- Introduction
- 1. Theme urgency
- 2. The purpose and tasks master's work
- 3. Analysis of regulatory framework of Ukraine
- 4. Overview of research and development on the subject of master's work
- 4.1 Overview of the simulation results
- 4.2 The mathematical description of the ke model of turbulence heat fluxes
- 4.3 The main conclusions obtained in the analysis of documentary and instrumental examination
- Conclusions
- List of sources
The energy crisis that has caused many negative events in the Ukrainian economy, especially sharpened in recent years. The lack of alternative sources of energy, primarily oil and gas, has led to the emergence of dependence on traditional suppliers. The increase in prices for imported energy makes it necessary to intensify efforts to save energy.
Solving problems of the economic efficiency of the complex - the strategic task of Donetsk [ 6 ]. High energy sectors of the economy leads to a decrease in competitiveness of domestic products, increase its value, a significant number of inefficient businesses
Conducting a survey of subscribers in the energy system utilities, must pay attention to the distribution of heat fluxes of the object. For energy companies that deal with production, consumption and energy conservation, new technologies and innovative solutions essential for business development. Advanced scientific and engineering achievements in many disciplines and industries stimulate the search for new energy sources, more efficient products and processes for sustainable development and meet more stringent requirements of environmental safety.
For energy companies that deal with production, consumption and energy conservation, new technologies and innovative solutions essential for business development. Advanced scientific and engineering achievements in many disciplines and industries stimulate the search for new energy sources, more efficient products and processes for sustainable development and meet more stringent requirements of environmental safety.
1. Theme urgency
Energy Survey (energy audit) is conducted to assess the efficiency of enterprises or organizations of the fuel and energy resources, saving fuel and energy reserves of determination and development of economically viable measures to reduce the cost of fuel and energy security. [ 21 ]
Recently, it became necessary to improve the survey instrument to reduce labor costs by changing the time of the full survey on initial measurements to develop recommendations and cost of heat and electricity.
This suggested to introduce irrational prediction of heat loss at the sites surveyed by the use of well-known model - "Modeling of the thermal state of the premises at various heating systems using the software package ANSYS", developed by the organization JSC "KADFEM ECI-es" [ 7 ] p>
2. The purpose and tasks master's work
Objective: to study the energy budget organizations of Donetsk: school ¹ 66, ¹ 67, school ¹ 74, ¹ 105 and ¹ 288 DDU [ 29 ].
Economic potential of energy efficiency in budgetary organizations in the use of heat and electricity is 18% and 10% respectively.
Proposed to introduce the staff of auditors, automated, mobile workplace auditor [ 1 a>], [ 4 ], [ 5 ], which includes the hardware is as follows:
- energoauditora mobile workplace on the basis of "Notebooke", designed for rapid pre-processing and analyzing the resulting data directly measuring tools in the enterprise or organization which carried out an energy audit. Inpatient
- place energoauditora based PCs equipped with a printer and a scanner that includes a complete software and methodological support ARM.
3. Analysis of regulatory framework of Ukraine
Implementation of strategic objectives - the creation of a competitive economy of Ukraine and ensuring a high standard of living requires the active use of the scientific potential of the state in creating the latest energy saving techniques and technologies, the introduction of a real working model of economic development energy-efficient economy and based on them, releasing the creative potential of employees of enterprises in the release of potential energy savings in all sectors of the economy of Ukraine.As of the date the legislation in the field of efficient use of energy resources rather imperfect. To implement a legal basis to ensure an appropriate level of energy efficiency in all sectors of social production since January 2007 the Office of the regulatory framework of energy carried out work on the preparation and maintenance of 125 projects of legal acts, as well as had been agreed and submitted comments to 100 draft regulatory regulations. Thus, the provision of legal regulation of relations in the field of energy efficiency and implementation of mechanisms of state regulation in this area in recent years carried out mainly through the adoption of the sub-legal acts: decrees of the President of Ukraine, decrees and orders of the Government and the State Committee for orders.
Today in the efficient use of energy resources, there are about 200 legal acts, the system of standards and a significant amount of regulatory guidance documents. [ 2 ]
These acts and documents through direct or indirect impact on the legal relations in the efficient use of energy resources, helped to create the structure of governance and oversight of the efficient use of energy resources, implement a system of rationing of energy resources, the concept of an energy audit, a system of state expertise on energy efficiency and national standards for energy conservation and to establish penalties for violation of legislation on energy efficiency. However, it should be noted that, despite ongoing over the last decade, work on creating the legal framework of energy saving, today the main law regulating relations in the field of energy efficiency in Ukraine is the Law of Ukraine "On energy saving". The decisive disadvantage of this law is the lack of clearly defined methods of legal regulation in the field of energy efficiency and their means of implementation. [ 3 ]
4. A review of research and development on the subject of master's work
Heat loss from buildings in residential and civic buildings are made up of heat loss through the building envelope (walls, windows, floors, ceilings) and the cost of heat for heating the air infiltrating into the room through cracks in building envelopes.
4.1 Overview of modeling results
Input parameters of the system can be divided into:
- geometric (room size, window frames, vents);
- climatic (air temperature, air flow rate (0.018 kg / c));
- coolant parameters (type, temperature at the inlet);
- thermal parameters (thermal resistance, and heat transfer coefficients teplovospriyatiya).
According to the source object data was performed [ 30 ]: the construction of geometric models of buildings (Fig. 1), the creation of the mesh, obtained sredneobemnye temperature premises on which to judge the convergence of the results obtained with instrumental measurements (Fig. 2); an opportunity to determine the air temperature at the surface at any point in space - it is enough to enter the coordinates of the point X, Y, Z (Fig. 3), flow visualization of temperature fields, velocity and pressure fields, graphical representation of the distribution of the temperature of the room height from floor level , the temperature distribution on selected circuits in the context of the room.

