminated |
20-30 |
16-32 |
dangerous |
much contaminated |
30-128 |
32-128 |
Dangerous |
Extremely contaminated |
>128 |
>128 |
Extremely dangerous |
5. Basic work results
All investigated objects (beams Durnaya and Rutchenkovskaya beams without the name (Bachmutka), Kalmius, inflows № 1 and № 3 Kalmius) are located in a Donetsk area, where the high enough level of the man-triggered capacity is noticed on adjoining territory. Along beams, on sides, within the limits of catchment area the great number of soils contamination sources are located such as solid dumps, industrial grounds of enterprises, canalization collectors, houses with homestead lands, garages, different productive, building, commercial and communal enterprises, network of highways. Directly slopes and bottom lands of beams serve as unauthorized garbage dump for the population. Soils of bottom lands of beam and especially the ground deposits of ponds are the accumulators of total man-triggered emissions from the side of different regional and local sources of Donetsk. Toxic elements and salts which are accumulated in soils are partly removing during washing by the atmospheric fallouts, in the process of consumption by plants and microorganisms, under act of erosion and deflation. Therefore contaminants could stay for a long time in soils. Black earth of low -humus loamy have storage properties, which organic part (humus) and clay minerals possess large absorptive power (restoration, sorption barriers) in relation to most metals and toxic elements.
In a good enough degree soils contamination of beams takes place in the process of aquatic migration, through a superficial flow from adjoining territories. Contamination of soils is most shown in connection with aquatic migration on the areas by pinching muddy subsoil waters on a surface within the limits of the swamped territories. Additional contamination of soils on the swamped areas takes place at localization macro and mikroelements on a hydrogen sulfide barrier. The accumulation of all spectrum of pollutants takes place in the pond ground deposits.

Img.1 Bottom sediments
The steady geochemical associations of elements which reflect the general orientation of man-triggered transformations of geological environment of city, are formed here.
For the objective estimation of contamination of soil researches of indexes distribution were conducted along control of ranges of the investigated objects. This analysis allows to define the general level of soils contamination ,and determine the indicatory elements of territory contamination , trace their spatial dynamics and distinguish dangerous areas most ecologically. It is considered for most mikroelemets that fluctuation of the normal geochemical field is within the limits of 0,5-1,5 of geophone. In case of concentrations below 0,5 of geophone distinguish negative geochemical anomalies and when a background is exceeded in 1,5 it is possible to talk about positive anomalies. In every case on the level of element anomalousness influences the character of his distribution in soils, which can change from even to extremely uneven.
As a result of processing of data received from the laboratory it is possible to do a few conclusions which are general for all investigated territories.
Exceeding of base-line concentrations is educed almost at all investigated toxic elements, the greatest contribution to total contamination brings in Cd, the middle exceeding of which make – 7 of background. Exceeding of other elements is not so great, so Hg – 2,2 ofbackground, Pb – 1,4 of background, Cu – 1,3 of background, Zn – 1,2 of background, Mn – 1,15 of background, Co and Cr – 1,1 of background.
Almost the half of area of soils is characterized by the great and middle category of contamination (Zc from 10 to 16). Basic elements, influencing on the degree of total contamination, are a cadmium, Mercury and lead. A concentration of other toxic elements is within the limits of fluctuation of the normal geochemical field. The most scale and intensive halos of contamination are distinguished for a cadmium.
During determination of coefficients of concentrations in relation to the background of the ground deposits, and also on the complex index of Zc, the AV exceeding was set on Сd – 4,15 of background; Hg are 1,6 – 3 backgrounds; Pb are 2 backgrounds; Zn – 1,3 of background; Mn – 1,6 of background; Co – 1,5 of background, As – 2,4 of background and Mo – 10,9 of background. On the average category of contamination of territory it is possible to attribute to the possible degree (Zc=10-16 un.), and a most contribution to total contamination of the ground deposits is brought in by a molybdenum.
The ground deposits in relation to toxic elements possess storage capabilities, that evidently demonstrate the charts of distribution of middle indexes of contamination in soils and ground deposits of the investigated objects. The considerably higher concentrations of practically all elements are distinctly set in the ground deposits. An exception is made by a cobalt and Mercury, the concentrations of which in soils are higher.[3]

Img.2 A ratio of concentrations of elements in soils and sediments b. Rutchenkovskaya
On the whole the degree of contamination of accumulative fallouts gives the objective estimation of the man-triggered loading of Donetsk city. Set of indicatory elements of contamination of municipal territories consists of a cadmium, arsenic, lead, molybdenum, zinc, manganese. They enter in the complement of group of chalcophile elements which form connections with sulfide sulphur. Thus they form own minerals (sulfides) or they are included in their composition as isomorphic admixtures. The basic known sulfide is a pyrite (FeS2). The wide group of sulfides of arsenic, zinc, lead, Mercury, antimony, Bi, molybdenum, copper, silver can associate with him. A cadmium seldom forms own minerals, often it enters as an isomorphic admixture in blende (ZnS). The distinguished group of elements and minerals accompanies ores of iron and nonferrous metal. It means emissions in the air, raw materials wastes and products of coal and metallurgical industry can serve as the source of incoming of these toxic elements in environment. The sources of contamination could be the emissions of metallurgical, coke plants, solid dumps, ventilation shaft of mines, stove heating houses etc. Additional income of these elements in the environment is possible from the side of dumps and stores of different wastes.
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