Summary of research and developments
Relevance of the topic. Enhancing Economic Development in Ukraine requires a substantial increase in investment and increase their use. To date, Ukraine — a country, the rate of investment attractiveness is reduced by 12 positions down, which is not good for foreign investors. It is therefore necessary to explore and measure the risk of investing in our country to improve the investment attractiveness.
In today's issue of the Ukrainian economy to assess and mitigate investment risk is particularly acute due to the instability of the tax regime, the fall of the national currency, the low purchasing power of the majority of the population, as a result, the formation of market relations makes the company to operate in conditions of uncertainty and risk generates new possibilities and limitations. I should add that in these conditions become more urgent question of a comprehensive evaluation, which includes the development and use of balanced scorecards.
Goals and objectives of the Master. The aim of this study is to deepen the theoretical principles and practical tools for improvement. In accordance with the intended purpose have been formulated and solved the following problems:
- the features of the investment processes in Ukraine;
- the necessity of evaluating investment risks;
- to review and theoretical generalization of existing approaches to the assessment and management of investment risk;
- the basic methods of evaluating investment risks;
- explore ways to reduce investment risk.
The object and subject of study. The object of this paper is the evaluation process, accounting, and reduce investment risks. The subject of this study is theoretical, methodological, and applied to assess the situation, taking into account and reduce investment risks.
Research methods. This study was performed using the following methods: a systematic structural analysis, logic synthesis, comparison, abstraction, the analysis and synthesis , analyzing the works of leading domestic and foreign scientists.
In the first section of the master's thesis analyzed the features of modern investment processes in Ukraine, the theoretical and methodological framework for the assessment of investment risks and their causes.
Assessment of investment risk should be at each stage of investment. The attractiveness of Ukraine for investors is low. This is due to the situation inside the country, namely the instability of the tax regime, the fall of the national currency, the low purchasing power of the majority of the population. Consider buying power in Ukraine and the national currency rate changes.
The purpose of the second section is the development of master's work provisions and principles of assessment of investment risk. Under section revealed issues related to the analysis methods to assess and manage investment risk.
To evaluate the investment risks using various methods by which we can determine and predict the risk of it, namely, statistical, and the method of expert estimates, the method of adjustment, the method of adjusting the discount rate, the discounted certainty equivalent, the method of state benefits, decision-making methods without the use of numerical values probabilities. The purpose of this process is to establish the size of the change in the analyzed factors characterizing the gains or losses and the probability of its occurrence.
In the management of investment risk using three methods: the method of insurance, a method of risk reduction and risk elimination method. The use of each method involves the application of measures to influence the level of investment risk. The study showed that these measures can be classified by three criteria: content (organizational and economic methods), the activity level of action (active intervention measures and measures of passive intervention) by stages of the investment project (activities, which are used in the preparation stage of the investment project to implementation of the measures used in the implementation phase of the investment project).
The third section will develop recommendations to reduce the investment risks in the enterprise. Under section will examine issues related to the reduction of investment risks, improvement of methods of reduction.
For Ukraine, the issue of evaluation, accountability and reduce the investment risk is important, due to the economic, political and social situation.
Confirmed the need to assess the instability of the tax regime, depreciation of national currency, the low purchasing power of the majority of the population. Analyzed the purchasing power of Ukraine, whose performance has not changed over the past two years, and have the last place, as well as the purchasing power index of below average at 10,511.
In the process, identified the ways and methods of evaluating investment risks, identified limitations in their application and proposed a comprehensive scheme by which must be carried out assessment of investment risks, which makes it possible to make informed decisions regarding the advisability of investing projects. It also highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of each method with the help of examples have been considered virtually methods of evaluating investment risks.
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At the moment of writing this abstract master's qualification work is not completed yet. Final completion is scheduled for December 2012. Full text of the work and materials on the subject of the work can be obtained from the author or her supervisor after this date.