Figure 1 - The geometry of the room

Figure 2 - Middle room temperature

Figure 3-Temperature of air at the surface point of the room (1.5 m, 1.5 m, 1.5 m)
4.2 Mathematical description of the ke turbulence model heat flow
Currently, a large number of different models for the calculation of turbulent flows. They differ in complexity and accuracy of solutions describing the flow.
turbulence models directly in Ansys Fluent:
- A one-parameter model of Spalart-Allmaras; Two-parameter model
- RNG, Realizable;
- Model V2F;Models of large-eddy
- LES;
- ke turbulence model
family ke model refers to the two parametric models of turbulence and is represented by the standard ke model, its quadratic and nizkoreynoldsovoy modifications. This family of models has long been widely used for various classes of problems. Ke models differ serviceability, cost-effective and acceptable accuracy. Traditionally, the standard ke turbulence model of Launder Sopldinga provides good results in the simulation of flows with small gradients and using a computational grid that allows only the logarithmic sublayer (with large values ??of the parameter y +), nizkoreynoldsovaya AKN ke model is usually applied to the grids that allow the viscous sublayer.
Standard ke model is a model, usually restores a realistic picture of the flow. It is used for the analysis of turbulent flows in pipes and channels. Models of turbulence RNG, NKE, GIR and SZL control "excessive turbulence" task of amendments to C?. The amendments are set in accordance with the local strain rate.
C?, C1, C2, SCTK SCTD are constants and the standard ke model, defined as follows: p>
- C? - the constant ke turbulence model, which is used to update the turbulent viscosity.
- C1 - constant ke turbulence model.
- C2 - a constant ke turbulence model.
- SCTK - Schmidt number for the kinetic model of turbulence.
- Schmidt number for the coefficient of kinetic energy dissipation.
4.3 The main conclusions obtained in the analysis of documentary and instrumental examination
According to the analysis of the data to construct mathematical models has become possible to predict the distribution of heat flux on the object under study, the distribution of temperature, pressure and velocity of air. All these data allow us to determine the heat loss and compliance parameters of the object with the conditions of climatic comfort. .
In the inspected object is observed: nedootpusk heat at all surveyed sites, which leads to a violation of the temperature regime in the premises, lack of heat resulting from heating devices offset inflated power consumption when you turn on electric heaters ..
In case of noncompliance climate norms must develop appropriate energy saving measures. P>
Using a computer model is necessary for the analysis and selection of optimal energy-saving measures on the result of instrumental examinations. Engineering simulation tools help solve a wide range of tasks.
The choice of research topic due to the fact that fuel prices are increasing (mainly natural gas, which comes from Russia to Ukraine), which raises the problem of economical expenditure of energy.
Therefore, the question of obtaining such data is very relevant and needs attention.
Introductionworkstation leads to a reduction in work on the survey and accelerates the process of implementing energy saving measures that will save 120.5 thousand hryvnias. / facility or across the city 603 thousand UAH., including [ 36 ]:
- 302 thousand UAH. for boiler that supplies heat to the objects of study,.
- 190,7 ths. directly to the surveyed sites;
- 110 thousand UAH. the company, which is conducting a survey.
At the time of writing this essay master's work is not yet complete. The final completion - December 2012 Full text of the work and materials on the subject may be obtained from the author or his head after that date.
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