DonNTU Master Angelika Pavlenko

Angelika Pavlenko

Faculty of computer information technology and automatic

Department of electronic technics

Speciality: "Scientific, analytical, environmental devices and systems"

Rationale for the structure of the device controlling the concentration of formaldehyde for environmental monitoring systems

Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Vovna Alexandr


   1. Actuality of the theme
   2. The aim and Objectives
      2.1. Alleged scientific innovation and planned practical results
   In the environment contains a huge amount of harmful substances that act on people, animals, plants, and even objects. Damage to the action of these substances depends on the matter and on how much of it enters the environment. One of these pollutants is formaldehyde.
     1. Actuality of the theme
   High levels of pollution in large industrial cities in Ukraine led to a number of environmental problems. At present, special attention should be road transport, the amount of which in Ukraine is increasing every year. When you save the trends of mass transfer vehicles with conventional fuel to methane revealed that the formation of formaldehyde by burning methane is much higher than in a gasoline engine (0,177 mg/m³ for gas engines, 0,057 – the burning of gasoline A-80, 0,074 – A-95 ) [1]. Formaldehyde has toxicities that adversely affects the genetic material, reproductive organs, respiratory (asthma), eyes, skin (eczema) causes allergic dermatitis. The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of formaldehyde in the air in the air space 0,01 mg/m³; as a one-time – 0,035 mg/m³; average – 0,003 mg/m³. Therefore, controlling the concentration of formaldehyde in the air is an important task for the environmental monitoring systems.
   The quantitative analysis of atmospheric air content of formaldehyde used technique ionohromotographic analysis. This technique allows us to establish the concentration of formaldehyde in the range from 0,0015 to 0,75 mg/m³ with a relative error changes ± 25 % at P = 0,95.
     2. The aim and Objectives
   The aim is to improve the accuracy of measuring the concentration of formaldehyde in the air. In the analysis of existing methods for monitoring the concentration of formaldehyde from the standpoint of improving the accuracy and timeliness of monitoring revealed that the most suitable for this analysis is the spectrophotometric method of control.
   To achieve this goal in the work are formulated and solved the following problems:
   – development of a mathematical model of the measuring channel device based on the spectrophotometric method of control;
   – the analysis of simulation results and formulation of technical requirements for the measuring instrument channels;
   – the analysis of simulation results and formulation of technical requirements to study the structure and development of the instrument control concentration of formaldehyde for the environmental monitoring system.
     2.1. Alleged scientific innovation and planned practical results
   1. Was further developed optical-absorption method for controlling the concentration of formaldehyde, using a spherical photometer, which made it possible to increase the sensitivity and accuracy of the measuring device of concentration of formaldehyde in real-time environmental monitoring systems.
   2. Has been further developed a mathematical model based on measuring the optical-absorption method for monitoring the concentration of formaldehyde, which allowed him to estimate the metrological characteristics, justify and select the design parameters of the measuring device.
   1. Ñóïðóíåíêî Î. Ìåòàí – ýòî íå òîëüêî öåííîå òîïëèâî, è èñòî÷íèê êàíöåðîãåíîâ / Î. Ñóïðóíåíêî // «Çåðêàëî íåäåëè». – ¹ 21 îò 07.06.2008 ã. Ýëåêòðîííûå äàííûå. Äàòà äîñòóïà: ìàðò 2011. – Çàãë. ñ ýêðàíà.


   While writing this essay, Master's work is not completed yet. Final date: December 2012. Full text of all materials on the subject can be obtained from the author or his manager after that date.
© DonNTU, Angelika Pavlenko, 2012
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