1. Theme urgency
Coal industry - is a strategic sector of the economy of Ukraine, which is in a critical situation. For effective and sustainable functionality of the coal industry it’s necessary to implement technical re-equipment, realize an effective innovations, put changes in management, ownership, etc. The strategic goal of formation enterprise innovative system is reaching the required level of enterprise competitiveness. The main resource for achieving its goal to develop a corporate innovation system or program.
2. Goal and tasks of the research
The work purpose - deepening the theoretical provisions of formation of the innovative program and justification of practical recommendations concerning ways and methods of its realization.
According to the goal of research there were formulated the following tasks:
- to carry out the analysis of the main directions of innovative development of the coal-mining enterprises;
- identify features of the development of innovative business strategy;
- to prove need of formation of the innovative program as organizational and economic ensuring development of the enterprise;
- clarify the basic methodological approaches to the formation of an innovative program in the enterprise;
- define the essence of innovative projects as the building blocks of innovative enterprise software;
- to specify the main methodical approaches to formation of the innovative program at the enterprise;
- to develop recommendations on substantiation of innovative programs;
- to develop approaches to information provision process of program development;
- to assess the prospects and opportunities for innovative development in the enterprise.
The object of study is the formation of the company’s development innovative program.
The subject of the study to specify the main methodical approaches to formation of the innovative program at the enterprise.
3. Content
In the first section "Theoretical aspects of the formation of innovative development programs," are considered the main directions of ensuring innovative development of the coal-mining enterprises, features of formation of innovative strategy of the enterprise are allocated, and also considered essence of formation of the innovative program of the enterprise.
It should be noted that the innovative development of the coal industry is possible only if the introduction of appropriate measures at all levels: national, sectoral and at the level of coal-fired plants.
At the level of coal enterprises such steps are required:
- in the long-term plans (strategies) of the enterprise to identify priority directions of innovative development;
- improve the system of personnel management and labor motivation in order to stimulate innovative activity;
- create an effective system of incentives for workers for innovative suggestions, creative ideas, suggestions, technology development, improvement of structures, etc.;
- develop and implement a comprehensive system of quality assessment of the employee as the basis for the differentiation of material incentives;
- develop a system of information ensuring the development of innovative capacity of the enterprise;
- raise the level of innovation culture in the company by improving the perception of innovation enterprise staff, his willingness and ability to implement innovations in the form of innovation.[8]
In a general innovative strategy of the enterprise (strategy of innovative activity) is possible to characterize as certain logic construction on the basis of which the enterprise solves the main problems facing it in an innovative field of activity. It is necessary to consider that as for each innovation, and each made goods (service) there are strictly individual strategy and tactics. At the same time complex vision of innovative activity of the enterprise includes both concrete strategy, and various aspects of production and innovation realization. Besides, it is necessary to state a real assessment of expenses and results from implementation of innovative activity at the enterprise. Typical structure of the concept of innovation support in an industrial plant is shown in Figure 1.
![The main elements of the concept of innovation support in an industrial plant.](images/image 1.gif)
Figure 1 - The main elements of the concept of innovation support in an industrial plant.
(Animation: 5 images, 4-cycle repetition, 112 kilobytes)
In the second section, "Methodological Approaches to Innovation program," disclosed the basic methodological approaches to the development of innovative program at the enterprise, defined the essence of innovative projects as the constituent elements of the innovation program of the enterprise, review and refinement of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of innovative projects of the enterprise.
An innovative project – is a system of interrelated objectives and programs to achieve them, representing the range of research, development, production, organizational, financial, commercial and other activities, as appropriate, organized, designed a set of design documents and provide an effective solution to a specific scientific and technical tasks (problems), expressed in quantitative terms, and leads to innovation.
Innovation project covers all stages of the innovation activities related to the transformation of scientific and technical ideas to a new or improved product introduced on the market, new or improved process technology used in practice or in a new approach to social services. From the perspective of the stages of innovation project includes research, design and experimental works, the development of production, organization of production and launch, marketing new products, as well as financial measures. [15, p.33-34]
The third section of "Guidelines for the development of innovative program in the enterprise"
In this section is planning to develop approaches to formation of information support program, to assess the prospects and opportunities for innovative development in the enterprise.
The findings are summarized the main results of master's work, a systematic development of economic security management company.
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