DonNTU   Masters' portal

Brief resume

Name Lilia V. Martynyuk
The date of birth 15/04/1990
The place of birth Donetsk, Ukraine
Education High school of I–III levels # 97 with an in-depth study of a foreign language
University Donetsk National Technical University since 2007 to 2011 (obtained Bachelor`s degree with an average grade 4,46), since 2011 to 2013 studying in Donetsk National Technical University to obtain a Master’s degree
Languages Russian and Ukrainian (fluently), Spanish (intermediate), English (basic level)
Personal Achievements Taking part in education and scientific conference and seminars
• the eighth International Intersubject Scientific Practical School Conference Modern Problems of Humanization of Management, Kharkiv 2008;
• the eleventh International Scientific and Technical Conference of Postgraduates and Undergraduates Automated control of technological objects and engineering processes, Donetsk 2011;
• the twelfth International Scientific and Technical Conference of Postgraduates and Undergraduates Automated control of technological objects and engineering processes, Donetsk 2012)
Hobbies Learning Spanish language, engaging in sports dance, entomological collection
Personal Qualities Responsibility, purposefulness, self-discipline, responsiveness, goodwill, integrity, decency, resoluteness, punctuality
Computer skills:
• Windows 7 computer program;
• Experience with office software packages: Microsoft Office, Excel, Access, Visio, Power Point;
• Mathematical packages: MathCAD;
• Design of printed circuit boards: P-CAD;
• Modeling: EWB, Micro-Cap, MATLAB, Proteus;
• Integrated debugging environment MCU: AvrStudio;
• Programming in Visual Basic.
Prospects: Master Spanish, get a job with the possibility of career opportunities
Contact information E-mail: martynyuk.liliya[at]