- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. The purpose and tasks master's work
- 3. Analysis of regulatory pravovoy bazû Ukraine
- 4. Review of research on the topic and razrabotok master's work
- 5. Of improving processes yntensyfykatsyy with the help of mathematical modeling
- List of sources
Modeling widely prymenyaetsya in nauchny'h study and in addressing problems in prykladnûh of various regions of technology. Ýta methodology based on the Study of properties and characteristics of facilities razlychnoy nature study posredstvom s estestvennûh yskusstvennûh or analog (models). Modeling in Tacoma obschem plan predstavlyaet a dvuedynûy process creating models and study models after the fact, how They postroenû. Using models and always neyzbezhno relates uproschenyem, ydealyzatsyey modelyruemoho facility. The very model Naturally, not ohvatûvaet facility Quantity whole of Full, ego properties and reflects lysh Some ego yssleduemûe characteristics - she gangway with poznavaemûm facility only on opredelennoy sets of characters. Model stroytsya for otrazhenyya lysh part yssleduemoho properties and so the facility, as a rule, forgive oryhynala. And like the best vazhnoe, more than a model more convenient, more than is available to study, something modelyruemûy Target. For more than full of study facility pryvlekaetsya number of models, from the kazhdaya kotorûh modelyruet that ynûe or characteristics of the facility. In Applied Research for otrazhenyya even one and the same technical properties facility ymeetsya always the possibility of attracting of various models. Models in Class razlychayutsya kachestvennoy and kolychestvennoy adequacy yssleduemomu otnosytelno vûbrannûh facility characteristics on the opportunity to s study. Success is determined by modeling ymenno udachnûm election of models, s set. Naturally, that the CEI choice in a big Class subjective and bazyruetsya on of all ymeyuschyhsya ýksperymentalnûh and presentation of objects obúekte Theoretically, everyone on previously Acquired experience modeling. Among of various models can allocate AS of major fyzycheskye and Mathematical models.[2]
Mathematical models yavlyayutsya The most harakternûmy in estestvennonauchnûh study ydealnûmy (umozrytelnûmy) model. Fyzycheskye models otnosyatsya k materyalnûm (predmetnûm) models, who, ymytyruya Part properties yssleduemoho facility, ymeyut the same nature, and that the modelyruemûy Target. In the physical modeling facility instead Study is conducted ýksperymentalnoe INVESTIGATION Physical models. Fyzycheskye models ymeyut vazhnoe dignity, kotoroe zaklyuchaetsya in volume that the properties among models and there is Such, who were on the reasons or ynoy impossible yssledovat on mathematical models. The basis of physical modeling is the similarity theory. Notwithstanding heometrycheskoho similarity (similarity Forms, heometrycheskaya model) is necessary and similarity of physical models and modelyruemoho facility. As of relevant points of space at sootvetstvuyuschye moments of time value, the values ??for the physical facility dolzhnû bût proportsyonalnû value, those same values ??for the model. This is pozvolyaet pereschytat ýksperymentalnûe the results, who poluchenû for mo ¬ Delhi on yssleduemûy Target. The essence of this modeling yavlyaetsya is that the model and facility dolzhnû bût odynakovû opredelyayuschye Criteria dimensionless similarity. In mathematical modeling INVESTIGATION properties and characteristics of the facility yshodnoho zamenyaetsya Research ego matematyches hah models.[3]
Mathematical models yzuchayutsya funds Mathematics (prykladnoy mathematics). Modern phase of mathematical modeling harakteryzuetsya wide attraction of computers, metodov Computational Mathematics.[5] Matematyzatsyya SCIENTIFIC knowledge, and by the application of mathematical kotoroy ponymaetsya concepts in estestvennûh and humanytarnûh sciences, appliances, is the prymetoy of our time. Often the level and development of a science or ynoy harakteryzuetsya by Class uses of mathematical ¬ tycheskyh methods. When matematyzatsyy nauchny'h known vûdelyaetsya phase of abstraction from concrete nature phenomenon, ydealyzatsyy and allocation ego matematycheskoy Forms (stroytsya matematycheskaya model). Vtorûm stages matematyzatsyy yavlyaetsya INVESTIGATION matematyches ¬ hah models as a purely mathematical (abstraktnûh) facilities. With a view ýtoy yspolzuyutsya funds as mathematics, how has sozdannûe, and so specially postroennûe. Currently Large opportunities to study mathematical models predostavlyayut vûchyslytel ¬ WIDE funds: Computers and chyslennûe methods. Third phase of the application of mathematics to study prykladnûh harakteryzuetsya ynterpretatsyey - prydanyem specific applied mathematical abstraktsyyam CONTENT. Specialist in applied mathematical modeling, are working at Bok Bok SB specialists of prykladnoy in the field, always by mathematical abstraktsyyamy sees concrete prykladnoe the content.
