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    In the master's work investigated the preparation and briquetting of lead battery scrap for further refining in order to improve the environmental situation in the workplace, reduce nonproductive losses of raw materials, improvement of technological process of processing. The composition of the mixture for briquetting, favors the reduction reaction is heated to its melting briquettes, which contributes to the intensification of the process and increase productivity smelters.

    Raw material, source material (waste storage plate) is the lead scrap, mixed with a large number of dispersed lead sulfate. The most efficient and technologically advanced solution preparation of the raw material for melting is the first briquetting powdered mixture with the addition of binders and flux. Preliminary crushing burden materials produced with crushers and averaging , a result which we obtain a homogeneous mass for mixture preparation for briquetting. The use of binders allowed make a lump from dustable faction lead-containing materials, and use the paste as a filling mass components between lead in the briquetting of waste, to reduce dust generation during smelting. The process of briquetting of a mixture prepared at a low productivity of the process leading to the conventional presses to increase the efficiency of the process used roller briquetting press. In the first case, the size and weight of bricks is determined by the applicable tooling, in the second case, the diameter of pellets ranged from 10 to 40 mm, the shape of the profile is determined by slicing the rolls. Roll briquetting is applied, if necessary improve the performance of the preparation of the charge for medium and large melting units.

    One of the criteria resistance of heat-insulating refractory materials-to-wear and mechanical destruction in contact with a solid lead containing species materials and their melt at cyclic temperature in the region of high temperatures is the resistance of refractory penetration of lead and further interaction of the material with the lead Ready-made bricks are subjected to the slow drying to prevent them from cracking and breaking. The conducted tests of the strength of briquettes used for raw pellets, showed that there was no destruction of briquettes at a 15-year-fold dropping from a height of 30 cm. The technology of melting in rotary kilns with the usage of briquettes no different from the usual technology of melting with the use of battery scrap. Use of briquettes allows the use of more powerful burner to improve the performance of the melting units, when this is set reduction of dust producing with the departing gases in the course of melting up to 10-16 g/Nm3, reduction of dust producing allows to increase the operation life of filter elements in 2-2, 4 times. As studies of the distribution of lead in a fire-proof material at elevated temperature. The calculations of the diffusion process of lead in periclase-chromite refractory method of mathematical modeling. The essence of the method of mathematical modeling is that the physical process which takes place in the installation (in this case the furnace for the production of lead), described by differential equations in partial derivatives. Then the obtained system of differential equations on a particular algorithm is converted to the corresponding system of algebraic equations. The resulting system of algebraic equations is solved with the help of computer. The obtained results are analyzed and the results of the analysis to make the necessary changes in the technological process or as developed by the new.

    At the sections methods of quantitative metallography determined the size distribution of inclusions lead along the direction of its propagation from the contact zone deep into the refractory material of varying density and composition, the nature of the distribution of lead in discontinuities and microcracks of the refractory (Fig.1)

    x100 а x500 б

    а) x100; б) x500;
    Figure 1 - Distribution of lead-containing inclusions in the structure of a refractory material

    The accumulation of large inclusions lead to the observed discontinuities and microcracks refractory, the largest number is distributed by the defects, connecting with the surface of the refractory. These data and the size of the quantitative distribution of lead in the refractory were compared with data calculated using the previously developed mathematical model of diffusion saturation of refractory materials with lead at high temperatures. The correlation of the results calculated using a mathematical model of the concentration of lead in its diffusive penetration with experimental data, refined values of the diffusion coefficient for the investigated materials, which depend on the composition of the refractory, its physical characteristics and temperature-time regimes. The experimental results provide more accurate mathematical model parameters, as well as take into account the effect of the size and distribution of structural defects on the concentration of lead in the cross section of the refractory material

    This master's work is not completed yet. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or his head after this date.


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