- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. Review of sources
- 3. Goal and tasks of the research
- 4. Data center (DC) designing
- Conclusion
- References
Development trend of information technology and growth enterprises automation trebuyut creating effective and advanced solutions for data processing organization and storage of data. Solution to the problem is building a center of data processing for a particular enterprise or DC which resources will be provided in using to several organizations (firms). In any case this plan demands a comprehensive approach which includes the following stages of implementation of the project:
The comprehensive approach provides effective use of resources at each stage of realization of the project, guarantees the maximum achievement of the purposes of the project at the expense of stage-by-stage design and introduction of all subsystems of future data-processing center [1].
1. Theme urgencyReview of sources
In the city of Donetsk providing high level of safety and reliable work of uniform dispatching service "112" is an important task. Serviceability of functioning of service depends on perfection of a telecommunication network on which the Call-center, from speed of work of its functional links is realized. The main element of service is DC which accepts, processes, stores and reserves all information streams arriving in service "112".
Master's work is dedicated to the actual scientific task of development a unified approach to the synthesis of Moore FSM, which is directing on hardware amount reduction in resultant device and is including algorithmic, combinatory and circuitry optimizing techniques. FPGAs by Xilinx, which combine functionality, programmability and availability to consumers, are used as the target basis. CAD Xilinx ISE, Verilog HDL and Java SE are applied as tools of the research.
2. Review of sources
The work purpose – optimization of work of DC, a way of redistribution of arriving loading on server which carry out processing of requests for service.
Main tasks of the research:
- Data-processing center design for the Call-center.
- Research of existing technologies on optimization of work of DC.
- Introduction of methods of optimization of work of DC, a way of redistribution of loading on the server.
3. Goal and tasks of the research
In article [2]
considered the method of allocation of system resources to the user on
basis of criterion of an average holding time and finding of the
number of servers (according to the SLA agreement (Service Level
article of [3] DC is considered as the
model of mass service of the closed network for system of collective
using with
many resources.
article [4] given the characteristics of
levels of reliability of data-processing centers in telecommunication
are investigated.
4. Data center (DC) designing
As the Call-center, uniting in all rescue services "101", "102", "103", "104" and information service "109", should process and save up big arrays of information and algorithms of procedures on processing of requests for service, is necessary to allocate a special part of software and hardware which is included into the data center (DC) [5].
The DC model includes the following functional subsystems:
All subsystems closely cooperate among themselves and are connected by means of a transport network. In our case adaptation of new DC to networks already existing and working at different technologies – telephone system of the general using (TSgU) and the Internet will be undertaken. Such data as quantity of the population in the Donetsk, the statistician of quantity of calls to the relevant services which meanwhile work separately, both number of subscribers of (TSgU) and the Internet will be used thus. These data are necessary for calculation of intensity of arriving requests for service, loading which arrives in dispatching service from consumers of services of a certain network and owing to load (TSgU) work. Exact calculation certainly is difficult for carrying out, because the periods of a demand of services have casual character, but rough calculations nevertheless are necessary for optimum planning of architecture of (TSgU) as physical shortage of the equipment will provide only low level of work of (TSgU), and its underloaded will testify to irrational use of a network resource [7].
As a main link of the Call-center, DC is connected with center where operators, with the external Internet and TSgU by means of a transport network work. The IP-gateway will serve as a transitional element because the information transfer-ways in external networks are various. It will convert information stream from TSgU to the IP-format [8]. The general requirements to TSgU are quite clear: possibility of gradual modernization without stopping operation, use of the most modern decisions and the standardized technologies which will provide in the future independence of suppliers of equipment.
For connection of the equipment of TSgU some ways will be used. Ethernet/IP switchboards are connected among themselves on tech. For the quipment connection in DC some ways will be used. Ethernet/IP switchboards are connected among themselves on technologists of Ethernet.
Cisco Intelligent Contact Manager (ICM) – the central controler which consists of two main components – a calls-router and the bases tributes-server. The router is the main component of ICM, carries out of the calls-routing, monitoring of operators and resources during real time [9].
ICM Peripheral Gateway (PG) – the server which is responsible for communication between network components and ICM. PG receives information from system components (Call Manager, Queue Manager, IP-IVR, ICM CTI Server) and broadcasts it for ICM. On the basis of this information of ICM carries out routing of calls and management of components [10].
ICM Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) – the server which carries out transfer information on a operator-workplace at which the CTI-agent works. At server level of CTI the DB, IP-IVR, WEB-servers access to which can be through an IP-network directs static information. Moreover, the CTI-server allows the operator to receive information about a call (AON), data of the subscriber which calls in real time (for example, history of the previous call, the status of a solution etc.) [11].
ICM Admin Workstation (AW) provides such possibilities to the operator:
As SAN equipment – modular system of data storage of DotHillR/Evolution 2722 FC with possibility of connection of four FibreChannel 4 Gbps lines.
As Ethernet/IP switchboards which are established directly in the processing center tributes was the WS-C2960-24TC-L model which is established in a rack (number of ports of 24 xEthernet of 10/100 Mbit/seconds and 2 xEthernet of 10/100/1000 Mbit/seconds) is chosen [13].
For connection of Ethernet/IP switchboards with an external network we use a standard 1000BASE-LH (LongHaul) – a standard which uses single-mode fiber. Range of passing of a signal without the repeater to 100 km. For association of servers the standard 1000BASE – a standard using twisted pair of category 5e among themselves operates. 4 pairs take part in transfer tributes. Speed of data transmission – 250 Mbps on one pair. Distance to 100 meters, that is a standard, allowing to establish connection on small distances [9].

Figure 1 – The order of the appeal to resources Data Centre
(animation: 9 frames, delay 1 s, repeat 20, size 197 Kbyte, Easy GIF Animator)
Qualitative synthesis of
digital systems, and Moore automata in
particular, is one of the areas of logic design, and is not only
theoretical research but also of practical interest. Development of
optimal digital devices opens the way for more efficient use of
capacity basis the implementation of compaction
of projects,
reduce material costs.
This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.
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Яремко І.М. , Долгіх І.П. «Оптимізація функціонування ентру обробки даних»
Яремко І.М., Турупалов В.В., Молоковський І.О. «Імовірнісі характеристики центру обробки даних і резервування»
Молчанова И.С. «Телекоммуникационная сеть единой дежурно-диспетчерской службы в условиях Донецкой области»
Ролик А.И. «Модель управления перераспределением ресурсов информационно-телекоммуникационной системы при изменении значимости бизнесс-процессов»