Ývrystycheskaya role of mathematical modeling presents with in the volume that the experiment is conducted instead of Application for mathematical experiment. Instead of study or manifestation of ynoho vozdeystvyya on yssleduemûy Target yspolzuetsya parametrycheskoe Study matematycheskoy models, decision on the dependence of the parameter or ynoho. Such a experiment, dopolnyaya naturnûy, pozvolyaet znachytelno hlubzhe yssledovat phenomenon or process.[1]
2. The purpose and tasks master's work
Objective: analysis of results of work on methods of improving such calculations koýffytsyentov teplootdachy dûmovûh sw k stenkam zharovûh pipes and tubes from rolled nahrevaemoy environment. The main tasks of the study: Made popûtka present job zharotrubnûh boilers in the form matematycheskoy models, in all kotoroy ýtapû svyazanû teplomassoobmennûmy process, mainly the in so doing yavlyaetsya teplootdachy analysis. [11] - [14]
3. Analysis of regulatory pravovoy bazû Ukraine
The realization of the strategic objectives - the creation konkurentosposobnoy economy of Ukraine and ensure the high-level life of citizens requires the active uses of SCIENTIFIC CAPACITY state in the establishment noveyshyh ýnerhosberehayuschyh appliances and technologies, introduction of real economic performance models rabotayuschyh development ýnerhoýffektyvnoy economy and on the basis of s, vûsvobozhdenye the creative workers of enterprises CAPACITY BUILDING k vûsvobozhdenyyu Power save in all industry economy of Ukraine. As of date, legislation in the field of efficient use of resources ýnerhetycheskyh enough nesovershennûm. For the realization of creating pravovûh based to ensure the sootvetstvuyuscheho Level energy efficiency in all the Public production industry starting with January 2007 the Office of legal ensure the energy efficiency osuschestvlyalas job for the preparation and accompaniment 125 projects of laws and regulations assembly, and also was a sohlasovan and predostavlenû zamechanyya to 100 regulatory projects pravovûh assembly. Thus, Securing the legal regulation of relations in the field of energy efficiency and introducing mehanyzmov state regulation in the field of ýtoy protyazhenyy iineaaiee osuschestvlyalos years mainly due to Adoption of laws and regulations podzakonnûh assembly: ukazû President of Ukraine, and rendered rasporyazhenyy Government and prykazov Hoskomýnerhosberezhenyya.
on today in the field of efficient use of resources ýnerhetycheskyh corrupted neighborhood 200 laws and regulations assembly, system and standartov znachytelnoe The number of normative and methodical documents.[15]
These Acts and documents putem direct or kosvennoho vozdeystvyya on legal relations in the field of efficient use of resources allowed the ýnerhetycheskyh create the structure of state management and control in the field of efficient use of resources ýnerhetycheskyh, vnedryt system normyrovanyya fuel and energy resources, Notion ýnerhetycheskoho audit system of state ýkspertyzû in Power save and of national standartov in Power save, set sanktsyy for violation of legislation in the field of Power save. However, it should be noted that the despite the provodymuyu in techenye posledneho desyatyletyya job creation in pravovoy bazû Power save on today mainly the law rehulyruyuschym relations in the field of energy efficiency in Ukraine remains the law "On the Power save". Opredelyayuschym lack deystvuyuscheho do this, the law yavlyaetsya absence Clear opredelennûh metodov legal regulation in the area of ??energy efficiency funds and introduction of ego.[17]
4. Review of research on the topic and razrabotok master's work
Methods for calculating heat boiler flue Figure 1 shows a model of fire-tube boiler low-power systems for utilities.
