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 Pilgrimage as a cultural phenomenon becomes the subject of scientific explorations only in second half of the ХХ century. Before this period the bulk of work signifies an empiric observation and an evidence of the pilgrimage last and nowadays or dedicates to the description of the various sacred places.   
   Nowadays the exploration of the pilgrimage is conducted in several aspects: historical,socio-historical,socio-economical,religious,culturolgical, anthropological. Pilgrimage is any tour, with a view of approaching to Absolute through the worship to the sacred places or things. Behind the structure such tour signifies itself a ritual text.
     Need for an acquisition of the spiritual values received important extraordinary meaning both for society as a whole and for the individual. Not by an accident such fundamental essentials of culture as myth , religion, belief, ritual, which kernel is the phenomenon sacral that accumulates in itself base spiritual priorities of the different eras are in the center of the attention of science, literature , arts, mass media today. To such universal phenomena belongs the sling phenomenon which synthesize the designated historical, religious and cultural processes.

1. Theme urgency

 Today the pilgrimage is one of the most progressing cultural phenomena. Annually the pilgrimage is made by the hundred thousands of people, going both to traditional shrines, and to what appeared recently. At this historical stage the pilgrimage is closely connected with tourism which grew in due time from the pilgrim travel, and on border of the 20-21 centuries endures the real boom. The  ways of transport and communication are improved, people have more possibilities to visit sacred place of their religion and the desire to join the spiritual achievements of the people of other countries, to understand an essence of their religion.
    It should be noticed that the pilgrimage plays great role in the system of the international relations and is a considerable factor in the formation of an economical, social, political, religious,spiritual and cultural spheres of life of society and deserves in-depth scientific study and the analysis.

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this work lies in the research of the sling phenomenon as an important factor in the formation of the spiritual measurement of the  modern society life  on an example of Islamic pilgrim tradition. Main goals of the  research:
    1. To open signs and essence of the sling  and pilgrim ritual;
    2. To define a role and a place of the sling in the theology and practice of Islam;
    3. To reveal the standard structural elements of the pilgrim ritual in Islam;
    4. To show the similitude and specifics of a hajj and an umra.
    Object of  the research: arcan ad-din as religious system of Islam.
    Subject of the research: sling as one of the  arcan ad-din pillars  and  the features of its execution.
    Complex character of an object of the research demands a support on common methodology which includes the approaches and the methods created in the history of religion, phenomenology of religion, cultural science, sociology of religion, ethnology of religion, an economy of religion, religious studies, etc. During writing this work the following methods were used: the culturological – helps to reveal a conditionality of the pilgrimage concrete cultural and historical contexts of its existence; structural and typological – connected with detection of resistant regularities in a ritual structure, structural – semantic directed on studying of semantic values of symbolical language of the pilgrim ritual which open its essence, hermeneutical, contextual; a historicism, the comparativ analysis, also the author was guided by the principle of an objectivity and nonconfessionalism.

3. Pilgrimage as a kind of religious practice. Role and place of the pilgrimage in islami.

 The pilgrimage in this or that form exists in many religious, mystical, ethical and other systems and has accurately pro-hand-written ritual party. Pilgrim ritual unites the plan of the contents and the expression. The basis of the plan of the content of pilgrim ritual is created by a picture of the world which is thought as rather complete set of vital thoughts and beliefs, combines the unconscious and socially caused vital principles, valuable reference points, cogitative schemes , figurative complexes by means of which there is an understanding by people of surrounding reality.
Basic provisions of dogma of Islam are formulated in belief "columns" in which understand the ideological beginnings of religion. Islam has simple dogmatic (iman), but difficult cult practice (din/dynes). Iman is not only the dogmatic, but also belief and the validity of Islam. The dogmatic is based on seven principles.
1. Belief in uniform God of the Allah – the Creator of all existing.
2. Belief in angels. Angels, beings created by the Allah from light which are deprived of a free will, performers of will divine.
3. Belief in the Scriptuses. Divine revelations which were sent to envoys of the Allah to the different periods of history of mankind mean.
4. Belief in all envoys of God.
5. Belief in the Doomsday and Last Judgement.
6. Belief in mission (shot). It is finished in Islam to full fatalism because in the world there is nothing that didn't depend on the  will of the Allah. The destiny is foreordained to each person and it can't be changed .
7. Belief in revival dead in judgment day and return to everyone in afterlife. [28, page 156-157; 39 pages 113]
Prophet Mohammed concerned this question in several khadises. Mohammed answered questions of an angel of Dzhibril about a belief essence as follows: «A belief essence in that you believed in God, its angels, in its Writing, his envoys and the Last day and that you believed in mission – both good, and bad» [28, page 156]
Dynes – is a cult practice and set of religious duties of the Muslim. Besides, it is a religion, a payment, a duty and a court. It contains five basic obligatory provisions – five   basic obligatory regulations – five "pillars" of religion (arcan ad-din) (fig. 1):

The 5 pilars of islam

Figure 1 –  The five Pillars of islam (animation: 6 frames, all time of repeating, 170 kilobytes) 

1) pronouncing and validity recognition of the shakhad, that is a formula «Isn't present god, except the Allah, and Mohammed – the messenger of the Allah»;

2) daily fivefold prayer (salyat / Mohammedan prayer);

3) observance of a monthly post (in a month Ramadan);

4) obligatory charity, payment of a charitable tax (zakyat), giving alms (sadaka);

5) pilgrimage to Mecca to an all-Muslim shrine the Kaaba (hajj).(fig. 2)


        Figure 2 –Hajj

    The hajj is the duty assigned by the Allah to Muslims, and each of them should make it at least once in a life if certainly it has such possibility. «People should  the Allah make a hajj to the House (Kaabi) if they in a condition to pass this way». [Ali Imran, ayat 97]
    The pilgrimage in spiritual sense for a specifically taken believer is a clarification and updating of an internal life of the person,the disposal of the sins, the new birth, and for Muslim minds as a whole is an association of Muslims from all over the world in one sacred place.


Summing up the done work, it is possible to tell that the goal is reached, by stage-by-stage disclosure of the specified tasks of research. Thus it is possible to draw the following conclusions:

1. To the ritual sling text  and its interpretation point two types of factors: first, motives of pilgrim travel (aspiration to incorporate to absolutized essence) and a ritualized of actions which are made by the pilgrim in the course of travel.

2. Pilgrimage – is a  circulation or travel to holy sites with accurately definite spiritual purpose

This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author  after this date.


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