- General characteristics of the
- Background
- Purpose and objectives of the study
- Highlights master work
- Conclusions
- List of literature
General characteristics
Effective development of the national economy depends crucially on the extent of implementation of the latest techniques and technologies. Increased activity of the implementation of innovative projects at the domestic enterprises is one of the main prerequisites for stability and sustainable development of the national economy. But while economic agents under uncertainty faced a serious obstacle as the chronic shortage of financial resources. There is a number of problems associated with the need to improve financial support for innovative projects, such as managing their own financial resources, the effective mobilization of additional resources, determination of the optimal structure of own and borrowed resources.
Theoretical aspects of the foundations of financial support for innovative activities and projects incorporated in the works of famous scholars, namely, N. Kondratieff, D. Clark, D. North, B. Santo, B. Twiss, M. Tugan-Baranovsky, R. Nelson, G. Friedman, C. Freeman, J. Schumpeter, A. Utkin, R. Fatkhutdinov, D. Chervanev,S. Kravchenko, V. Krainov, V. Yakovlev et al. Among the current research, covering various aspects of the theory and practice of financial support for science and innovation, we should note the works of A/ Zilina, A. Kondrashov, A. Lapko, S. Onishko, V. Osetskogo. Given that the scientific developments on this topic a lot, but there are issues that remain unresolved, and ill-conceived, both in theoretical and practical aspects.
Purpose and objectives of the study
The purpose of master's work is: a generalization and deepening of the theoretical and scientific-methodological approaches and develop policy recommendations to improve financial support for innovative projects.
Based on the goal, were as follows:
- Explore innovative project financing as a specific object.
- Determine the features of financial support for innovative projects.
- Reveal the mechanism of public and private financial support for innovation and promote long-term investments in innovation projects.
- Explore the use of financial sources to finance innovation projects.
- Explore methods of financial support for innovative projects.
- Explore the features of the functioning of venture financing in Ukraine.
- Justify proposals and recommendations to improve financial support for innovative projects in Ukraine.
Object of study: the process of financial support for innovative projects.
Subject of study: theoretical, methodological, practical approaches, methods and tools to build financial support for innovative projects.
The results obtained in this study, together decide the importance of scientific task - the development of theoretical and practical foundations of the system of financial support innovative projects in Ukraine.
During the study, subjects improved: defining components of the system of financial support for innovative projects in the direction of their classification and specification of the content. There will also be offered: a system of criteria determining the priority areas of funding innovative projects and select methods of financing of innovative projects in the context of its stages and subjects, the nature of research.
The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the results of master's work can be used in any enterprise to find money to invest and improve the system of funding for innovative projects.
In the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of work, research and development uses, as set out in the work of domestic and foreign scholars in finance, management theory, management, economics, and use comparison methods, statistical and graphical analysis, a systematic approach of forecasting.
The main provisions of the Master's conclusions and proposals based on the use of normative and legislative acts of Ukraine on innovative projects, the official Goskomstat data, the Ministry of Finance, National Bank of Ukraine, as well as monographs and scientific publications, foreign and domestic scientists, these periodicals.
In the master's work will be carried out theoretical and practical study of a generalization of the factors influencing the effectiveness of the financing of innovative projects.
In the introduction to the actuality of the topic of master's work and research the feasibility study, identified the object and subject of study. Stated goals and objectives, to show the scientific novelty and practical importance of the work done.
The first section Theoretical aspects of the financial support of innovative projects
Will be disclosed and justified the essence of the concepts of innovation
, an innovative project
. Investigated the value of innovation in economic development, defined by the economic essence of innovation and innovative projects as the object of financing, examined theoretical questions of financing innovation in the sphere of economic transformation, revealed the need for and characteristics of the financing of innovative projects. The term "innovation" in its modern sense, was the first to apply Schumpeter, who emphasized that innovation - is a significant change in function produced, consisting of the new connection and commercialization of new combinations, based on the use of new materials and components, implementation of new processes , opening new markets, new organizational form.
The second section Engineering financial of innovative project
, identifies and discusses the methods and forms of financing for innovative projects, the state's role in financing, as well as the development of venture financing in Ukraine.
Innovation projects are generally characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and risk, so the important principles of their funding, is the multiplicity of sources and methods, the flexibility and adaptability to a changing, turbulent environment of innovation processes. In the works of many authors of different concepts are treated sources and methods of financing. In some studies the sources of funding innovative projects can be enterprises, financial and industrial groups, small business innovation, investment and innovation funds, local governments, individuals and others.
Differ not only in the concept of funding sources, and forms of financing for innovative projects. Analyzing the work of many authors, one can see that sometimes the forms and methods of financing and the cross characterize the same thing, so this issue is also very difficult to find a unique solution. Therefore, in this paper is not considered a form of financial security, and a mixed form, which is composed of several forms of financing described in scientific papers. As a conclusion, we note that the methods and forms of financial support is very much varied. With some it is impossible to fund innovative projects, since this is impossible because of the state enterprises, and some are not sufficiently studied.
The third section Recommendations for financial support of innovative projects in the enterprises of Ukraine
Formulated recommendations to improve the methods of financial support for innovative projects in the coal industry. We consider the peculiarities of the coal industry, the implementation of innovative projects based on them, and standard methods of financing projects for such companies. It also developed recommendations for a system of funding innovation projects investigated the relative enterprises.
In the master's work revealed the essence of the concept of innovation development, as well as theoretical propositions considered financial support innovative projects in Ukraine and abroad. The possible financial support for enterprise development in Ukraine. We consider the development of theoretical bases of financial support for businesses, especially innovative directions. Created new specific guidelines for improving the system of financial support innovative development companies in a market economy. Also suggested the introduction of financial support for innovative projects.
When writing this master of the abstract work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2012. The full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author after this date.
List of literature
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