AS yshodnûh materials yspolzuyutsya DATA, poluchennûe in data processing and generating reports ekolohoteplotehnychesnyh tests rezhymnûh kotelnoy card number 4 to "Hartsyzkteplomerezha" g Hartsûzska. In the heat it should be raschete polzovatsya yshodnûmy the materials on the basis of data, regime-naladochnûh and ekolohoteplotehnychnyh tests rezhymnûh kotelnoy card number 4. Yshodnûmy DATA yavlyayutsya Dimensions dûmoharnûh pipes first and second beam with konvektyvnûh fyksyrovannûm quantity, and the inner diameter naruzhnûm and Propane. Options topochnoho volume of vûbyrayutsya yshodya from the razmerov zharovoy yavlyaetsya topkoy pipes (diameter, the length). The choice of a working davlenyya gas plant is, depending on the davlenyya, neobhodymoho customers and ustanavlyvaetsya inspector kotlonadzora, depending on the brand of boiler flue and his Technical state. Definition pytatelnoy temperature water plant is tzhv yshodya from the temperature obratnoy water and cleaning putem Na-katyonyuvannya.[18] - [21] Classical sequence for calculating thermal sohranyaetsya.
Predvarytelno opredelyalsya volume of air and food in shoranyya raschete per 1 m3 hazoobraznoho fuel. So how prysosû air not soderzhat trehatomnûh gases, the volume of gases ýtyh VSO2 here Utilization rate yzbûtka air zavysyt not, in all flues remains postoyannûm and sostavlyaet teoretycheskom.Teplovoy balance boiler unit consists largest teplotvornoy abilities fuel prynymaetsya 100%. Heat balance equation ustanavlyvaet ALLOCATION heat fuel in razlychnûm rashodov article. The temperature of food shoranyya after a boiler for heat balance sostavlenyya opredelyalas predvarytelno on pryblyzhennoy formula for boilers with zharovûmy pipes. For a boiler temperature of gases at sostavlenyy thermal balance was from 150 to 1800S.[4] Predvarytelno landed at sostavlenyy thermal balance temperature uhodyaschyh gases from a boiler to heat utochnyaetsya Then raschete boiler. In the event of suschestvennûh rashozhdenyy between predûduschey poluchennoy and at the end of calculating temperatures is necessary zadatsya second temperaturoy and proof povtornûy thermal balance.[22] - [23]
Figure 1 - Fire-tube boiler systems, utilities
5. Of improving processes yntensyfykatsyy with the help of mathematical modeling
Perfection interfusion processes not only in the burners, but also in the torch determines the amount of heat dopustymuyu voltage, type and nature of the torch burning. However zharotrubnûh boiler with low capacity with feed gas of Central dvuhryadnoe Location of nozzles not contributes to uluchshenyyu mixture formation, so the not required uluchshyt mixture formation gas and air, raspolahaya nozzle plates in one row for luchsheho apportionment of gas and umenshaya s diameter. For determining the optimal variants dyametrû hazovûpusknûh otverstyy yzmenylys towards s Increase or Reduction in range of the 30 - 70%, after which carried raschetû konstruktyvnûh parameters Burner devices.[9] -[10]
For analysis we teplootdachy vûbyraem The most pryemlemûe formulû. In doing AS opredelyayuschey temperature landed Average temperature of gases in pipes and opredelyayuschyy size - inner diameter pipes. In connection with the absence of data, who vlyyayut on changes to temperature dûmovûh Gas Utilization rate teplootdachy from stenky zharovoy pipes rolled Rabocheye telu, it is necessary for each boiler ranks nomohrammû opredelyayuschyh dependence.
Raschetû showed that the temperature to ensure the uhodyaschyh gases not higher than 160 0C, utilization rate teplootdachy dolzhen be in predelah a= 82,5-84,7 kDzh/m2h0C. Dannoe proposal can be used as ýnerhosberehayuschee, in terms of control by burning fuel composition of othodyaschyh gases.[6] - [8] P>
Thus, matematycheskaya CRT pozvolyaet, vûbrav optymalnûy utilization rate teplootdachy, rasschytat konechnûe parameters of the boiler and indicators work prohnozyrovat protsessû, protekayuschye by burning fuel.
Reduction temperature uhodyaschyh gases pp. 2500S to 1600S pozvolyaet snyzyt loss of heat with himicheskij nedozhohom, raise the efficiency of the boiler to 90.5%, as well as snyzyt udelnûy rashod fuel, something in turn suggestive k Noise emissions NOx emissions.[24] - [42]
Notes: At the time of the present opinion napysanyya abstract Master job has not yet been completed. Okonchatelnoe completion - December 2012 Full text of the work hour and Materials on the theme bût poluchenû Submissions may be in the author's ego or the head after ukazannoy date.
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