The content
- Introduction
- Relevance of the topic
- The problems of youth employment in Ukraine
- The findings
- References
Young people – it is a separate part of the labor market, it does not develop because the entire market, but depends on it. Despite the high intellectual potential, the mobility of young people very often do not have enough labor and life experience. Unemployed young people – this is a special social group, which at a certain time does not have such values as working associated with it prestige, material wealth and general acceptance. This influence the general behavior of the motivation of young people, motives, choices and skills development, or retraining. Considerable part of the young unemployed are young people – graduates of the vocational and higher education institutions that have received a profession (specialty), and first enter the labor market.
In Ukraine has not developed an integrated conceptual model for employment of graduates of public universities. So employment and youth employment is a priority of the state.
Relevance of the topic
The relevance of the topic of master's work stems from the fact that young people – is the foundation of the future employment potential. Young people affected by social processes, determining the future of the state, through its mobility, flexibility and intellectual potential. Youth involvement in public processes of the country is one of the promising areas of full employment. The beginning of the XXI century was marked by a sharp aggravation of the social problems of young people around the world including in Ukraine. One of the major problems of youth unemployment has become. Unemployment is an important social, psychological and moral phenomenon, directly related to the policy of the state, but in the context of globalization – with the policies of international organizations. The phenomenon of unemployment is constantly concerned about society and requires a thorough study of the causes of its generators, requires an analysis of the economic sciences and constant attention from government agencies.
The problems of youth employment in Ukraine
In a market economy, where the right to work is not carried through the social security and through personal initiative, the issue of youth employment is particularly acute. Almost half of unemployed people in the world – young people aged 15 to 24 years. Although it is only the 4th part of the total population of working age, the likelihood of unemployment for young people three times higher than for adults [1, p.86]. This issue is also relevant for Ukraine. It should be noted that the total number of unemployed in our country at the age of 15 to 70 years, according to ILO methodology increased from 1417.6 thousand people. in 2007 to 1785.6 persons. in 2010, ie from 6.4 to 8.1% of the economically active population. At the same time the demand for labor at the end of the year declined from 169.7 thousand people. in 2007 to 63.9 thousand. 2010 in spite of this negative trend, the employment rate among people aged 25–49 years in 2010 reached 75% of the total population of relevant age group, but among young people between 15 and 24 years, it was only 34.5 % [2]. The data presented in Figure 1.
![Unemployed population (according to ILO methodology)](images/10.png)
Figure 1 - Unemployed population (according to ILO methodology)
Young people – specific socio-economic groups, which require additional measures to support labor market is also confirmed by the analysis of the causes of youth unemployment.
The main factors that affect the operation and involvement of young people into work is a personal capacity and self – esteem, motivation and value orientation, the degree of professional self – determination, the level and quality of education, place of residence, level of awareness, availability of working life, social security and the activities of State Employment and so on [3, p.76]. According to a survey, nearly 70% of school leavers are focused on learning in higher education, which is a consequence of the lack of a systematic approach to building an informed choice of occupations needed in the labor market. Unfortunately, companies and organizations engaged in virtually no guidance in secondary schools, do not pay attention to these issues and the media. To date, the training of many young professionals who have graduated from institutions of higher education is almost not meet today's employers. The system of vocational education is completely focused not on the needs of employers, and the effective demand. Now, almost every school strives to prepare specialists in accounting, lawyers and economists. Even colleges and traditionally produced skilled workers receive a license to train such specialists. Saturation of the labor market data function has led to young people with a diploma, but no work experience can not find work in their specialty. This is evidenced by the fact that in 2009 the proportion in our country are not employed after the end of the secondary and tertiary levels I – IV accreditation levels reached 260.8 thousand people., Or 18.3% of the total unemployed population. In addition, more than 60% of school leavers the main condition of his employment is considered a high salary. This reorientation has led to what is now Ukraine, on the one graduate – a prospective employee, who was studying in the vocational and technical education for up to four specialists with higher education [4, p.4].
Young people all the time the independent development of our young state was one of the most vulnerable in the labor market. It is always more difficult than adult members of the workforce to get a job, and in cases of reorganization and economic difficulties in the production, it falls under the first reductions. But with the advent of the recent economic crisis, this problem has reached a hitherto unpublished sizes. For example, in 2010 the unemployment rate among young people aged between 15 and 24 years calculated by ILO methodology has reached 12.3%, while the overall unemployment rate of just 8.1%. Most alarming is the situation in the younger age group, which includes young people aged 15 to 24 years. The unemployment rate among the economically active population in this age group is 17.4%, while in older age groups of young people – from 25 to 29 years and 30 to 39 years, this figure represents only 9.9% and 7.8% respectively [5, p.56]. The data presented in Figure 2.
![Unemployment rate by age group, 2010](images/12.png)
Figure 2 – Unemployment rate by age group, 2010
Ukraine is still in a state of economic crisis, which is characterized by a significant decline in living standards, the decline of domestic production, which leads to unemployment in Ukraine. Thus, in the period from 2000 to 2008 there has been a significant reduction in the unemployment rate of economically active population, from 14.9% to 8%, respectively, which is almost doubled. For example, in 2009 there has been a significant increase in this indicator in 2010 improved the situation did not happen.
Youth unemployment today is not only a problem in Ukraine, and reached a global level, and requires immediate action as we do, and in other countries, so to overcome it must be studied as a good and bad experiences of other countries, it is necessary to implement the joint efforts by governments of all countries and international organizations. The negative consequences of this situation at the global youth labor market is not subject to resolution of the situation in full now, it is difficult to predict.
The findings
In such a way drawing conclusions, we propose the following measures to reduce unemployment among young people aged 15 to 24 years. Improve the situation of youth employment can contribute to:
- Develop and adopt a special Law "On the flexible and non-institutional forms of employment," which would involve extensive use of flexible working time and fixed the conditions of temporary and seasonal contracts.
- Creation of a separate labor exchanges (or specific department) is for youth employment.
- The development – oriented projects for financing active measures to promote youth employment.
- Establish salary supplements to young workers (this event can act as an incentive to search for a specific work by young people).
- Develop and implement an effective mechanism for financial and other support to enterprises, institutions and organizations participating in the program on youth employment.
It can be concluded that the persistence of young people who really want to work in conjunction with the implementation of an effective youth policy, aimed at getting young people aged 15 to 24 years of work with adequate working conditions will improve the situation of youth unemployment and the level of economic development in the state a whole. An effective solution to the problem of youth employment will give impetus to the development of national economy, contribute to the formation of Ukraine as a stable, developed and prosperous nation.
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