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Abstract of the Master's Qualification Work
"Personnel vocational training at the enterprise"



In conditions of the market economy, an important tool for ensuring the stability of the company and increase of its competitiveness at the market, is a professional training in accordance with the current and perspective requirements with are demanded by its external and internal environment. The ability, willingness and desire of the personnel to learn faster than their competitors is a reliable factor for the effective functioning of the enterprise at the market for labor, goods and services. Professional staff training at the enterprises is especially important in today's context of rapid obsolescence of professional knowledge and skills.

1. Theme urgency

The urgency of research on the organization and effectiveness of the vocational education and training due to an acute need for qualified personnel because of the long crisis of the system of the vocational education and the vocational training in general. It is an urgent need to modernize it to meet the needs of customers: employers - in the labor force, and citizens – acquiring of a profession, providing a decent life. For professional training taking into account the needs and perspectives of the real sector of the economy of new types of educational institutions requires and the multi-layered, multi-profiling.

It should be taken into consideration that in recent years the system of primary professional education is increasingly reoriented towards the training of non-industrial occupations. Where the profile of basic training jobs is preserved the quality of the education does not require real conditions of production, requiring the ability to work with systems management software because of the mismatch content of the educational standards of Ukraine. Besides, we can add an outdated material-technical base, lack of financial resources, faculty and understaffing, etc. [8].

2. Goal and tasks of the research

The purpose of this research is to study the organization of vocational training at enterprises of Ukraine and the best international practices, development of methods of substantiating the needs of professional education, training and retraining of the staff in response to the economic opportunities, businesses and their performance.

Research objectives are to:

— Define the essence of the organization of vocational training, its forms, types and techniques in modern conditions.

— Analyze the global experience of the organization of vocational training at enterprises.

— Identify the key issues and current trends of vocational education and training in Ukraine.

— Develop a scientific approach to the organization of vocational training at enterprises with their economic opportunities and needs.

— Develop a method of assessment the effectiveness of vocational training at the enterprise.


Today, the human resource management politics should be focused on solving of the most important issue – to achieve such a position that production levels in all essential problems were successfully solved by raising the professional level of employees.

According to the government it is necessary to have a clear strategy of building a civil society that ensures free development of personality and self-realization within the framework of universal values, thus, creating conditions for extraordinary talented activity of a particular society in the transformation of the Ukrainian society on the basis of qualitative characteristics of the labor force.

That is why it is necessary to set strategic direction and technological movement towards a prosperous Ukraine on the basis of constant staff development, without which today any area of human activity can not develop dynamically [8].


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When writing this abstract the master’s qualification work is not completed. Date of final completion of work: December, 2012. Full text of the work and materials on a work theme can be received from the author or his scientific supervisor after that date.