- Introducion
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Goal and tasks of the research
- 3. Adhesion
- 4. Installation for termolis-power processing of waste
- 5. Own results
- Conclusion
- References
The last decades were characterized by prompt growth of achievements in a science and equipment. More and more natural resources is involved in economic circulation. However nearly 90 % of the extracted raw materials turn into waste which get on ranges of burial or at once, or after combustion. At decomposition of a waste is formed the poisonous substances polluting the soil and ground waters, and from burning are allocated many harmful emissions in air . The optimum solution of these environmental problems is secondary processing which besides is economic. Thanks to it it is possible to receive qualitative raw materials with low cost. Today in Ukraine the equipment and the technology providing complex utilization of industrial and household wastes are already developed. In Donetsk national university on MAHP chair the technology termolis-power processing of waste is developed. In the master's thesis I carry out researches of interaction of a waste with working surfaces of the equipment for their processing and influence of this interaction on technological parameters of the technology termolis-power processing of waste.
1. Theme urgency
The termolis-power processing of waste allows to process a wide range of firm industrial and household wastes and to synthesize from them useful products. This method is ecologically safe at the expense of high tightness and the closed cycle of processing.
For effective work of a complex of the equipment it is necessary to provide moving of processed raw materials on a technological chain from one object to another. Uncontrollable interaction (sticking, corrosion, abrasive wear process, etc.) a processed material with technological surfaces of units can make a problem.
This method processes a large number of different types of a waste, therefore on surfaces there are different types of interaction. Properties of a waste in the course of their processing essentially change that influences interaction of a processed material with surfaces of processing equipment. Definition of optimum extent of this interaction will allow to optimize technological parameters and an equipment design for a method that is actual for large-scale introduction of a method at industrial level.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
Goal: definition of optimum conditions for processing of a firm disperse waste.
Tasks: interaction studying between a material of surfaces of the equipment and a processed material, research on physical model of change of structure of studied materials under the influence of thermal and other influences.
3. Adhesion
Adhesion – the superficial phenomenon which consists in emergence of mechanical durability at contact of surfaces of two different bodies (the condensed phases). The reason of adhesion is the molecular attraction of contacting phases or their chemical interaction. The phenomenon of adhesion underlies formation of strong contact (pasting) between a firm body – a substratum and the gluing agent – the adhesive, being main components of adhesive connection.
The quantitative characteristic of adhesion is work Wа – the work necessary for reversible isothermal division of two condensed phases on the square of individual section. It is possible to present it in the following look:
w – average energy of unit of the communication providing adhesion,
N – number of the communications falling on unit of area of contact of adhesive and a substratum [1].
To receive a parity between work of adhesion and superficial tension of cooperating components, we will imagine two condensed phases 2 and 3 which have surfaces on border with air 1, they are equal to area unit. It can be two liquids or a liquid and a firm body. For conclusion simplification we will consider that they are mutually insoluble. At combination of these surfaces, i.e. at drawing of one substance on others, there is an adhesion. As the system remains diphasic there will be the interphase tension equal у2,3. As a result initial energy of Gibbsa of system decreases for the size equal to work of adhesion, i.e.
For initial and final conditions of system:
Obviously, than adhesive connection is stronger, deformations system components by the time of its destruction more are exposed. Work of deformation can sometimes exceed reversible work of adhesion in several times. With growth of speed of the appendix of load to system the role of deformation increases [2].
4. Installation for termolis-power processing of waste
The method gives the chance to solve a problem of a carbonaceous waste with use of capacities available in Donbass. As base for practical application of the given technology the enterprises of the chemical industry with attraction of a factory infrastructure, territory and shots can serve. The Donetsk area has in this respect the best possibilities thanks to presence here more than 10 chemical plants. Installations for processing of mixes of a waste on a method can be created directly in territory. Universality of technology consists that it is possible to overwork a wide spectrum of compositions with addition of a liquid waste by drawing up of combinations of an industrial and household waste with liquid with reception of difficult mixes [3].
5. Own results
For determination of parameters of adhesive interaction of different types of a waste with constructional materials in laboratories of chair experiments are conducted. Two type wastes which contain carbon is taken from factory. Its most part isn't utilized and discarded.
The chemical composition of samples similar to a dust is taken from factory laboratory.
![]() Figure 2 – Dust which contain carbon №1. Increase in 80 times |
![]() Figure 3 – Dust which contain carbon №2. Increase in 80 times |
Researches of adhesive interaction are spent as follows: the metal sample together with a plate and a suspension layer is located in муфельную the furnace for heating to certain temperature. After heating the plate is taken out and measurement of efforts of a separation of the sample from it is made. Tests are spent on installation which consists of the basis, the engine, scales and the lever mechanism. At inclusion of the engine the thread is reeled up on a shaft. It actuates the lever mechanism. The metal sample comes off a plate. Scales show weight from a separation of the sample. This weight twice more than real efforts of a separation. Making simple calculations it is possible to define the pressure arising at a separation.

Figure 4 – Installation for measurement of efforts of a separation
(1 – basis, 2 – electric motor, 3 – shaft, 4 – scales, 5 – lever mechanism, 6 – thread, 7 – top sample, 8 – bottom sample)
Researches are at the initial stage, therefore any conclusions difficult to do. It is supposed to experiment with various materials of the bottom sample, with endurance of samples in the furnace after heating, to generalize results of researches and to make recommendations about method improvement.
This master's work, namely its computational part, is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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