Summary on the final work
- The relevance of fine processing waste
- Goals and objectives
- Concepts
- The test material is flowing
- Regularities of compaction
- The methodology of the research
- Findings
- References
The relevance of fine processing waste
Industrial production of refractory materials is a major source of emissions of fine particles of waste. The problem is further complicated by the fact that these production is generally concentrated near the metallurgical and mining, for which environmental concerns are as valid. more of the last century on the territory of Ukraine is not even raised the issue of establishing a recycling of these materials and the limitation of emissions on landfill.
In this way to date has accumulated a large number of fine wastes, which are the source of secondary pollution of the atmosphere, surface water and groundwater, the soil layer.
At the same while fine dust, which is formed in the production of refractories, has unique properties and is a promising raw material for secondary production of piece goods (brick) and unshaped refractories (refractory concrete, shotcrete, mass, ramming mass, and dry mixes, refractory solutions, etc.). Therefore, its processing and utilization of special interest. Using a fine waste of refractory products effectively as an economic and an environmental point of view, since in addition to the direct benefit of the use of secondary raw materials, solved a number of environmentally significant issues – sustainable management of natural resources secondary pollution.
Goals and objectives
The purpose of work is the development of non-waste technology, fine processing waste in existing facilities on the basis the study of physical – mechanical properties and processes occurring at compaction.
To solve this problem you need to know the complex physical - mechanical properties of materials. The main feature is that materials used in the industry have a different structure, the particles are obtained different shapes, sizes, and manifest themselves differently in mixtures with a binder.
The properties of the materials you need to know to further define the possibility of their use. In particular, for use as additives to primary products, as well as individual products. This is especially true in the current conditions in the large scale pollution.
In analyze the processes occurring during compaction: Plastic deformation, elastic deformation, brittle fracture. Also take into account the dependence rheological characteristics. A mathematical model of the compaction of fine-grained material in an axially symmetric matrix. The subject of study also the material properties and the obtained moldings. The results will be used to optimize compaction process and to reduce energy consumption.
Compaction process of the charge or the seal powder with the aim of turning it into a solid product.
The main parameters of compacting pressure seal and method its applications, the environment and the speed of the process. The main difficulty arises when using powder technology to produce compact products of fine particles is associated with a residual porosity, which can be reduced by application of high static and dynamic pressure. Dynamic methods of compacting fine materials overcome the forces of adhesion bonding, especially important for particles with their highly developed surface, and at the same pressure to achieve greater density of compact specimens than in a stationary pressing.
The main advantages of compaction are:
1) low energy consumption;
2) low heating substances;
3) good flowability properties, and on this basis, the properties of dosing;
4) increase in bulk density;
5) low heating substances;
6) good flowability properties, and on this basis, the properties of dosing;
7) increase in bulk density;
8) choice (dropout) grain size;
9) absence of dust in the case of an optional closed-loop system;
10) scalable, repeatable process;
Noting the all the features of this method, you can also add the ego is quite simple organize virtually any enterprise without the cost of refractory material base.
The test material is flowing
The test material is a system of aero (aerosol), in which the dispersion medium is the air and disperse phase – solid dust particles. Small particles formed in numerous industrial processes: crushing, mixing, pressing, sintering products. In particular, this dust, and kaolin clay of varying the degree of roasting. Fine particles were captured by cyclone of electric, hydraulic filters and cyclones.
The dust is a finely dispersed powder of beige or gray