ДонНТУ   Портал магистров

Библиотека материалов по теме выпускной работы

    Собственные публикации и доклады

  1. Анализ технологических схем добычи золота в условиях Ганны

    Авторы: А.К. Семенченко, Е.К. Нартей

    Описание: Анализ технологических схем добычи золота в условиях Ганны. Проблема и ее связь с научными и техническими задачами.

    Источник: Матерiали II мiжнародної науково-технiчної конференцiї студентiв, аспiрантiв та молодих вчених. — Донецкий национальный технический университет

  2. Тематические статьи

  3. Underground Mining Methods: Engineering Fundamentals and International Case Studies

    Авторы: William A Hustrulid and Richard L. Bullock

    Описание: Room and pillar is a mining system in which the mined material is extracted across a horizontal plane while leaving "pillars" of untouched material to support the roof overburden leaving open areas or "rooms" underground

    Источник: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

  4. Применение безроликовых конвейеров на рудниках ПО «Сибруда»


    Описание: Применение технологических схем с конвейерной доставкой на рудниках ПО «Сибруда» позволяет упростить схемы подготовки горизонтов и снизить объем горнопроходческих работ.

    Источник: www.sgb.com.ua

  5. New technology development of ore deposits by underground mining (in order of discussion)

    Авторы: NS EFREMOVTSEV (VPO "Soyuzmetallurgprom"), B. f. Abramov, VI Lushnikov (IGI), GM Burmin (VostNIG-RI), Cand.Science, AA Sazhnev (IGI), a mining engineer

    Описание:The new technology of underground mining with preliminary concentration of ores in underground conditions has several advantages and disadvantages in comparison with traditionally used technology


  6. Intelligent CST Drive System

    Авторы:© 2011 Caterpillar Inc.

    Описание: With constant pressure for greater productivity, improving the performance of longwall systems remains a key goal for mine operators. At Caterpillar, all aspects of longwall operation and machinery are continuously reviewed to find ways to improve productivity and reduce the overall cost of mining. The performance of the face conveyor system is continually improving.


  7. Scooptrams in overseas mines

    Авторы:Leonard P. Colvin

    Описание: One of the most common types are currently loading mining equipment operating underground mines overseas, are productivity-vysokopro s cargo dostavoch nye-machine (PDM), which are used in room-and-pillar system design, system of horizontal layers with a bookmark, the systems with magazinirovaniem ore substage-tion and the collapse of the floor, as well as the mining works. Application of PDM also provides for the construction of new projects in mining enterprises.

    Источник:A. Dosmont. Evolution of load andcarry Machines in underground Mines. New York. In 1970. [Report on the Meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers (AIME)]. Two. Mamen S. Annual round - up of Canadian Mine Technology. «Canadian Mining Journal», January, 1971.

  8. FLOWSHEET MINING COMPANY(A flowsheet of a mine; n. Technological scheme of mining company; p. Schema technologique de l'entreprise miniere; and. Esquema technologica de empresa minera)

    Авторы:span>Starikov, NA, systems development fields. Sverdlovsk - Moscow, 1947; Agoshkov MI, development of ore deposits, 3rd ed., M., 1954, Gorodetsky, P., Development of Ore Deposits, Moscow, 1962;

    Описание: Technologisches Schema eines Bergwerk; p. Schema technologique de l'entreprise miniere; and. Esquema technologica de empresa minera) - a set of basic and auxiliary production processes, coupled with the necessary for their perform excavations, means of mechanization and automation, which provides for the rational organization of work safe and efficient development of the field. basis of the technological scheme of mining companies - the interconnected issues of opening, the mine field training , systems development and mechanization of clearing works , transport, recovery, ventilation, electricity, drainage . In connection with this flowsheet mining enterprise is implemented as a series circuit of the processes, which includes a number of units - basic, just generating the flow of natural resources , and support to ensure its functioning in a given mode.


  9. Underground mining

    Авторы:Polyakov, I. Handbook

    Описание:References A. Uniform rules for safety in the mining of ore, non-metallic and placer deposits of minerals by underground mining. - Moscow GUP "STC on industrial safety Gosgortekhnadzor Russia," 2004 -261 sec .


  10. Переводы статей


    Авторы: Herbert C. Hoover


    Источник (англ.): http://www.gutenberg.org/files/26697/26697-h/26697-h.htm#page_92

  12. Underground mining operations

    Авторы:C.O. HAMILTON

    Описание:Underground mining operations, similar to many industrial enterprises, have long recognized the potential benefits of maintenance planning. However, underground mining operations’ efforts to implement maintenance planning have generally met with little success. One finds that after an initial period of enthusiastic support implemented systems and procedures fall to disuse. Most companies, upon the collapse of their maintenance planning, convince themselves that underground mining is so "unique" that to accurately plan, schedule and measure maintenance work is impractical .

    Источник:Dr. Erika Steffens’ and Dr. James