Name | Gimadeev Sergey |
Birthday | August 30, 1989 |
| 2007–2011 – Bachelor of Donetsk National Technical University, FKNT, ICS 2011–2012 – Master of Donetsk National Technical University, FKNT, ICS |
Average | Average during the period of study at the bachelor amounted to 4,82. |
language | Russian, Ukrainian, possess knowledge of English sufficient to read and understand technical literature. |
| Bike over long distances over rough terrain, yet extremely fond of shooting at paper targets, I read someone else's code and try to write something, damage to the Wikipedia article. |
Computer skills
| Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7, Linux Ubuntu / CentOC; PHP 5, C# (, mvc 2), JavaScript;, C/C++, SQL; MS SQL Server 2005/2008, MySql 5, HBase; Zend Framework; JQuery |
| from 12.2010 to 06.2011 – PHP developer, freelance; from 06.2011 to 11.2011 – "Konty" served as a software engineer in the department of software; from 06.2011 to 11.2011 – developer. Working in a team developing and maintaining the portal Go-UA; from 11.2011 – PHP / Zend Framework developer. Freelance |