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The coal industry of Ukraine is the main source of receiving energy carriers at the state level. Coal is used for receiving the electric power, heat, as raw materials for the metallurgical and chemical industry.

One of priority activities in ensuring safe activity of the population of the region is control of allocation in territories of mountain branches of liquidated mines.

1. Aims and research problems

The purpose of a master's thesis is creation of the automated system of monitoring of environmental pollution by waste dumps.

During performance of work performance of the following tasks is planned:

  1. Organization of system of collecting and data processing of supervision.
  2. Organization of data storage of supervision, maintaining base of ecological data.
  3. Assessment of a condition of objects of surrounding environment.
  4. Definition of necessary quantity of points of measurement, and also their localization and periodicity of carrying out for receiving enough of information.

2. Urgency of work and scientific novelty

The problem of reduction of emissions in the atmosphere of flying connections is extremely actual for preservation of a protective layer of the atmosphere and healthy habitat of mankind.

At the moment there are various systems of monitoring of environment: stationary, mobile, portable. However in Ukraine still they didn't receive sufficient distribution.

Scientific novelty of performed work consists in definition of necessary quantity of points of measurement, and also their localization and periodicity of carrying out for receiving enough of information.

3. Planned practical results

As a result of performance of a master's thesis creation of the mobile automated station of monitoring of environmental pollution by pedigree dumps is planned.

4. Task statement

Mobile laboratory of monitoring of pollution of atmospheric air — the complex means intended for measurement of concentration of polluting substances in atmospheric air and for measurement of meteorological parameters at carrying out route supervision.

Mobile laboratories of monitoring, as well as stationary stations, turn on sensors, computers and means communication. In addition to it they should contain accumulators from which all equipment will work.

Existence of rather big data file on local pollution allows to create mathematical model of process which will allow to settle an invoice the content of harmful substances in other points where measurements aren't carried out. It allows to calculate necessary total of points of measurement, that is to calculate a network of atmospheric monitoring as a whole [4].

The automated system of monitoring of pollution of atmospheric air pedigree dumps includes the following components:

  1. Automatic post of monitoring of environment.
  2. Remote web server.

The quantity of automatic posts isn't limited. Definition of their quantity and the locations is one of the most important problems of environmental monitoring. The automatic post of control of atmospheric air consists of gas analyzers, the computer, means of communication (Internet).

Gas analyzer — the main measuring device of the automated system, allowing to define concentration of harmful substances in the atmosphere.

Characteristics of gas analyzers:

The remote web server consists of two components:

The hardware subsystem represents the computer connected to the global Internet network, thus its location has no value.

For implementation of these actions the software should carry out the following functions:

5. The review of researches and development on a subject

Various systems are developed for implementation of monitoring of environmental pollution. Let's consider existing systems of environmental monitoring of environment.

The automated system of supervision and control of environment (ANKOS-AG) is intended for the automated collecting, processing and information transfer about level of pollution of atmospheric air. The system allows to receive continuously information on concentration of impurity and meteorological parameters in settlements or about the large industrial enterprises.

The mobile laboratory ATMOSFERA-2 is intended for control of air pollution, measurement of meteorological parameters: atmospheric pressure, speed and direction of a wind, temperature and relative humidity of air, and as express assessment of pollution of waters and soil. The laboratory mobile ATMOSPHERE-2 is used in in systems of hydrometeorological services, the organizations which are carrying out control of pollution of the atmosphere, water, the soil.

In Kiev the Ukranalit firm also made an experimental sample of the system close on indicators to the SLOPE, however much cheaper. Let's consider it in more detail.

The mobile laboratory is equipped with automatic analyzers for determination of concentration of the main and specific polluting substances: oxide of nitrogen, dioxide of nitrogen, dioxide of sulfur, oxide of the carbon, the weighed substances, particles of the weighed substances with diameter of 10 microns and less (RM-10), ammonia, formaldehyde, chloride hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, the equipment for measurement of meteorological parameters, for sampling of atmospheric air and for a noise level assessment, and also — other equipment in coordination with the customer.

The system includes the following devices and the equipment:

The measured values of concentration are transferred from gas analyzers through analog exits on the registrar of data — the device replacing the computer and providing management of work of station of monitoring, and also collecting, processing, storage and information transfer via the modem on communication lines to the buffer personal computer and further in control center of quality of air. The device carries out poll of all sensors measuring and auxiliaries. The special software established on the external remote computer allows by means of the modem and communication lines (radio or phone) to receive and process data files at a great distance from the station. Thus, the station functions independently.

Having studied existing systems of monitoring of environment, it is possible to draw the following conclusions:

Thus, creation of the inexpensive and reliable automated system of monitoring of environmental pollution by pedigree dumps, is very actual.


As a result of the done work it is possible to draw the following conclusions:

Further realization of the following stages is planned:

Список источников

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  2. Аверин Г.В. Применение информационных технологий для мониторинга окружающей природной среды / Г.В. Аверин, А.С. Хоруженко // Материалы VIII Международной научной конференции аспирантов и студентов [Охрана окружающей среды и рациональное использование природных ресурсов], Донецк, 14–16 апреля 2009 г. / Донецк: ДонНТУ, ДонНУ, 2009. — 234 с.
  3. Горшков М.В. Экологический мониторинг. Учеб. пособие. — Владивосток: Изд-во ТГЭУ, 2010. — 313 с.
  4. Исаев Л.Н. Экология и контроль качества атмосферного воздуха (ЗАО ОПТЭК) / Л.Н. Исаев // Химическая техника. — 2003. — № 6. — с.28–30.
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  6. Эколого-экономический мониторинг окружающей среды: учебное пособие / [В.В. Найденко, Л.Н. Губанов, А.Н. Косариков, И.М. Афанасьева, А.В. Иванов]. — Нижний Новгород, 2003. — 186 с.
  7. Чудновец В.Л. Комплексное использование породы как вторичного сырьевого ресурса / В.Л. Чудновец, В.Н. Артамонов // Збірка доповідей студентів та аспірантів першої регіональної конференції «Комплексне використання надр», Донецьк, 24 листопада 2008 р. / Донецьк: ДонНТУ, 2008. — 100 с.
  8. Экологический мониторинг: шаг за шагом / [Е.В. Веницианов и др.]; под ред. Е.А. Заика. — М.: РХТУ им. Д.И. Менделеева, 2003. — 252 с.
  9. ООО Экспертцентр Украина — ведущий отечественный производитель передвижных лабораторий различного назначения [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа:
  10. Официальный сайт Аналитприбор.ру [Электронный ресурс]. — Режим доступа:


When writing this author's abstract the master's thesis is yet complete. Final end: December, 2012. The full text of work and materials on a subject can be received at the author or his head after the specified date.